Turtle Soup [Raph, Leo, Donnie, Sora, Open]

Apr 11, 2007 18:17

Who: Raph, Leo, Open
What: Meeting downstairs to help with the crapp-ola.
When: Today, about now-ish.
Where: First floor.
Rating: PG for now ( Read more... )

leonardo, donatello, raphael, sora

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Comments 22

honorandcourage April 11 2007, 23:50:49 UTC
Still not completely comfortable with Paradisa or the people who inhabited it, Leonardo took a more circumspect path to the first floor of the castle, moving quickly from one shadow to the next and using the various doorways, alcoves, and scattered furniture to his advantage. He knew he was being more cautious than he probably needed to be, but considering that he was about to come face-to-face with something right out of a horror movie, Leonardo wasn't willing to take chances ( ... )


x_nightwatcher April 12 2007, 00:32:41 UTC
Raph kept perfectly still as his brother came up behind him. Call it good training, great sense of hearing, or a brotherly connection, the red turtle just wasn't surprised when his "elder" brother slunk up next to him.

He grunted once then glanced back at Leo for a moment, taking in the sight of his formerly "lost" brother. His eyes skitted back to the action.

"They seem to have some sort of driving force behind them, a little bit of experience," Raph said, a little uncertain whether he was talking about the creatures or the defenders. Both, truthfully. "Not much for planning, but they're sorting it out nonetheless I think."


honorandcourage April 12 2007, 02:37:01 UTC
Leonardo's eyes narrowed in thought. In close quarters, a large group of inexperienced fighters could be more dangerous than the enemies themselves. Not knowing who any of these people were, he was unable to accurately judge their skill levels. Some held their weapons as if they were well-acquainted with their use, while the best that could be said of others was that at least they knew which part of the weapon was the business end.

"If they get in here, it's going to be chaos," Leo muttered, glancing around for a solution to the problem and not finding much to work with. "And I've been told that going out is suicide. Though, with the proper timing..."

He took a moment to mull it over before looking at his brother. "If they get in, we can get out. By thinning out the ranks, maybe we can make the battle more manageable."


x_nightwatcher April 12 2007, 03:14:57 UTC
Raph nodded his agreement. "Yea, sure. Sounds like a plan--more these guys probably have." He paused, glanced at his brother with his eyes only. "In other words, we go outside to fight so we make it less chaotic for the good guys inside, right?" He grinned. "I love suicide plans. Why haven't I noticed this side of you before?"


Feel free to ignore until Don officially shows up. purple_bo April 12 2007, 02:34:44 UTC
Donatello could have smacked himself on the head. After spending the last few days trying to figure out how that giant journal in his room worked (inexplicably tearing up a few pages in the process), the turtle actually took some time to read a few entries.

Zombies. Honest to God zombies. Speaking Spanish, oddly enough. All trying to get into the castle.

After thumbing through the pages to confirm the entries, the ninja swiftly strapped his bo to his back and headed for the door, only to pause. The people here seemed to be more concerned with the attackers, and some of them weren't even human. Donnie highly doubted that they would react all that terribly to a walking, talking turtle, so he decided not to don the trench coat and hat.

And all those stairs...

Childish glee almost completely filled Donatello's eyes as he spotted the skateboard leaning against the wall, oh so conveniently next to the door. "Bossa nova!" he exclaimed to himself.

And hey. It was much faster than walking.


And here he is! purple_bo April 12 2007, 03:59:49 UTC
Sliding down the railing for the last flight of stairs, Donnie leaped into the air, grabbed the board mid-flip, and nimbly landed on his feet only to dart into the shadows. Now that he could actually see people out and about, the ninja turtle erred to the side of caution and stayed out of sight.

Donatello 'hmm'ed to himself as he watched the disorganized group crowd around the entryway. They were obviously not used to working together, especially those two crouched away in the shadows like he was.


Whispering as loudly as possible, the turtle called out to the familiar figures. "Raph? Leo?"


Re: And here he is! x_nightwatcher April 12 2007, 05:29:03 UTC
Raph turned his head immediately towards the sound of the familiar voice. He blinked in surprise. This particular brother he hadn't expected.

"Donnie?" he called out, equally quiet and secretive. He slipped into an adjoining shadow and got a better look at the hidden figure. "When the shell did you get here?"


Re: And here he is! honorandcourage April 12 2007, 10:35:49 UTC
For a moment, Leonardo could only stare at his brother in shock. Donatello was here? When had he gotten here? Just recently, Leo guessed after a second, otherwise he probably would have run into Raph already.

Leo followed Raphael. "Donnie! How are you?"


purple_bo April 12 2007, 19:09:33 UTC
"I got here a few days ago, right before this whole mess started," Donatello answered with a shrug. "My room is just so high up I've been left out of the loop."

Casting a furtive glance around their hidey-hole, Don hastily moved in next to his brothers to give them a quick hug. "Too bad Mikey isn't here, too. With all the zombie movies he's seen, he'd be in turtle heaven right now."


Feel free to ignore until whenever ready? chosen_heart April 12 2007, 06:08:28 UTC
Things were hectic in the corridors of the first floor alright. People coming and going from wherever their destinations were. Some were getting food, or going up to rest, or coming down to help out. Add the fact that it was people from dozens of different worlds with different ideas about how it should be, and it was near impossible to get a distinct order around here ( ... )


x_nightwatcher April 12 2007, 22:19:24 UTC
"Well, Leo, we don't have to worry about that anymore," Raph said in an aside to his brothers. "Sooner got here a lot quicker than expected."

Raphael narrowed his eyes at the kid in front of them as he stepped out of the shadows. "As a matter of fact," the turtle said, "we have. Anybody around here leading this rag-tag force? Doesn't look too organized if you ask me." He waved a hand at the hectic scene.


chosen_heart April 13 2007, 17:31:27 UTC
Appearances had never bothered Sora. People were people, no matter what they looked like. So Sora wasn't the least bit surprised or taken back when he saw the people in the shadows were turtles. Instead he just gave his usual kind smile when they said they were here to help. "Thats great! We can always use more help! I'm Sora, its nice to meet you" he held out his hand.

"Well, techincally Selphie and Leon are the head of the CPVC, which are the main amount of people here," he said thoughtfully. Sora wondered where those two were, he hadn't seen them in awhile. "But they are off elsewhere. Beyond that, we just try to figure out what needs to be done where as a group." People seemed to listen to him, and he would listen to the ideas of others.


honorandcourage April 13 2007, 17:53:40 UTC
Leonardo extended his hand to shake Sora's. "Pleased to meet you, Sora. I'm Leonardo, and these are my brothers, Raphael and Donatello." He tilted his head in the direction of his brothers as he introduced them.

This was going better than he had expected. The last few times they had been exposed to people, there had been a lot of screaming, yelling, and fainting. It was nice to be accepted for a change.


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