Hetalia Headcanon -- FIRE!!

Jul 07, 2009 17:12

So, my pally sakuratsukikage posted about hetalia sex headcanon today, and I wrote so much that I figured I should just write out my head canon, for my own benefit. YOU CAN TOTALLY IGNORE THIS IF YOU WANT, IT'S JUST MY OPINION. Although, my opinions are very impressionable and subject to others, so they may be your opinions too XDD

Fire in the hole~ )

england, canada, america, spain, germany, feliciano, sweden, greece, sealand, portugal, france, japan, tony, finland, italy, romano

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ottful July 8 2009, 23:44:13 UTC
I so agree with you here. If England hugging him makes America kind of lose it, imagine what actual caresses would do to him.

So, sooo much yes. I think America is very embarrassed that when England takes over he doesn't last more than sixty seconds or so. Car alarms going off, dogs barking, MADNESS.

This is really part of my head canon for him, too. It's so obviously a defense mechanism that . . . yes. Though I think this was also contributed to by France and England having the very painful (for England) relationship I alluded to in my post? Because just . . . ow. But yeah, I do think a lot of it's because of how his siblings and the rest of Europe tended to treat him. And also because of Grandpa Rome and how he tried to "discipline" England, I think. And forced the siblings to live together, which ended up with arguments and fighting and a very, very miserable little!England (because England was back in those days probably the least coherently organized or strong of the British Isles? So yeah).

Definitely to all of this. I did think about your canon relationship/teenage-high-drama romance between him and France when I was putting this together, but didn't feel up to stealing it. ;3 England had a hard time holding himself together back then, because yeah, his siblings were bigger and more powerful and he was a perfect little punchingbag who was easy to get a rise out of. He's not like that now, though, and he did that on purpose.


sakuratsukikage July 9 2009, 07:33:23 UTC
So, sooo much yes. I think America is very embarrassed that when England takes over he doesn't last more than sixty seconds or so.

Oh, man. Yes. It would embarrass him so much, and make him feel so much like a dumb, inexperienced kid, and makes him feel bad for not being attentive enough or something because it was OVER SO FAST (but he doesn't realize at all how sexy England finds it that he can do that to him).

I did think about your canon relationship/teenage-high-drama romance between him and France when I was putting this together, but didn't feel up to stealing it.

Haha, aww! Well, knowing that you thought about it makes me happy. And yeah, younger!England was a little bundle of *FLAIL*.

He's not like that now, though, and he did that on purpose.

Oh yes, definitely.


ottful July 9 2009, 22:54:41 UTC
Oh, man. Yes. It would embarrass him so much, and make him feel so much like a dumb, inexperienced kid, and makes him feel bad for not being attentive enough or something because it was OVER SO FAST (but he doesn't realize at all how sexy England finds it that he can do that to him).

They are just one terrible case of bad communication, aren't they?! But yes, America feels soooooo silly when this happens (especially after they haven't seen each other in a while) and in his head, England's like... sweeeet.


sakuratsukikage July 10 2009, 00:36:30 UTC
They really are. I went back through this and realized how much we'd said "but what ___ doesn't realize," etc., etc. Come on, boys, TALK to each other.

But they're both kind of bad at that, really. America's inarticulate when it comes to things he really cares about and England just refuses to talk about them.

You're making me want to write porn for them. I hope you're happy.


ottful July 10 2009, 01:07:35 UTC
I went back through this and realized how much we'd said "but what ___ doesn't realize," etc., etc.

I just kept hearing that again and again, and finally I realized "it is just ABSURD how little they talk about this stuff. Truly."

America's inarticulate when it comes to things he really cares about and England just refuses to talk about them.

Definitely. This makes me picture America going "Uh, but, it's like... hard... for me, cause when you... and we... and I feel like... umm.... AAAAAGH" *brain explosion* XDDD

You're making me want to write porn for them. I hope you're happy.


8D 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D 8D~~


sakuratsukikage July 10 2009, 01:12:54 UTC
I just kept hearing that again and again, and finally I realized "it is just ABSURD how little they talk about this stuff. Truly."

