Hetalia Headcanon -- FIRE!!

Jul 07, 2009 17:12

So, my pally sakuratsukikage posted about hetalia sex headcanon today, and I wrote so much that I figured I should just write out my head canon, for my own benefit. YOU CAN TOTALLY IGNORE THIS IF YOU WANT, IT'S JUST MY OPINION. Although, my opinions are very impressionable and subject to others, so they may be your opinions too XDD

Fire in the hole~ )

england, canada, america, spain, germany, feliciano, sweden, greece, sealand, portugal, france, japan, tony, finland, italy, romano

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Comments 96

sakuratsukikage July 8 2009, 04:13:10 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥

I am so proud to be at least partly responsible for this.


Firstly, America is a lot more mellow and thoughtful than people think. For a long time, in his youth, Europe didn't really acknowledge him, and treated him as though his government would fail at any moment and he would cease to be. Even today, he is a bit of a laughing stock, and is made fun of for his weight problem and his hatred of universal healthcare, etc. He feels its necessary to be loud and obnoxious with them, and constantly call himself "awesome," just so there's no room for argument and they'll take him seriously. It often has the opposite effect, but it reassuring to him that at least they see him as a major power and acknowledge his strength. Around certain people though, like Japan, and Lithuania, he is more modest and genuine.I'm not sure how conscious all this is, but I definitely think it's a part of it. As much as I see America as really quite genuinely the gigantic over-the-top somewhat jerkass-tastic MASSIVE DORK in ( ... )


ottful July 8 2009, 04:33:34 UTC
Partly?? You are COMPLETELY responsible for this. THE TREND WILL CONTINUE. I PROMISE YOU THIS.

I'm not sure how conscious all this is, but I definitely think it's a part of it. As much as I see America as really quite genuinely the gigantic over-the-top somewhat jerkass-tastic MASSIVE DORK in all caps who just doesn't know quite how to tone it down, I really do think that there's a lot of this inside him. I think he's also not very self-aware and a very immediate type, so I'm not all sure how much of it is conscious, or the greater relaxation and sincerity around Japan and Lithuania. America has always been quick to overreact and do it in an ALL CAPS fashion, so that's exactly what his acting out because of insecurities ends up as. And I think that America tells himself who he wants to be, kind of, with all of it. If that makes any sense.I think most of it is subconscious. He really is just a very ALL CAPS sort of person, and sometimes (most of the time) he acts without really thinking about what he's doing. He has an idea of himself ( ... )


sakuratsukikage July 9 2009, 07:01:08 UTC
Hee hee hee. XD. All right. I'll take that. OKAY. I'M PRETTY DANG EXCITED. THIS IS SO MUCH FUN.

*nods* America definitely is an out there sort of person, and I definitely agree that a lot of the time he acts without thinking about what he's doing. I agree with this:

He has an idea of himself that he wants to live up to, but he doesn't always have that image in mind when he knee-jerk reacts to things.

And this:

He feels like Japan and Liet see him as he would like to be seen to them, so he doesn't feel the need to be quite as obnoxious around them. (I'm just thinking about the Storage Cleaning scenes with Liet in the anime... he's alot more collected and modest with Liet, but that's probably cause Liet doesn't call him a kid or talk down to him.)

so much. He really is quieter and softer and seems more relaxed with them.

(I love that Jefferson quote--it definitely says alot about what America felt at the time. DORKDORKDORK) Alfred really wanted freedom, but like you said, what it boiled down to was that he wanted Arthur ( ... )


ottful July 9 2009, 22:42:06 UTC
I think as soon as the war was over, practically, he was like--"Okay, pax, friends again, now that you have to see me as an equal and all and we can go back to normal only now it'll be even better because we're both real countries?" and England was like NO GET AWAY FROM ME YOU BROKE MY HEART YOU BASTARD I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU, and that really hurt America, because he was like . . . but why don't you want me to be strong, like you?

