Turtle Soup [Raph, Leo, Donnie, Sora, Open]

Apr 11, 2007 18:17

Who: Raph, Leo, Open
What: Meeting downstairs to help with the crapp-ola.
When: Today, about now-ish.
Where: First floor.
Rating: PG for now ( Read more... )

leonardo, donatello, raphael, sora

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And here he is! purple_bo April 12 2007, 03:59:49 UTC
Sliding down the railing for the last flight of stairs, Donnie leaped into the air, grabbed the board mid-flip, and nimbly landed on his feet only to dart into the shadows. Now that he could actually see people out and about, the ninja turtle erred to the side of caution and stayed out of sight.

Donatello 'hmm'ed to himself as he watched the disorganized group crowd around the entryway. They were obviously not used to working together, especially those two crouched away in the shadows like he was.


Whispering as loudly as possible, the turtle called out to the familiar figures. "Raph? Leo?"


Re: And here he is! x_nightwatcher April 12 2007, 05:29:03 UTC
Raph turned his head immediately towards the sound of the familiar voice. He blinked in surprise. This particular brother he hadn't expected.

"Donnie?" he called out, equally quiet and secretive. He slipped into an adjoining shadow and got a better look at the hidden figure. "When the shell did you get here?"


Re: And here he is! honorandcourage April 12 2007, 10:35:49 UTC
For a moment, Leonardo could only stare at his brother in shock. Donatello was here? When had he gotten here? Just recently, Leo guessed after a second, otherwise he probably would have run into Raph already.

Leo followed Raphael. "Donnie! How are you?"


purple_bo April 12 2007, 19:09:33 UTC
"I got here a few days ago, right before this whole mess started," Donatello answered with a shrug. "My room is just so high up I've been left out of the loop."

Casting a furtive glance around their hidey-hole, Don hastily moved in next to his brothers to give them a quick hug. "Too bad Mikey isn't here, too. With all the zombie movies he's seen, he'd be in turtle heaven right now."


x_nightwatcher April 12 2007, 20:08:35 UTC
Raph endured the hug then chuckled a little bit. "Yea, we were just discussing him. He'd definitely get a kick out of this."

Raphael moved further into the shadows as he glanced about. Most people walked on by without notice, but some more observant or just plain lucky were beginning to notice the three turtles. They were a bit more obvious now with all three of them together like this. Besides, it's not like they were hiding up on rooftops like in New York.


honorandcourage April 12 2007, 21:58:16 UTC
"It sounds like you and I got here around the same time," Leo replied, happily returning Donatello's hug. Funny how he'd spent more than a year hiding out in Central America, convincing himself that he didn't miss his brothers, and barely a week had gone by here and he was nearly beside himself, thrilled to be reunited with them.

Noticing the looks they were starting to attract and knowing that they couldn't keep hiding here and not be discovered, Leonardo came to decision that he had been hoping he wouldn't have to make.

"I think the time for hiding's over, guys," he said quietly, scanning the area around them. "They're going to figure out that we're here sooner or later, sooner with the way things are going. And we're not the only ones here who aren't human. Yesterday I saw a dragon-looking dude walking through the halls, and if they're not scared by all the teeth and claws and wings, they're not likely to be scared of us." I hope, he added silently.


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