Hetalia Headcanon -- FIRE!!

Jul 07, 2009 17:12

So, my pally sakuratsukikage posted about hetalia sex headcanon today, and I wrote so much that I figured I should just write out my head canon, for my own benefit. YOU CAN TOTALLY IGNORE THIS IF YOU WANT, IT'S JUST MY OPINION. Although, my opinions are very impressionable and subject to others, so they may be your opinions too XDD

I think I have the most headcanon about America, so i'll start with him.

Firstly, America is a lot more mellow and thoughtful than people think. For a long time, in his youth, Europe didn't really acknowledge him, and treated him as though his government would fail at any moment and he would cease to be. Even today, he is a bit of a laughing stock, and is made fun of for his weight problem and his hatred of universal healthcare, etc. He feels its necessary to be loud and obnoxious with them, and constantly call himself "awesome," just so there's no room for argument and they'll take him seriously. It often has the opposite effect, but it reassuring to him that at least they see him as a major power and acknowledge his strength. Around certain people though, like Japan, and Lithuania, he is more modest and genuine.

His relationship with England is extremely complicated, though less so these days. He was incredibly heart-broken by the Revolutionary War (he almost hoped to lose for a time, just so things between them could go back to normal), and spent a lot of time moping about while the Founding Fathers debated over the government. It was a tumultuous time for his people as well, and that didn't help his mood much.

(He pretty much worships the Founding Fathers, and for a while after the end of the war, whenever they talked to him he would be a little dumb and flustered. He admired them a great deal, and still looks upon them as the reason why he's had as much success as he has.)

He is, in the simplest words, totally head-over-heels in love with England. He loves almost everything about his culture, and thinks he's probably the most adorable person he's ever known. As a child, he revered England as an older brother, and that feeling has only been perpetuated by England's recent affectionate gestures. America respects England immensely, particularly for his strength and how dignified he is, even when he's in pain. America wishes he could be like that.

Their sex life is awkward at times, but the simple act means so much to both of them that they never really leave unsatisfied.

If they can stop arguing, the two of them make an unstoppable team. Particularly during war times, when they're united against a common enemy, they are a juggernaut. They have so much history together (good and bad) that they can flawlessly predict each other's moves and work them to their advantage or enhance them. This almost never happens, but many European nations know, through experience, that if you hit one of them, you will inevitably be declaring war on the other.

America likes to think he doesn't hate anyone. He doesn't fight against people unless he has a good reason (usually if they hit him first), and he usually regrets hurting them (Exhibit A being Japan--He still can't forgive himself for what the A-bomb did to his now-best-friend). Portugal once told him that a coward strikes first because they're afraid of being struck, and he tries to live by this philosophy.

He loves the idea of being a hero. He hates the thought of someone he loves being hurt when there's something he can do to prevent it, and he likes to think that he would do anything to protect his friends. He almost always does.

America and Japan are best friends. They both have something of a bff-crush on each other, simply because there are a lot of things about both of them that the other admires greatly. They also love compact technology, video games, and cartoons, and have frequent "sleep-overs" where they play hours of video games and watch anime and American cartoons, and talking about gadgets.

America sometimes doesn't get Japan's fanboy culture, but he goes along with it even if it weirds him out, just so he can seem cool to Japan.

To this day, America cringes at the thought of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Every time he happens to glance the scars on Japan's body, he feels like he has to say something, because he never had and still hasn't been that outright violent with anyone. Usually he just ends up hugging Japan for no reason, and while Japan is confused by the fact that America can't seem to get over it, he thinks it's sweet how much America genuinely cares.

America likes the fact that Greece and Japan have a thing now. He sometimes used to worry about Japan being lonely, but he can see how much Greece likes Japan and vice versa, and is really happy for them.

America loves music, and he loves to sing and dance. He has a very beautiful classical type voice, but he likes to sing pop music too. He often plays loud music in his house to just dance crazily too, and he likes the adrenaline rush he gets.

He also loves to sing romantic music to England and see how flustered he gets. How Sweet It Is by Michael Buble is a personal favorite for this.

One of his biggest influences for musical culture is Latin music. He loves Spain like brother because he loves his culture, and integrates a lot of it into his own culture. He speaks decent Spanish as well, and this really gets on England's nerves. He likes the idea that he can be sexy and act sexual without having actual sex, and Latin music really speaks to that part of him. (Though someone once tried to grind with him in a club and he was so embarrassed he had to sit down for a bit.)

When he's at home, he's very influenced by his own people. (In Europe, he's like a high school kid at a college frat party--everyone's just so cool and he wants to be cool and hang out with them, but is afraid he's too lame.) He is often quite the southern gentleman, and calls women "ma'am" and men "sir" sometimes when he wants to be polite. He definitely knows what it is to be chivalrous and gentlemanly, and will use it to get on someone's good side. It's a big part of his personality.