It really is. Well, it take take them, like, two centuries to get together again. That's pretty bad communication. And I think it getting any better would be a slow-moving, back and forth, jerky, difficult process. But it'd happen. Eventually.

This makes me picture America going "Uh, but, it's like... hard... for me, cause when you... and we... and I feel like... umm.... AAAAAGH" *brain explosion* XDDD

Oh, man, yes. That's exactly what I was thinking. He'd be so adorable and inarticulate and awkward and just. Yes. He's so much more physical than focused on words. So . . . yeah. He'd make an effort, 'cause it's England, but that would just make him even more inarticulate.


:D :D :D :D :D :D


ottful July 10 2009, 01:38:16 UTC
It really is. Well, it take take them, like, two centuries to get together again. That's pretty bad communication. And I think it getting any better would be a slow-moving, back and forth, jerky, difficult process. But it'd happen. Eventually.

Eventually. XD But definitely. They're so back and forth all the time. And it may be fangirly and teenage-girlish of me, but I like to think that all that warring would make them inseparable by the time they could be decent and affectionate with each other (if ever that became a reality.)

He'd be so adorable and inarticulate and awkward and just. Yes. He's so much more physical than focused on words. So . . . yeah. He'd make an effort, 'cause it's England, but that would just make him even more inarticulate.

Definitely!! He feels like he can communicate so much more with a hug and a kiss than he can in an hour of that blundering explanation of his. And if he did talk, he'd have to do it with his eyes closed or his back turned or something, because Arthur staring him down, whether he's inherently inarticulate or not, would make it SOOO HARD.


<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


sakuratsukikage July 12 2009, 04:11:02 UTC
And it may be fangirly and teenage-girlish of me, but I like to think that all that warring would make them inseparable by the time they could be decent and affectionate with each other (if ever that became a reality.)

Well, though I'm a fangirl, I'm not a teenaged one :P, and I feel the same. Honestly, these days I feel the two countries are pretty inseparable, politically speaking, even if sometimes America still acts like a jerkass on a international scale and England can get hurt and gripe like a heartsick boyfriend--I'm not kidding, just look at the "Special Relationship" page on Wikipedia! The two countries seriously act like that!--it's an alliance that can't really be broken.

He feels like he can communicate so much more with a hug and a kiss than he can in an hour of that blundering explanation of his. And if he did talk, he'd have to do it with his eyes closed or his back turned or something, because Arthur staring him down, whether he's inherently inarticulate or not, would make it SOOO HARD.

I definitely agree with this! And the image of Alfred fumbling through an awkward confession with his back turned to Arthur, or facing him with his eyes closed is so adorable and pathetic and sweet.

SO YEAH. I've been trying to write Alfred/Arthur fluff and porn all DAY because of you. (I wrote most of the Canada-England thing earlier this week :P).


ottful July 12 2009, 23:57:46 UTC
Honestly, these days I feel the two countries are pretty inseparable, politically speaking, even if sometimes America still acts like a jerkass on a international scale and England can get hurt and gripe like a heartsick boyfriend--I'm not kidding, just look at the "Special Relationship" page on Wikipedia! The two countries seriously act like that!--it's an alliance that can't really be broken.

I know, these two do act this way. It's almost evident in the way the leaders act with each other, as well. That 'inappropriate contact' fiasco that happened between the queen and Michelle Obama was SUCH an Alfred thing to do, and the queen's reluctant reaction was very Arthur. We're together for life at this point, I think, Britain and us. The countries have just been through way too much together to be separated again.

I've been trying to write Alfred/Arthur fluff and porn all DAY because of you.

This makes me so ecstatic I can't even think straight right now. UEGADFOGDHDFBRHDHBDD. Seriously. (I'm working really hard on the next Frog Prince chapter, but it's an excruciatingly slow and painful process. I'll have it out soon, I hope. But I have more in store as far as oneshots that I think you'll be very, very excited about X3)


sakuratsukikage July 15 2009, 18:59:33 UTC
I know, these two do act this way. It's almost evident in the way the leaders act with each other, as well. That 'inappropriate contact' fiasco that happened between the queen and Michelle Obama was SUCH an Alfred thing to do, and the queen's reluctant reaction was very Arthur. We're together for life at this point, I think, Britain and us. The countries have just been through way too much together to be separated again.

