Dinner and a Fashion Show [OPEN]

May 16, 2008 13:00

WHO: Hitachiin Kaoru and all guests, invited and not
WHAT: A Fashion Show + Dinner Party
WHERE: The Hitachiin brand local headquarters in downtown Reggio Calabria
WHEN: Day 25, starting in the early evening

Whatever you want. )

tyki mikk, mazikeen, rhode kamelot, hei, tieria erde, bianchi, robert chase, red x, badou nails, hitsugaya toushirou, sephiroth, hitachiin kaoru, kai, hatake kakashi, kiyone kotetsu, claire bennet, reborn, kristoph gavin, kaylee frye, peter petrelli, ichimaru gin, matsumoto rangiku, lulu, rabi, dean winchester, taejo togokhan

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Comments 202

[OPEN to all] cocegas May 16 2008, 17:25:56 UTC
Tyki Mikk was specially outfitted by the man of the evening himself, the great Hitachiin Kaoru, whose sense of style was truly exquisite. So was Tyki Mikk's right hand man--difficult to think of him as anything but a boy these days, but a man he had become. Coordination and proper accessories were key when one was in a position of such prominence as Tyki Mikk, especially when he was one of the main figures of the evening--not a model for the fashions, but a caporegime for the Monacello house. And the two were not exactly all that different.

It was all very relaxing, all very glamorous. He intended to treat his friends well and his enemies even better; holding a glass of champagne in one hand, a ridiculously expensive cigarette in the other, with Rabi by his side, and both of them in delicate pinstripes, tailor-made for their tastes ( ... )


Re: [OPEN to all] reencarnado May 16 2008, 17:42:06 UTC
Rabi wasn't about to admit it to himself--or to anyone else, for that matter--but he'd been looking forward to this night for a long time. It wasn't that fashion was his thing, precisely, or even that he'd been badly in need of a night off. No, mostly it was the opportunity to spend some time with Tyki, when his boss had all but been a ghost around the house lately.

Not that he was some kind of codependent freak. It was just nice to see him. Even nicer that they could both be dressed up for the occasion.

"Mm," he agreed, looking around but not allowing himself to become too distracted by anything else. "He's a pretty talented kid."


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(Open to All ) arcabalenoborn May 17 2008, 23:16:56 UTC
Reborn quietly entered with Bianchi on his arm looking stoic as usual as he moved in. He was alert, but if he felt threatened it never showed in the way he moved around. He hadn't worn anything extrodinary to the show, because he normally dressed up, but he HAD left Leon at home for the night.

His hand covered Bianchi's as he continued to escort her Reborn knew how to act like a gentleman and it was automatic as they walked that his attention flitted to her once and a while. Bianchi still in Reborn's opinion was one of the best looking women in Reggio Calabria. "Thank you for inviting me out to go with you." He spoke quietly to Bianchi.

He noticed a few Monacello mingling as an amused smile crossed his lips for a split second. "No thank you. I'm not really into champagne at all." He might have been at the show, but that didn't mean he would blindly trust the Monacello to NOT poison him.


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Re: (Open to All ) arcabalenoborn May 23 2008, 16:32:18 UTC
"Not at all." Reborn had a rule he stuck with when in the presence of enemies. Bianchi was an ally, but without more allies, he wouldn't touch anything. It was for one evening, and Reborn could go without eating and drinking.

He gently brushed his lips across the back of her hand in appreciation of her efforts to make sure he was comfortable. He was used to being in social situation's but, it was a little uncomfortable there for him. Reborn did a good job in hiding it with a slight amusement at how happy Bianchi was.

When she wasn't pushy, and loud she was a very stunning woman who had so much potential.


OPEN to all uno_alato May 18 2008, 15:44:59 UTC
Tall and dark, he was rather hard to miss as he kept aside. He wasn't particularly interested in formal gatherings and the like, but Sephiroth had finally decided that he'd be in attendance merely for show. It was a grand opening, after all, and wasn't openly limited to Monacello--meaning that there would likely be some Vescovos in attendance.

However, this was exactly why he wanted to be at the event.

Since killing all his underlings and leaving the Vescovo house, he hadn't shown his face to them. Instead, he started small with the Monacellos, working his way up the rankings from being a small-fry bodyguard. He had, after all, killed all his underlings, and it only made sense that all were wary of him.

But now was his chance to reveal. Hated by the Vescovo house. Yet to be revealed to them as a Monacello. As this was a neutral party, the mere shock factor would hopefully be satisfying enough for him.

Sephiroth has returned to Reggio Calabria.


