[open event] | sharpay vescovo so totally invites you to her 21st birthday!

Oct 12, 2008 16:37

WHO: Everyone.
WHAT: Sharpay Vescovo's 21st Birthday Extravaganza!
WHERE: The new Vescovo Centre built especially for this purpose.
WHEN: 153 | 7 PM

☆ you're so hot that i melted ☆ )

jacob black, kristoph gavin, roxas, rhode kamelot, shock, emily charlton, barrel, lulu, tomoyo daidouji, sharpay vescovo, roronoa zoro, syaoran li, usopp, tom marvolo riddle, lock

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Comments 47

(7:15, OPEN) dedsies October 13 2008, 01:52:16 UTC
They weren't Vescovo. They weren't anywhere near that mafia family, but the Monacellos hated them, especially Riddle. Whatever Tommy hated, they hated, but Tommy also wanted them to go to the party. So, why not? And Rhode might be there and some other important people that Barrel wanted to question or bring back to Tommy before his brother and sister.

He was dressed up in pink like the invitation wanted, and the shoes made him feel itchy. Maybe he can take them off when he came in. It wasn't going to be that fancy, right? Parties were supposed to be fun.

Barrel scratched his chubby belly, and looked around for some grade A meat.


locksies October 13 2008, 02:43:24 UTC
Red hair and pink clothes did not go together well--in fact, the clash probably hurt to look at--but something about the negative appeal made Lock all the more happier with his eyesore of an outfit. He followed Barrel inside, hands deep in jean pockets and a narrow smirk on thin lips. They were spies, so they'd do what they did best, right? It didn't matter that they weren't Vescovo. Not to them.

"You smell like dead fish," Lock commented snidely, shouldering his brother. "Where's Rhode?"

He kept his voice low enough so the question stayed between the two brothers as he scanned the area around them.


shocksies October 13 2008, 03:05:01 UTC
Shock bounded in after her brothers, and though she was following the dress code, the amount of pink in the building made her left eye twitch. Pausing for a second, Shock shuddered before worming her way between the two boys, looping one arm low around Lock's waist and the other over Barrel's shoulders. Shock said nothing for a few moments, just looked around the room for the cake table and, when spotted, a wide smile appeared on Shock's face. The huge cake made up for the ghastly amount of pink and glitter.

"Forget Rhodey for now," Shock told her brothers, still eyeing the dessert table. "We should wait and see who she comes with. She told me Sebastian's not her butler anymore, but everyone knows she can't fight for herself anyway. Poor little Rhodey! I wonder who's her bodyguard now," Shock mused. She finally tore her eyes away from the cake to the people milling about, but Shock didn't see Rhode anywhere.

"Let's get cake!"


stillnamed October 13 2008, 03:29:58 UTC
Tom sauntered into the room, dressed in an all-black ensemble; the only thing keeping him from getting kicked out was the light pink scarf tucked discreetly inside of his front pocket. This whole event was absolutely disgraceful in and of itself, he wasn't about to conform to its indignity any more than he had to to get what he needed.

And what he needed was information. If there was one thing that he knew, it was to know thy enemy. Of course, if tonight went well, he would know much more than that. He knew he wasn't the only new Sotto Capo in the city and if his opponent was that foolish little heir to the Vescovo name... he wouldn't be much of an opponent at all.

Tom spotted his three minions soldati quickly. Stalking over to them, he quickly smacked Barrel on the back of the head.

"Please conduct yourself with class, Barrel," he hissed, before continuing. "I expect all of you to continue on the task I've set you tonight."


(Open, 7pm) oath_ofoblivion October 13 2008, 03:14:02 UTC
Roxas, of course, was already in the ballroom with Sharpay. He'd really never felt so out of place before. He'd been assigned as the bodyguard to Syaoran's cousin, and he quickly understood why Syaoran hated having his name shortened in any form at all. "Ro" was not his name. "Roxa" was not his name. "Rox" and "Roxy" he wished could be reserved for Axel...at least he was used to them coming from the abrasive redhead. "Abrasive" didn't begin to describe Sharpay. He could hardly even talk, most of the time...

"What I wouldn't give to see Axel right now...somewhere Lockon and Reno wouldn't dare to come after him..." Then he remembered the whole thing that had gotten him into this mess. He'd been assigned as bodyguard to Sharpay because he'd made his own bodyguard Syaoran go through such hell for his sake.

At least...that's what they said.He sat on a bench in a corner, drinking something that he hoped very much was nonalcoholic. It was red, and didn't smell like booze, but that didn't mean anything. He was dressed in his ( ... )


longnosedliar October 14 2008, 04:13:52 UTC
Skirting along the edges of the party, Usopp was nervous. He had never really seen so many well dressed people in the same place. This really was not his comfort place. Luckily, a boy sitting slumped on a bench looked about as uncomfortable as he was. Which was a good way to start a conversation. Hey, you and me, we're both not part of this, we're everyday men, right? Working class! We know what it's like! Whoo hoo. Chums. Working men being all work-y and doing work-y things. Yeah? Yeah. We have so much in common.

