Daughter of Zimmerman's Lawyer Shares a Family Photo

Jun 28, 2013 23:35

The defense lawyer who opened the George Zimmerman murder trial with a knock-knock joke has found himself in a sticky situation Friday after apparently taking a “selfie” photo earlier in the week, with his daughters Rachel and Molly West, that was later posted to Instagram ( Read more... )

race / racism, white people, trayvon martin case, photography

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Comments 86

shoujokakumei June 29 2013, 14:38:33 UTC
This is the sort of thing we need an Internet Dumbass Monitoring System for.

Ideally, it would automatically detect when you're about to post something absolutely fucking stupid and then deliver an electric shock through whatever device you're attempting to use.


rhysande June 29 2013, 15:43:26 UTC
Can we get one that works on our politicians and pundits, too?


shoujokakumei June 29 2013, 16:05:37 UTC
If only.


liliaeth June 29 2013, 21:45:28 UTC
I'd rather not actually. It's so much easier to make people realize what certain politicians really think, if they can just spill their stupidity online.


ntensity June 29 2013, 14:58:48 UTC
I don't understand this. Molly West posted the picture and the caption, and then she was mortified by herself doing that and deactivated her account? The description of her reaction as "mortified" doesn't fit because she was the one that did this! What am I missing?

Also, why the random picture of the West girls at a Miami club? Who cares? This is ridiculous.


(The comment has been removed)

ntensity June 29 2013, 15:29:44 UTC
HA! Well now that makes sense.


ntensity June 29 2013, 15:30:40 UTC
(and also is disgusting...)


sealwhiskers June 29 2013, 15:08:44 UTC
Entitled rich white people's entitled kids post on instagram about celebrating when a murdering douchebag client scores points for murdering a young black kid.

Yeah...not fucked up at all...

Honestly, this whole case, and the way the witness was recently treated and the knock knock joke and everything else is starting to become a a virtual insensitivity fiesta.


spiritoftherain June 29 2013, 15:36:21 UTC
The more these whackjobs get called on their own bullshit, the more the world wakes up.

It's nice that things are changing. Slowly.


tabaqui June 29 2013, 15:41:01 UTC
Well you know, dumbass, your daughter shouldn't have put that photo up with that caption, but i have *no* doubt that the idea for the caption came from crap you said to her/in her hearing.

So fuck you.


ohmiya_sg June 29 2013, 22:29:06 UTC
Right? Way to blame it on your kid.


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