This is a very goofy but extremely accurate depiction of their interaction at the time. I comepletely agree XD


sakuratsukikage July 8 2009, 04:13:28 UTC
I can see him getting pretty dang moody and mopey, though. Well, he was a pretty young teenager at the time, experiencing some of the most tumultuous upheavals of any nation's life (and he was one of the first to do it, which must have been FREAKING TERRIFYING). And I think that the fact that he was getting so much help and attention from France (and Prussia) and support really helped him feel better and, in a little bit of a hurting, spiteful, little-boy kind of way, sort of like "haha, look he likes me so there, you're dumb" to England in a way. And he was all over the place emotionally, basically. Sometimes France would go to visit America's tent/room before . . . *ahem* retiring for the night (I think France had his own quarters, because I go back and forth on whether or not I think they actually had a relationship rather than just heavy flirting, and I think America would have demanded the space in any event, either way but ANYWAY) and find America curled in on himself and sobbing his heart out and then the next morning he'd ( ... )


ottful July 8 2009, 04:46:40 UTC
and he was one of the first to do it, which must have been FREAKING TERRIFYING

YES TO THIS. I can't even imagine doing what he did. How UTTERLY SCARY!

(I think France had his own quarters, because I go back and forth on whether or not I think they actually had a relationship rather than just heavy flirting, and I think America would have demanded the space in any event, either way but ANYWAY)

I think France might've tried something at the time, but America was so wrapped up in his own conflict (that, combined with his usual thick-headedness) that it wouldn't have gotten very far. But yes, I think the help definitely reassured him alot. Cos the only thing more terrifying than doing what he did would be doing it ALONE.

and find America curled in on himself and sobbing his heart out and then the next morning he'd be all I'M GOING TO KICK THAT TORY BASTARD'S ASS

I COULDN'T POSSIBLY AGREE WITH THIS MORE. YESS. Just... God, what a train-wreck he must've been.

And he still goes all fanboy whenever anyone talks about them. And he got ( ... )


sakuratsukikage July 9 2009, 07:19:02 UTC
Has guts, that one. To spare. XD

See, even though I really like Revolutionary War France/America, I totally agree with this, because even if they did get involved at all then, I think America would always have been focused on his own conflict, like you said (and more than half of it would have been the reassurance).

In my head Revolutionary War!America was all youthful, teeth-gritted determination and fire, but under that he was so all-over-the-place, emotionally, and trying to lie to himself about that.

Oh, absolutely!!! I think George Washington is about as big as it gets hero-wise, cause not only was he a great political leader and idealist, but he was an out-of-this-world war general, and basically a God to a LOT of people back then. So even seeing Washington on the battlefield or something would send America comepletely starry-eyed and stupid.

OH YES. I really do think so. And Washington would be hugely embarrassed by this and care about America so much.

And alot of the founding fathers were very real guys (Adams had ( ... )


ottful July 9 2009, 22:45:22 UTC
OH YES. I really do think so. And Washington would be hugely embarrassed by this and care about America so much.

YESSS. I think Washington really immensely cared for America, and that was why he was such an amazing leader. It was give and take for both of them.


sakuratsukikage July 8 2009, 04:57:36 UTC
He is, in the simplest words, totally head-over-heels in love with England.

First of all, have I mentioned lately how much I love the way you write America as being head-over-heels in love with England like this? I just . . . really love it. There's so much exuberance and genuine feeling behind and just . . . it's the cutest thing. Because that's the way America loves, I think. He just can't help it.

thinks he's probably the most adorable person he's ever known.

THIS yes. I just love the idea of America flailing because of how cute England is. Or spacing out because of it, in a meeting or something. Or just. Yes. And for a long time he'd never have admitted it, but . . . just. Yeah.

As a child, he revered England as an older brother, and that feeling has only been perpetuated by England's recent affectionate gestures.

I think nothing makes America light up quite as much as England actually being affectionate to him these days.