It really is true! I know, I was thinking so much the same thing XD. In a way I'm so proud our two countries managed to repair that relationship and make it so strong. I don't know, I feel so weird saying that, but it's true!

This makes me so ecstatic I can't even think straight right now. UEGADFOGDHDFBRHDHBDD. Seriously.

You saw it! :D I hope it lived up to what you'd hoped! *hugs* (Though actually, there's some more in the works. WHAT CAN I SAY, I LIKE FLUFF. But I'm so far behind getting all my ideas written right now; what even.)

Oooooh. Ooooh. Well, if you need any help, you can always talk to me about it; I'd love to help! AND ONESHOTS. OOOOH. YOU'RE TEASING ME. I WANT TO KNOW~~~~

Haha. XD


ottful July 15 2009, 19:48:11 UTC
You saw it! :D I hope it lived up to what you'd hoped! *hugs* (Though actually, there's some more in the works. WHAT CAN I SAY, I LIKE FLUFF. But I'm so far behind getting all my ideas written right now; what even.)

It did, it totally was everything I wanted it to be. (For a second I thought with the mature warnings I wouldn't be able to read it, and I can't remember what loophole I found but I did it :D) I like fluff, I LOVE FLUFF. Especially yours. It's bordering on an obsession, at this point. I am sooo not worthyyy~

Oooooh. Ooooh. Well, if you need any help, you can always talk to me about it; I'd love to help! AND ONESHOTS. OOOOH. YOU'RE TEASING ME. I WANT TO KNOW~~~~

Good, I'll probably need your help sooner or later. *huggg* I haven't been productive for a week... lots of IRL grief... I got another sunburn (what a dumbass I am, right?) and it huuuurtss, and I've been sick in my stomach... AND ANYWAY, WTF, *I'LL STOP WHINING*. Sooooooooooo they'll be out SOON. I really mean that. I'm sorry~~~~~


sakuratsukikage July 15 2009, 20:13:49 UTC
Oh, yeah, you're not eighteen yet, right? Aah! Sorry! I'll . . . go easier on the warnings next time XD. I'm so glad you liked it, seriously; I'm just really happy. And *blush* oh man. I don't really write the fluffiest fluff, I think, it's always sort of mixed with . . . something else, because that's the way I am as a writer, I guess, but I'm really really happy that works for you, because writing these characters I love being happy is addictive and I PROBABLY WON'T STOP ANYTIME SOON. And . . . hee. Well. What are you saying? You completely are! *hugs* STILL. I'll keep writing it, if you keep reading!

Sure, no problem! I'll be on later tonight, okay? And . . . haha, every night, barring me actually having a life for once; I'm such a loser. But still. *hugggsss back* It's totally fine to have RL stuff and to have a couple unproductive weeks, you know! I'm sorry you've been having it a little rough; I've been feeling a little sick too, nothing major and just GAH. I always get sunburned like twice a year when I actually go outside; I already got sunburned once this year in REALLY DUMB PLACES because I was wearing a sundress; I looked like an idiot . . . so yeah, I know how you feel. I hope you've been putting lots of aloe on it, and make sure you drink lots of water, sometimes dehydration can make you feel sick *fusses like the idiot she is.* *PATS* I JUST WISH I COULD MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER. Is there anything I could do? How about I write you a request fic? Anything you want! You can make it as detailed as you'd like.

I look forward to seeing them (SOOO MUUUUCH ohmygod), but I can wait! Don't worry! *hugs*


ottful July 15 2009, 20:44:15 UTC
Oh, yeah, you're not eighteen yet, right? Aah! Sorry! I'll . . . go easier on the warnings next time XD. I'm so glad you liked it, seriously; I'm just really happy. And *blush* oh man. I don't really write the fluffiest fluff, I think, it's always sort of mixed with . . . something else, because that's the way I am as a writer, I guess, but I'm really really happy that works for you, because writing these characters I love being happy is addictive and I PROBABLY WON'T STOP ANYTIME SOON. And . . . hee. Well. What are you saying? You completely are! *hugs* STILL. I'll keep writing it, if you keep reading!