His puritan roots are still very much there, especially in his reasoning. He talks the talk, and likes to swear a lot, but he actually gets very easily embarrassed by sex in the movies and media. A lot of times, he overreacts about these things, especially since the European countries are so open about the human body and sex. (He still thinks the Janet Jackson scandal is something he'll never live down, but he doesn't know that the other countries are laughing at him for being a prude, not for being a pervert.)

Often when he has wet dreams (usually about England) he'll play sports until he can't move just to get the feeling out of his body. (Sakuratsukikage will recognize this ;3)

Despite this, America is a very touch-oriented person. He often makes judgments about people based on how their hands feel when he shakes their hand. He is, in essence, quite like a teddy-bear, and loves to hug people and be hugged. Especially when England hugs him, which he rarely does, America gets flustered and excited and ends up doing something silly. Both Japan and England find this adorable, but England only secretly. When America snuggles Japan, Japan gets a little flustered, but usually appreciates the gesture.

(Almost anything that England does to him sexually is enough to drive him around the twist, and sometimes England teases him a little about it.)

America and Lithuania are also still good friends. Lithuania understands America's insecurities, and America respects him for not teasing him about them.

America loves his brother, Canada, and wishes they could be partners in crime like they were when they were very small. He's not quiet sure what he's done to alienate Canada so much.

America's inability to read the atmosphere is usually nothing more than intentionally selective hearing.


Next up--England.

England is a secretive person. He doesn't like divulging personal details unless he knows and really trusts the person he's divulging them to.

He hasn't always been tsundere. As a small child, he really tried to be friends with his siblings. But, simply put, they were terrible to him. He was a tiny bit of a pushover as a baby, and they took advantage of him and teased him. This did much to shape England's personality, and it was the reason he was a bully as a teenager and a young adult. He was somewhat drunk with power at that point.

He hated France as a child mostly because he hated his power and influence. He hates France now out of habit.

He had his heart broken a few times, the most prominent being, of course, by America. He's somewhat hardened since then, and doesn't get involved with anyone out of a simple fear of being abandoned and hurt again. America has a hard time understanding this, and his tireless insistence is one of the only reasons England is in a relationship with him now.

England used to have their feuds as an excuse not to allow America's advances, but he's out of excuses now, and continues to resist because he's scared. He knows he wouldn't survive America leaving him again, and though Portugal has repeatedly told him that America wouldn't do that, he continues to cut off his nose despite his face.

He doesn't have many friends, but the few that he has are very true. His best friend in the whole world is Portugal. They have a very close friendship and have for decades, and understand each other on a very intimate level. They have had sex a few times, particularly during and after America's Revolution. England was incredibly vulnerable at that point, and Portugal was there for him when he needed to be. They have grown out of that phase now, and have a more mature friendship.

Portugal understands and accepts that England is with America now, and while he likes America and they sometimes laugh together over England's adorable quirks, he is protective of England because he knows how much a failure of their relationship would tear England apart. America has heard more than one earful of Portugal's threats to "treat England right, or else," but in the end Portugal is more like a really cool uncle to America.

(Edit: Thanks to the genius of twistedsheets10, Portugal's fanmade human name is Gabriel Alessandro Mão de Ferro. Simply beautiful~)

Japan and England are also very good friends. They have a lot in common, particularly their isolation as island nations, and that they generally hold themselves in similar ways, with distinctive dignity. Sometimes Japan will go off a little bit on how much fun he has with America, and England tries to listen politely, but Japan knows it kind of gets on England's nerves and doesn't do it often.

(Japan thinks that America and England make a great couple, and wishes they would both get over themselves a little bit.)

There are more than a few things that England really admires about America, but would never say out loud. He is a bit jealous that America can be open with everyone and be everyone's friend, and that he can be so tirelessly happy, even when it's apparent that he's a mess on the inside. England enjoys it greatly when America touches him--just in his little ways, grabbing his arm, touching his shoulder or his hand, poking his nose, holding his hand--but acts flustered about it so America will get the wrong idea. Sometimes, he thinks America is just an enormous goofball, and can't help but laugh discreetly behind his hand at his antics.

England also loves it when America laughs; he thinks it's a very pretty sound. America thinks the same thing about him.

England's favorite America is America during sex. England adores the control he has over him, and loves teasing him and driving him crazy with every little thing he does. America is very sweet and sentimental during and after sex, and England, though it usually embarrasses him, loves the little things he remembers and says.