America respects England immensely, particularly for his strength and how dignified he is, ( ... )


ottful July 8 2009, 05:21:12 UTC
First of all, have I mentioned lately how much I love the way you write America as being head-over-heels in love with England like this? I just . . . really love it. There's so much exuberance and genuine feeling behind and just . . . it's the cutest thing. Because that's the way America loves, I think. He just can't help it.

NO, NO YOU HAVEN'T. But it makes me so completely happy to hear that,you can't even imagine. I don't think there's any way America can love someone without doing it all-out. It's especially true with England.

THIS yes. I just love the idea of America flailing because of how cute England is. Or spacing out because of it, in a meeting or something. Or just. Yes. And for a long time he'd never have admitted it, but . . . just. Yeah.

I love it too. I can easily see him squealing in private at something England says to him, just because he can't handle it and IT'S JUST TOO MUCH.

America knows that he's big, and strong, and he's just in awe of England, this little tiny country who's so much smaller, for being so ( ... )


sakuratsukikage July 9 2009, 07:27:55 UTC


But it makes me so completely happy to hear that,you can't even imagine.

Well! It's true! And I'm glad it makes you happy. *nods* Because I love it.

I love it too. I can easily see him squealing in private at something England says to him, just because he can't handle it and IT'S JUST TOO MUCH.

Yes. Yes, exactly. And it's the type of thing that would make him smile stupidly the rest of the day, no matter what else went wrong. Because he'd just think back to England being cute and be like *dopey grin~*.

Exactly!! He'll never understand how someone so small could have gotten so much damned power, let alone how he held on to it for so long. (I think he feels bad for being partly responsible for being the end of England's glory days, cos he imagines England being a fairly happy guy back when he was an empire.)Yes! And oh, America. I do think that England enjoyed himself a lot as an Empire, but some of it was definitely acting out because of what happened with America ( ... )


ottful July 9 2009, 22:51:24 UTC
And it's the type of thing that would make him smile stupidly the rest of the day, no matter what else went wrong. Because he'd just think back to England being cute and be like *dopey grin~*.

It's TRUE, it's soo so true. Or just randomly cracking up in the middle of a meeting, and being like "SORRY SORRY, just... sorry, guys," but not being able to say why he's giggling like a maniac...

(And what America doesn't realize would be that the happiness America would have with him would come much more from . . . inside, almost? It would be less transient.)

Yes, yes definitely. America's the kind guy who just sticks around, while the kind of power can come and go... especially these days, when there aren't really empires any more.

Hahaha, we are very brain twinny :P.

I like very much to think so XDD


sakuratsukikage July 8 2009, 05:08:00 UTC
I warned you this would take a long time . . . right? ^_^;;

America and Japan are best friends. They both have something of a bff-crush on each other, simply because there are a lot of things about both of them that the other admires greatly. They also love compact technology, video games, and cartoons, and have frequent "sleep-overs" where they play hours of video games and watch anime and American cartoons, and talking about gadgets.

SLEEP-OVERS? That's epic. I love it. (And most of the time America just comes over and ends up staying so late he has to stay the night XD).

America sometimes doesn't get Japan's fanboy culture, but he goes along with it even if it weirds him out, just so he can seem cool to Japan.

Hahahaha. Just so he can seem cool to Japan. So much so. Seriously.

To this day, America cringes at the thought of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Every time he happens to glance the scars on Japan's body, he feels like he has to say something, because he never had and still hasn't been that outright violent with anyone. ( ... )


ottful July 8 2009, 23:40:02 UTC
I warned you this would take a long time . . . right? ^_^;;

Absotively, my friend. I'm adoring every second <3

SLEEP-OVERS? That's epic. I love it.

YES, OF COURSE SLEEPOVERS. I see these two playing video games until their thumbs fall off and then sitting up in the dark and talking about the new transformers movie until they can't understand each other any more and just conk out XD

YES SO MUCH. *FLAILS* "Ma'am" and "sir"! I was actually just thinking about this on the way home today! Seriously! And just . . . yes. So much to this.

