Turtle Soup [Raph, Leo, Donnie, Sora, Open]

Apr 11, 2007 18:17

Who: Raph, Leo, Open
What: Meeting downstairs to help with the crapp-ola.
When: Today, about now-ish.
Where: First floor.
Rating: PG for now.
Note: Since this is taking place on the first floor during this Ganados stuff, anyone down there barricading is more than welcome to run into them. Plus, Raph still wants to meet Sora... hinthint... since I know he's down there helping out. XD

Raphael sprinted down the stairs at an impossibly quick rate. In fact, he literally skipped several sets at a time as he slid down the railing more than once and hopped the entire flight a few times. He was down to the first floor in no time.

For once the red bandanna-ed turtle wasn't dressed in anything--neither metal armor, nor secretive trench coat and fedora hat. He was just plain Raph, a teenaged ninja turtle. He seemed to be in a good mood for once, despite the entire "zombie crisis" thing going on.

He didn't think it mattered in this Paradisa place if he hid himself anymore. He'd seen plenty of other weird creatures and people here already, what was one more? Besides, there was more than one of him now.

He skidded to a stop somewhere near the entrance, where all the action and barricading was. Instinctively he hid in the shadows, despite his current thoughts about non-secrecy. He was a ninja after all.

leonardo, donatello, raphael, sora

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