Turtle Soup [Raph, Leo, Donnie, Sora, Open]

Apr 11, 2007 18:17

Who: Raph, Leo, Open
What: Meeting downstairs to help with the crapp-ola.
When: Today, about now-ish.
Where: First floor.
Rating: PG for now ( Read more... )

leonardo, donatello, raphael, sora

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Feel free to ignore until whenever ready? chosen_heart April 12 2007, 06:08:28 UTC
Things were hectic in the corridors of the first floor alright. People coming and going from wherever their destinations were. Some were getting food, or going up to rest, or coming down to help out. Add the fact that it was people from dozens of different worlds with different ideas about how it should be, and it was near impossible to get a distinct order around here ( ... )


x_nightwatcher April 12 2007, 22:19:24 UTC
"Well, Leo, we don't have to worry about that anymore," Raph said in an aside to his brothers. "Sooner got here a lot quicker than expected."

Raphael narrowed his eyes at the kid in front of them as he stepped out of the shadows. "As a matter of fact," the turtle said, "we have. Anybody around here leading this rag-tag force? Doesn't look too organized if you ask me." He waved a hand at the hectic scene.


chosen_heart April 13 2007, 17:31:27 UTC
Appearances had never bothered Sora. People were people, no matter what they looked like. So Sora wasn't the least bit surprised or taken back when he saw the people in the shadows were turtles. Instead he just gave his usual kind smile when they said they were here to help. "Thats great! We can always use more help! I'm Sora, its nice to meet you" he held out his hand.

"Well, techincally Selphie and Leon are the head of the CPVC, which are the main amount of people here," he said thoughtfully. Sora wondered where those two were, he hadn't seen them in awhile. "But they are off elsewhere. Beyond that, we just try to figure out what needs to be done where as a group." People seemed to listen to him, and he would listen to the ideas of others.


honorandcourage April 13 2007, 17:53:40 UTC
Leonardo extended his hand to shake Sora's. "Pleased to meet you, Sora. I'm Leonardo, and these are my brothers, Raphael and Donatello." He tilted his head in the direction of his brothers as he introduced them.

This was going better than he had expected. The last few times they had been exposed to people, there had been a lot of screaming, yelling, and fainting. It was nice to be accepted for a change.


x_nightwatcher April 13 2007, 19:49:59 UTC
Raphael refused to jump back at the familiar name. He glanced the kid up and down, raising an eye-ridge in place of an eyebrow as he studied the boy. "Sora? From the journals? The keyblade-thingie guy?" he asked as excitedly as Raph ever let his voice get--which was still pretty bland.

He remembered wanting to meet the kid and maybe spar him, just so he could see this blade of his. Who ever heard of a "key" blade anyway? He also remembered that he had meant to write a note to the kid in the journals that their meeting should wait till after the zombie crisis, but he had forgotten after talking to Leo.

He waved a hand in the air frantically. "What're ya doin' down here? Shouldn't you be somewhere safe, kid?"


purple_bo April 14 2007, 05:40:09 UTC
Donnie, after nodding a polite 'hello' to Sora, turned to look into the crowd and see what needed to be done. "Somebody should build actual bracers for the doors instead of just shoving stuff in front of it. And the windows..." he muttered to himself, "the upper levels can be left open to shoot out of."

The techno-turtle looked to the somewhat frantic group and then to the stairs. "The stairs. Hmm..." There had to be a back-up plan, in case those zombie-things ever got into the castle. They can only move up the building so many times.


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