John Kasich Confused About Why Women Objected To His Sexual Assault Victim-Blaming Comments

Apr 17, 2016 23:25

Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) said on Sunday that he does not understand the criticism over his comments Friday suggesting that college women should prevent sexual assaults by avoiding parties with alcohol.
In an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash, the Republican presidential hopeful noted that his own daughters will someday go to college parties where there ( Read more... )

rape apologism, sexual assault, i have a lady attorney!, sexism, election 2016, john kasich, rape culture

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Comments 84

aasin April 18 2016, 07:36:21 UTC
In what setting would a rape most likely occur in a university that did not involve alchol?

I don´t like Kasich but people are trying to make a problem out of his well intentioned comment.


sayuridoll April 18 2016, 07:47:44 UTC
Because alcohol is not the only factor in someone being raped??


screamingintune April 18 2016, 07:50:59 UTC
in plenty of them??? you need to drop your rape stereotypes, they're not helpful


aasin April 18 2016, 08:05:09 UTC
What exactly is pleny of them? I always assumed that rape cases that take place in university most likely involved alcohol, but apparently I am wrong for assuming such a stereotype so I am asking you what setting then.


dumpweeds April 18 2016, 08:03:02 UTC
"I have a lady attorney"

is this real life


dumpweeds April 18 2016, 08:19:34 UTC
can this be the new binders full of women?


screamingintune April 18 2016, 08:23:28 UTC
I nominate it for a new tag lol to apply to every time some dude in this election says something ridiculous like that


shortsweetcynic April 18 2016, 11:45:03 UTC


vindictaa April 18 2016, 09:59:58 UTC
omg lady attorney seriously gave me flashbacks of binders full of women before i saw your note op lmao

this man is so toxic. it's disturbing how many people are fooled into thinking he's some *centrist* and the safer choice b/w hillary and trump because he uses nice words during the debate. rme.


natyanayaki April 19 2016, 06:57:18 UTC
i think he's vile, but would he be as bad as cruz or trump? (i don't know much about him tbh).


vindictaa April 19 2016, 13:17:45 UTC
well tbh i don't know what a trump presidency will look like so i can't say if he's going to be just as bad as trump. does trump really mean to introduce things into policy like building that wall, banning muslims from entering, etc? or is that just rhetoric he is using to rally up his racist, xenophobic base and playing them like a fiddle? idk and tbh he will never be president. you don't get elected with a 70%+ unfavourably rating with women ( ... )


emofordino April 19 2016, 20:24:17 UTC
thank you for this comment, this is exactly how i feel. i'm still forever bitter about senate bill 5 and i'm surprised it hasn't come up more during his candidacy.


dorawa April 18 2016, 13:09:29 UTC
I really fucking hate this guy.


mhfromnh April 18 2016, 17:04:17 UTC


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