Dinner and a Fashion Show [OPEN]

May 16, 2008 13:00

WHO: Hitachiin Kaoru and all guests, invited and not
WHAT: A Fashion Show + Dinner Party
WHERE: The Hitachiin brand local headquarters in downtown Reggio Calabria
WHEN: Day 25, starting in the early evening

The store was closed noon that day while preparations were made for the event that evening. A small gaggle of onlookers could be seen most of the afternoon peering into the clear glass windows, trying to see what was going on.

At precisely 5pm the doors opened, but there was a check at the door for weapons and coats alike.** Valet parking was offered and mention was made of an open bar on the right side of the room for the evening.

Normally the store was jam-packed with all manner of the latest fashions, but now only a few mannequins could be seen inside, mainly placed along the walls of the room. The single dominating feature of the enormous open room was the spiral staircase that seemed to appear out of the ceiling and extended downward until it disappeared behind a stage set-up with a runway, presumably for the fashion show. Curiously, this 'runway' was much wider than most, began at a semi-circular stage, and was only about three feet off the ground.

If some of the extremely large and complex decorations didn't anticipate more than a fashion show, some of the outfits the mannequins were wearing should have.


For the first two hours, it was like any other fashion show. Three distinct styles were shown off while atmospheric music played in the background despite no live band. Then, the music and lighting changed suddenly as Hitachiin Kaoru himself spoke over a loudspeaker.

"I now invite you to enjoy an entirely different style of fashion show performance!"

The next set of clothing styles resembled reality yet was performed with much more fervor. Gradually, the style became even more artistic, more pleasing to the eye than anything else. The music turned intense but fun as did the outfits but especially the performance became a true spectacle to behold! Plus, it was all performed on a stage and runway that never seemed quite big enough to contain it all, yet somehow did.

And just when you thought it couldn't get any stranger, any more colorful, any more interesting - the final set began. This set was still definitely about the outfits being presented, but it proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was also all about the presentation - about shocking and awing every single member of the audience.

Given the time, energy, determination, and means - the Hitachiin brand could come up with all of that. It was practically a gift back to Kaoru's patron, Egregio Signore Tyki Mikk while at the same time a celebration of the current successes they were enjoying - but precious few people knew the full extent of those successes.

But where was the elusive Tyki Mikk? Almost certainly he was on the second floor, on a balcony that wrapped around the room to allow full view of the stage-runway, where only Monacellos were permitted. It wasn't expressly said of course, but anyone else was turned away. Perhaps he would join the party downstairs at some point...

Yet even after the so-called fashion show ended, there was something else going on upstairs that was kept relatively quieter, yet probably held the attention of those who could see it. Naturally that included Kaoru, but he was also sure to wander downstairs when the time was right...

Downstairs, the remainder of the evening was left to slowly feasting on a number of different kinds of foods all along the two walls of the huge room that were not taken up by the street entrance or open bar. There was French, Italian, Japanese, German, Spanish, Russian, and Indian foods sprinkled all throughout the tables - dinner and desert foods both.

Surely there was enough to talk about that the evening could be well-spent on pleasant conversation?

• This post is planned to be open March 16 to May 23, closing at midnight.
• It counts as one day in character (a Friday).
• This event will run in a series of sub-threads. You post a comment with your opening post here and define whether it is open or closed in the subject, and characters can reply accordingly. You can be in more than one sub-thread if you wish to have your character socialize about.
• You are allowed to do things in the game outside of the party, so long as it doesn't contradict events going on at the event, of course.
• Feel free to comment to the concerns/complaint box or IM me (compuscouts on AIM) with any questions, etc. if you need help.
• Once the event officially closes on May 23, no new sub-threads are to be created, but old ones can be wrapped up until May 25.

* ANYONE CAN COME TO THE PARTY but if you received an invitation from Kaoru -- and anyone who provided their contact info did, I'm just a little behind -- then you are allowed to bypass the massive line that will form outside, but NOT bypass the weapons check (see below for clarifications). If you try to attend the party without an invitation, you will be interviewed briefly by a bouncer but I assume most characters will either schmooze or lie their way past that point - they just won't get in immediately.

** If you are honestly planning on trying to sneak weapons into the party, indicate it in the title of your comment and I will RP out the check. The only ones exempt from this rule are members of Monacello House as per the Character Alignments page - their names and likenesses are provided on a list for the bouncers - P.S. IF YOU ARE MONACELLO AND WANT TO BE ONE OF THE BOUNCERS, LET ME KNOW! ♥♥♥]

tyki mikk, mazikeen, rhode kamelot, hei, tieria erde, bianchi, robert chase, red x, badou nails, hitsugaya toushirou, sephiroth, hitachiin kaoru, kai, hatake kakashi, kiyone kotetsu, claire bennet, reborn, kristoph gavin, kaylee frye, peter petrelli, ichimaru gin, matsumoto rangiku, lulu, rabi, dean winchester, taejo togokhan

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