THANX <333 It's something that I think is a big facet of America's life (cos let's face it, his cowboy years were his glory period, in a few ways) and doesn't get mentioned enough.


sakuratsukikage July 9 2009, 07:29:20 UTC
I'm so glad! I feel like such a dork, writing like fifty long comments, but that's . . . THAT'S WHAT YOU WANTED, RIGHT?

Yes! I can totally see that, too.

It's something that I think is a big facet of America's life (cos let's face it, his cowboy years were his glory period, in a few ways) and doesn't get mentioned enough.

I adore this idea so much. So much. OH MY.


ottful July 9 2009, 22:52:46 UTC
I'm so glad! I feel like such a dork, writing like fifty long comments, but that's . . . THAT'S WHAT YOU WANTED, RIGHT?



sakuratsukikage July 8 2009, 05:15:22 UTC
Often when he has wet dreams (usually about England) he'll play sports until he can't move just to get the feeling out of his body. (Sakuratsukikage will recognize this ;3)

:D :D :D

So I did ;D.

(Almost anything that England does to him sexually is enough to drive him around the twist, and sometimes England teases him a little about it.)

I so agree with you here. If England hugging him makes America kind of lose it, imagine what actual caresses would do to him.

America's inability to read the atmosphere is usually nothing more than intentionally selective hearing.



England is a secretive person. He doesn't like divulging personal details unless he knows and really trusts the person he's divulging them to.

Oh, definitely. And very supported by canon, I think.

He hasn't always been tsundere.This is really part of my head canon for him, too. It's so obviously a defense mechanism that . . . yes. Though I think this was also contributed to by France and England having the very painful (for England ( ... )


ottful July 8 2009, 23:44:13 UTC
I so agree with you here. If England hugging him makes America kind of lose it, imagine what actual caresses would do to him.

So, sooo much yes. I think America is very embarrassed that when England takes over he doesn't last more than sixty seconds or so. Car alarms going off, dogs barking, MADNESS.

This is really part of my head canon for him, too. It's so obviously a defense mechanism that . . . yes. Though I think this was also contributed to by France and England having the very painful (for England) relationship I alluded to in my post? Because just . . . ow. But yeah, I do think a lot of it's because of how his siblings and the rest of Europe tended to treat him. And also because of Grandpa Rome and how he tried to "discipline" England, I think. And forced the siblings to live together, which ended up with arguments and fighting and a very, very miserable little!England (because England was back in those days probably the least coherently organized or strong of the British Isles? So yeah).Definitely to all of this. I did ( ... )


sakuratsukikage July 9 2009, 07:33:23 UTC
So, sooo much yes. I think America is very embarrassed that when England takes over he doesn't last more than sixty seconds or so.

Oh, man. Yes. It would embarrass him so much, and make him feel so much like a dumb, inexperienced kid, and makes him feel bad for not being attentive enough or something because it was OVER SO FAST (but he doesn't realize at all how sexy England finds it that he can do that to him).

I did think about your canon relationship/teenage-high-drama romance between him and France when I was putting this together, but didn't feel up to stealing it.

Haha, aww! Well, knowing that you thought about it makes me happy. And yeah, younger!England was a little bundle of *FLAIL*.

He's not like that now, though, and he did that on purpose.

Oh yes, definitely.


ottful July 9 2009, 22:54:41 UTC
Oh, man. Yes. It would embarrass him so much, and make him feel so much like a dumb, inexperienced kid, and makes him feel bad for not being attentive enough or something because it was OVER SO FAST (but he doesn't realize at all how sexy England finds it that he can do that to him).

They are just one terrible case of bad communication, aren't they?! But yes, America feels soooooo silly when this happens (especially after they haven't seen each other in a while) and in his head, England's like... sweeeet.


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