Re: OPEN to all mafia_hatake May 18 2008, 17:39:51 UTC
Kakashi sighed, tugging a little at the unfamiliar jacket sleeves. Kaoru had been so kind in getting him a nice jacket and tie, since his own wardrobe was rather lacking. The young man had been quite right, the jacket’s long sleeves as well as his shirt were excellent for hiding the knives strapped to his forearms. Not only did it look damn good, it was functional as well. Kakashi let a sardonic smile briefly curl his lips.

Slowly he made his way around, checking out the other people. Tall, dark figure off to the side, caught his attention.

No fucking way. Was all Kakashi could think, he saw Sephiroth standing to the side, standing off to the side, as if he could look unobtrusive. Yeah right.

Kakashi slowly made his way over to the other man, One day a small voice in the back of his mind lectured him, Your curiosity is going to be the death of you.. He studiously ignored the voice.

Once he was next to the other man, he murmured, “Didn’t think someone you would be here. Didn’t know you had an interest in fashion.”


Re: OPEN to all uno_alato May 20 2008, 04:01:55 UTC
He'd wanted to be there for show--trivial conversation really wasn't meant to be part of the package. Glowing green eyes cast a disapproving look on the other; they were equals, but Sephiroth thought he was the better of the two. Ironic, circumstances considered and all... what with Sephiroth originally coming from the rival family.

"Hn." He was never a man of many words. "Hardly."

His gaze flicked away from the other man and scanned the room, observing others meaninglessly chattering away.

"Not normally, anyway." There was only one reason he'd made an exception tonight, after all.


Re: OPEN to all mafia_hatake May 20 2008, 04:15:54 UTC
Kakashi snorted a little, internally at Sephiroth’s cool stare. He could tell that his fellow caporegime thought he was the superior. If they went by only appearances, then Kakashi would have to agree with him. Sephiroth was a tall, commanding presence, his green eyes cold and calculating. Kakashi, on the other hand was shorter, not quite so heavily built. He slouched, hands stuffed in pockets, his eyes lazy and sardonic. It was his act, an act that worked. Why be obviously dangerous and ruthless, when you could hide it, and bring it out when they least expected it?

“Ah, me too.” Kakashi said, “That and the free food and booze.”


[Open to All] cacciare May 18 2008, 19:50:02 UTC
Though he knew, that at these type of events, many people often tried to arrive fashionably late, Dr. Chase was on time. Or, as on time as he could manage. At the entrance, the bouncers patted him down, and, after insisting on looking into the case he carried, were rather surprised to see it contained medical equipment. At the coat check, he asked that the case be put somewhere that he could access is easily, should it come to that.

He really hoped it wouldn't. After all, it was a perfectly good night to relax.

Chase had chosen a fairly plain suit for the event, and though he had started out with a tie, it hadn't even made it out of the car before he had ditched it in favor of easier breathing, leaving the first couple of buttons on his shirt open.

He hadn't been in Reggio Calabria long enough to have visited the Hitachiin store, so he was rather impressed with it as he walked in. He ordered a glass of wine at the bar, and then moved off to the side to enjoy the spectacle.


[open] sirsognatore May 18 2008, 20:36:20 UTC
Peter was reluctant to go to a fashion show, but the cute secretary from the AMC - Claire Bennet, her name was, had been seeking a date and it was either lose her to some other jerk or snatch her up himself. He figured he could always play the knight in shining armor again, and sweep her off her feet. It wasn't a difficult role to play any way. It settled over him naturally, fit like a glove like his attire for the evening ( ... )


Re: [open] smokeeasy May 19 2008, 22:02:49 UTC
An event of haute couture was not the sort of thing that Badou would normally elect to attend on his own. His personal style tended toward the vintage, the recycled, and the deliberately ugly. He liked things that were unapologetic about having no damn class, clothes that you got cheap because nobody else wanted them anymore, relics that other people considered to be trash. The earnestness of the ostentation that went into an event like this, the people who were all so damn serious about being dressed to the nines and sitting back to judge "style" and set fucking "trends," it all irritated him a bit ( ... )


Re: [open] risparmiarsi May 20 2008, 20:52:17 UTC
It really was amazing, there was no doubt about that.

Claire hadn't arrived all too dressed up, but it was good enough, she figured, especially given Peter's reaction to it.

"Plenty," she said, giving a soft laugh. "Too much. You?"

The air around was generally whimsical, almost, to a point, colors and elegant displays left and right, everything overtly impressive.

By now, she had to admit, though, that she was looking forward to dinner a great deal.


Re: [open] sirsognatore May 20 2008, 23:00:57 UTC
"Maybe we can get one, just for you, hm?" He smiled fondly at her. Peter did not have any connections in the fashion industry. His family? Probably, and if not connections, at least enough money to buy all this fancy fashion shit. It explained the tailored suits, the pearls ordaining his mother's neck, and golden wrist watches around his brother's wrist.

"Me? Nah. I don't look good in ruffles."


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