England is a huge closet romantic. He likes poetry and Jane Austen novels, and refused to let America come to see Pride and Prejudice in theatres when it came out because he knew he would cry and didn't want America to see.

England often cries when he's angry, and this infuriates him because the person he's arguing with won't take him seriously when he starts to cry. (He hasn't really tried to stop though, because Portugal told him once that he was pretty when he cries and he was incredibly flattered by that.)

England did get around in the past, in his imperialistic phase. He recognized sex as a way to get what he wanted easily, and though he didn't like to resort to it, he definitely did. A lot of times, he would wake up in some foreign country's bed and wonder "did I really just do that?" He acknowledges that he did get around, but isn't proud of it. He tried to shelter America from it when he was young, but supposes he's an adult now and to tell the other countries not to talk about his past in front of America would seem overbearing and silly of him.

He is very good at the act of sex, but can be a little useless if he really likes the person he's doing it with, simply because his emotions disarm him and make him flustered. A lot of times, particularly with America, he isn't the one to initiate. But if he starts out being the one in control of things, he can be very seductive and devious.

He felt very bad taking Canada from France--mostly because France flat-out cried at the agreement meeting, not the goofy crying he would usually do to make people pay attention to him--and gives Canada thoughtful gifts for his birthday every year, hoping to make up for it and show him that he really does care.

England genuinely thinks that he's good at cooking, even though everyone openly complains about it. When America, as an adult, told him that he was faking when he said he liked England's cooking as a child, England was furious and refused to pick up his calls for two weeks.

England shares America's love for music. They often don't listen to it together though, because they have different tastes and end up fighting over what to listen to. One time, they did a duet on karaoke at Japan's house (England was mildly drunk, and Japan insisted) and they rocked incredibly hard. England secretly wants to do it again some time, perhaps with real guitars, but knows it probably won't happen (before he dies of embarrassment).

He also really likes America's singing voice. America once sang to him before they went to sleep, and England almost cried. He has loved America's voice ever since.

England is incredibly jealous of America's big-brother love of Spain, and wonders why America can't admire him like that. (England doesn't know that America does, but is too embarrassed to say so.)

England has also had a few love affairs (not literally) with his rulers. King Arthur will always be his favorite, but King Alfred (who he named his Alfred after) was another of his favorites, because he was just a cool guy. England also rather loves his current queen, who he thinks has great gumption and spirit, and cried for a day or so when Princess Diana died.


Other stuff.

Japan and Greece have a very intimate and nice little romance together. They have a lot in common personality wise, and like to just sit together and watch the clouds sometimes.

Greece basically introduced Japan to sex, and because he's so incredibly shy, Japan still isn't an expert at it. Japan is put under a lot of pressure to fit in in the world, and is sometimes the kid who wants to dress and be like all the other kids on the playground, even though he wants to have his own identity. He sees that even America (who is, in a way, his prude buddy) is integrating sex into his culture in a big way, and in the beginning Greece and Japan's relationship was about acculturation for Japan in the area.

Since then, however, Japan has grown to enjoy the act itself. Since Greece is largely the only person Japan ever accesses these intimate feelings with, he has begun to associate Greece with those feelings, and their relationship is special because of that. Greece loves to pleasure Japan and loves the reactions he can get from him with that, and even though Greece has had a lot of sex in his time, he finds he enjoys Japan especially, even if Japan isn't very good at returning the favor.

Greece also tries to be romantic, but he's not very good at it. He is currently consumed by a determination to learn the Japanese language, but can get a little annoying about it sometimes. Japan thinks the effort is really sweet though, and can't stay annoyed for very long at all.

Canada and France also have an intimate relationship. France is one of the only countries that consistently recognizes and acknowledges Canada's presence, and Canada can't help but love him for that.

They have quite a bit of sex. France--being France--expresses himself through lovemaking and intimate contact, and Canada can't get enough of being told he's special. They visit each other often (and have since Canada was ceded to England) and even if the intentions are platonic, it almost always devolves into sex. France just exudes romance, and they can't really keep their hands off each other.

Recently they've just been enjoying each other's presence, sitting in France's garden together or walking around Quebec City, sightseeing. They're great friends as well, and can talk for hours with no problem.

Canada really does love his brother, and doesn't hate America so much as he hates not being able to hate him. Canada really does try to get annoyed with America, but often can't maintain it simply because America's too silly and dumb to hate. America likes to call him for stupid reasons, and the fact that it often interrupts a nice conversation with France is the only reason that Canada can hate America consistently.

(The Adventures of Flapjack were recently cancelled on Canadian television, and America was personally offended. Canada finally got fed up with the calls and turned off his phone.)

