Daughter of Zimmerman's Lawyer Shares a Family Photo

Jun 28, 2013 23:35

The defense lawyer who opened the George Zimmerman murder trial with a knock-knock joke has found himself in a sticky situation Friday after apparently taking a “selfie” photo earlier in the week, with his daughters Rachel and Molly West, that was later posted to Instagram.

Don West appears in a photo on the account of the user “mollywestttt” with the caption “We beat stupidity celebration cones … #zimmerman #defense #dadkilledit.” The implication being that West and his daughters were celebrating week one of the trial with ice cream cones. The photo was taken by Don West but posted by Holly West.

Left to right: Molly West, Rachel West, Don West

ABC’s Miami affiliate Local 10 has been on the case, using their dedicated Zimmerman Twitter account to give updates on the unusual photo. The station pointed out that the tie in the Instagram photo matched the one West wore on the first day of the trial, Monday. The ice cream photo was posted a few days later.

More story and images after the cut.

Later Friday evening, Zimmerman’s defense team spokesperson Shawn Vincent delivered the following statement on the photo to Local10.com: “[West] was doing something he does almost every day, an old tradition with his daughters. They went out for ice cream. Don had no idea that she’d post [the photo] on Instagram… The girls like to make fun of their dad frequently.”

West delivered his own statement, which simply read: “As a parent, we’re not always proud of things our children do, but we love them anyway, and then we move on.”

A spokesman said: "We understand the context of the comments with what's happened in court this week are grossly insensitive."

It was also reported that Molly West was "mortified" and the Instagram account was deactivated.

Molly West & Rachel West at the Mynt nightclub in Miami Beach, Florida, September 2012.


Photo of Molly and Rachel: http://worldredeye.com/2012/09/mynt-thursdays-14/

race / racism, white people, trayvon martin case, photography

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