It's totally okay~ You have no idea how much fanfiction I miss that sounds sooo amazing~ especially from Kotakia, since her whole journal is mature ;A; But don't rate your fics lower just because of me... wouldn't want you to get in trouble with the MODs. XD YOUR fluff is amazing because there's alot more serious stuff interwoven with it, so when the fluff happens I'm like.. "AWWW. LOOKIT THEM, OVERCOMING ADVERSITY." Seriously. I don't know what it is XD IM GLAD YOU WON'T STOP, CAUSE NEITHER WILL I. We'll be the energizer bunnies of Hetalia fanfiction! XDDD

I'll totally be on~!! <33 I'm a loser too, but it's totally okay. Loserdom is more fun than cool-kid-dom, especially now, since the "cool kids" are... out smoking pot and getting drunk... I dunno XD

UGGHH my sunburn... I look totally stupid. It's, like, on the BACKS of my thighs, cause I went to the beach with my friend and we let our legs lay out in the sun while we layed on our tummies under the umbrella... it's the stupidest looking burn ever. And I can't sit down. Sooo... meehhhh. Yeah, I'm drinking like crazy now, cause I think I got dehydrated this morning and I almost fainted XDD WHAT A FUCKIN' MESS I AM, HUH? I'll take better care of myself, I promise~~!

Aww, a request?! ;AA; *cries* You are the sweetest thing i've EVER EVER KNOWN. You're sure you don't have anything better to work on?? (And you know me... any USxUK fluff of any kind, especially by you, will make me happy.) But seriously, I don't want you to work on a request when you've got other stuff you wanna do. @^@;;

They'll be out soon, fear not~!! *strikes an Alfred hero pose*


sakuratsukikage July 16 2009, 01:37:56 UTC
I think my journal is on "adult concepts" right now? I don't think that should give you any trouble? Anyway! I don't think rating my fic lower on the community is the greatest idea, no, but I could always go easy on the ratings in my personal journal, with just a comment like, "hey, this is explicit, guys." After all, it's my personal journal, yeah? (I want you to be able to read everything I write, after all!) And . . . and yaaaaaaay, that makes me so happy, because that's really what I try to accomplish with my fluff, I guess? I mean, I'd prefer it if it had some meaning, I guess. Yeah. ALL RIGHT IT'S A DEAL.

ALL RIGHT. Haha, I guess working makes me feel less like a loser? But it also means I never do anything but work or go online anymore. XD

Oh, man. That sounds like it sucks, seriously. It's so easy to get dehydrated when you're sunburned! So be careful~ It sounds like you're a bit of a mess. And I'll hold you to that promise! (Though . . . I took terrible care of myself in high school XD.)

Don't cry! It's no trouble, really! Haha, aww, it's not too big a deal, but thanks *hugs.* I do have tons of stuff to work on, a ridiculous amount, really, but by this point there's so much of it that I don't care what order I work on it in, honestly. And I like filling requests, honestly; it's interesting, and a fun challenge! So don't worry!

Heeee. I'm very excited to hear this! I really am!


ottful July 16 2009, 02:02:19 UTC
I want to be able to read everything you write too! ^^ I don't think adult concepts will block me out. No worries~ Yes, yes your fluff has meaning! Unlike mine, which I just write for the benefit of writing fluff. XD It's meaningless fluff!! Hahahaha.

well that's okay. Like I said, loserdom is a wonderful place to live, and I've met some of the nicest people ever in loserdom XD

I've been drinking water now, and it's making my stomach feel a lot better. So i'll keep taking care of myself, I promise.

Aww~ As long as you promise it's no big deal. I suppoooooose *fake pout*



sakuratsukikage July 17 2009, 23:51:45 UTC
Yeah, I think it should be fine now, and I'm pretty sure you'll be able to read everything, at least on my journal. I'll make sure of it! Haha, I wouldn't call it meaningless fluff; there's emotion in it, at any rate, which adds a lot of meaning, I think.

It's very true. Geeks just get more fun out of life, I think!

Yeah, water is really important, and you'd be surprised how much it can affect you. You should! Take care!

Haha, I do promise. Since it's Friday today, I'll actually see about working on it!


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