Germany and Italy have been in a relationship for a few decades. During World War I, there was definite flirting going on, but nothing serious was ever started. During World War II, Italy was a little frightened by Germany. He was in a strange sort of brainwashed mode at that time, and Italy followed along simply because he had no one else to ally himself with, and trusted Germany despite how weirdly he was acting.

Until a few decades ago, they had resumed their petty flirting and things seemed to be as they were during World War I. Italy finally decided he'd had enough, and initiated a sexual encounter which, while being incredibly awkward and generally unsuccessful, established them as a couple.

Germany is a well-known virgin and is completely and utterly useless in sex and intimacy, which is why Italy, despite his flimsiness, is generally the dominant one. Germany really tries his hardest, and Italy thinks it's adorable and appreciates the effort, even if he has to take over a lot of the time to get things back on track.

Italy surpasses even France in seduction. Give him a bed (or a couch... or any sturdy surface...) and two minutes and almost any country in the world will be putty in his hands.

Germany is also a tech geek, but not in exactly the same way as America and Japan are. He likes building things with his hands, especially cars and car engines, and admires Italian sports cars almost to the point of being sexually aroused by them. He loves how flashy they are, despite the fact that he would probably never drive one for any reason other than to listen to the engine. Italy likes to joke that Germany is more easily aroused in his Lamborghini than in his bed.

Italy still misses the Holy Roman Empire, although he's been having fewer dreams about him since WWII. Italy definitely recognizes the unmistakable similarities between HRE and Germany, but decided early on in their friendship that he would not get his own hopes up. He's never really brought it up, and treats Germany as his own person, but sometimes he lets himself pretend, during or just after sex.

Italy really does admire Germany though, and thinks he's adorable when he's flustered.

Romano likes his brother, though he'd never say so, and worries about others taking advantage of his air-headedness. He hated Germany fairly consistently after Italy allied himself with Germany in WWI, and now only really hates him out of habit. Germany is really afraid of Romano, and doesn't like being told he's not taking care of Feliciano. But he can't bring himself to harm Romano, just because he knows how upset Feliciano would get.

Romano doesn't really know why he acts so mean toward Spain. He did it as a child because he didn't like being treated as property. (He was heartbroken upon hearing that Spain wanted to trade him for his brother. Not only was he property--he was bad property.) He antagonizes Spain for much the same reason he hates Germany; habit. He has been getting better recently, but since he figures Spain won't give up no matter what he does, he doesn't see any point in being nice to him.

Finland and Sweden have been in a relationship pretty consistently ever since they left Denmark's house together, even if it was more one-sided at times. For a long time in the beginning, Finland was genuinely frightened by Sweden. But after a decade or so of living with him, he got used to it, and no longer screamed when Sweden said his name unexpectedly.

Sweden honestly does believe that Finland is his wife. He was touched by the fact that Finland left Denmark's house with him (he was a little nervous to be on his own, and having Finland there was reassuring), and all of the times that Finland was scared by the sight of him didn't really register with Sweden.

Sweden thinks that Finland is the cutest thing ever. He's very much in love with Finland, and the two of them living together with Sealand and Hanatamago fulfills a little domestic fantasy he's had for a while. He has tried for decades to learn to speak properly, and can speak quite coherently in private, but every time he speaks to Finland he goes back to his vowel-neglect. He's very embarrassed by it, but is touched by the fact that Finland can clearly understand everything he says.

Their relationship was a bit strained after Finland came back from staying at Russia's house, and Finland would cry a lot at night. It shook Sweden up quite a bit, and he didn't really know how to comfort him, and for a while they were a little cold with each other. But with Sealand at their house, they've sort of united against a common enemy (Sealand is quite a terror, and they have to be a good team so he can't play them against each other) and have pretty much fallen back into their husband-wife dynamic.

Tony really likes America, despite how brusque and vulgar he acts. He hates England for the simple reason that almost every time America comes home from England's house, he's a little droopier and less cheerful than normal. Tony isn't sure what goes on over there, but he's sure it's nothing good. It's almost gotten to the point that England is afraid to visit for fear that Tony might attack him.


There is probably more, but it's late here and I'm stopping now.

I'm planning a couple fics based on all this, so be on the lookout ;3

NEXT PART: Anyone who's gotten this far, I love you to death and want to give you a huge hug. If you have, please comment so I can ;A;

You can also ask me any question about the nations mentioned above (or others) and I can answer myself or IC for that character. Just indicate which you want ^^

THANK YOU SO, SO MUCH. I promise my next update will be fanfiction ;A;

england, canada, america, spain, germany, feliciano, sweden, greece, sealand, portugal, france, japan, tony, finland, italy, romano

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