But he didn't do that. Instead he took a thingy-on-a-toothpick-that-smelled-vaguely-of-fish and a glass full of questionable green liquid and sat on the bench about a meter away from Roxas. To respect his personal bubble. It was common courtesy.

Finally, he peered over at him and frowned at the destitute expression upon his face. "Uh..." He paused, unsure. "Are you okay?"


oath_ofoblivion October 14 2008, 15:58:33 UTC
Roxas was jolted out of his thoughts. "H-huh? Oh...I'm fine," he lied, keeping his eyes downcast. Who is this clown?

"Why?" This guy doesn't even know me, why would he care? At least...I don't think he knows me... Roxas still wasn't sure which memories were right, and which were wrong, or if they'd even been messed with at all. He still couldn't remember anything from more than a couple years ago, but he knew his head had been a little cloudy when he first got out, and for a day or two after they let him free the second time. He had no evidence that all these memories weren't fake, except for the ones about the mansion.


longnosedliar October 14 2008, 22:34:28 UTC
"Oh. Uh." Usopp glanced down at his fingers which tapped idly on his knees. Yeah, maybe this really wasn't a great idea. For all he knew, this guy could be some assassin from Vescovo, and not a working man at all! Cloaked in shadows, killing men from above, a cold hearted--

Yeah, no. But anyways, Usopp wouldn't be surprised if he was a Vescovo. This was Sharpay Vescovo's party, after all. "Well, I don't really know anybody here, and you looked a bit sad, so I thought maybe you didn't either," he said. Shrugging, he popped hors d'oeuvre in his mouth.

First Attempt at Socializing: Failure.


7.30 - OPEN dolcezzamacabra October 13 2008, 03:18:57 UTC
It was rather strange to be at a party like this after so long. The last time Rhode had been in this situation, she had been with Ichimaru, and the night hadn't ended very well at all. This time, however, she'd arrived on Kristoph Gavin's arm, dressed to impress and more than a little nervous. Kris had made it obvious that she needed to be on her best behavior, and even though she fully intended to act her part, she had a previously unknown fear that she would mess up horribly.

She forced herself to stop tugging at her hair once they entered, though she was still convinced there was something out of place. Cutting it all off was becoming something regrettable, though she did enjoy being able to simply spike it when she rolled out of bed.

There were more important things to worry about tonight, however, so she smiled sweetly and tried not to dig her nails into Kris' arm or hold on too tightly. Even if she wasn't Monacello anymore, she felt like a pink dolphin in a tank of sharks in this place.


Re: 7.30 - OPEN myscarsmiles October 13 2008, 05:24:06 UTC
Rhode might have been an utter ball of nerves, but Kristoph was every bit as calm and collected as he always was - even more, maybe. His suit was midnight blue, just barely scraping black, with his pocket square a pinkish-off-white, along with the pinkish opals set in his cufflinks. His tie matched the square, his shoes black and newly shined ( ... )


dolcezzamacabra October 13 2008, 06:17:58 UTC
Rhode's smile gained a hint of amusement as she caught sight of the three Monacello teenagers, grip loosening ever so slightly at his suggestion. She could easily talk to them; she honestly thought they were idiots, and talking to stupid people always made her feel better about herself. They weren't even dressed up for the occasion. Sharpay would probably swoop in on them like the blond bat from hell she was when she finished with the green-haired man.

"Tom probably won't be too happy," she spoke carefully, taking a deep breath as she considered the options. "But he can't really say anything. He probably hasn't even noticed I haven't been in the family."

As they walked, she was glad she'd practiced walking in her shoes. It was easier to act as if she were confident when she could take a step without being afraid of falling. Even though Rhode didn't feel terribly secure, her act was believable.


myscarsmiles October 14 2008, 03:11:06 UTC
"There's quite a difference from noticing and allowing people to know you know. It's all about secrets, mm? Secrets and masks." He smiled charmingly at her, but whatever he was truly thinking was so far secreted behind his smile it was possibly not even there. He allowed another glance at the bunch, wondering if the young Riddle was capable of standing sotta capo and being a worthy opponent. Borgia simply hadn't been. Hijikata was dead. Gin was gone. It was a sad day for him indeed. Maybe this new opponent would be worth something ( ... )


(Open, 7:50 PM) resolute_edge October 13 2008, 03:28:08 UTC
Zoro really had not wanted to come to the party in the first place. First of all, he hated the little twerp it had been thrown in honour of. Second, he hated pink. Third, he didn't like glitter. All of these things were conclusive to not going.

Despite this, a phone call from Sharpay's toady, assurance of free food and booze and the ever-lingering threat of Sharpay Vescovo screaming at Daddy-dearest convinced Zoro to go. After all, he got tons of work from Vescovo. Vescovo minions, anyways. Who the hell knew if it was official shit or not.

But he still wasn't going to wear pink. Hell, he didn't even own anything pink. It was still a good idea to go well dressed, though, so donning black slacks, a black suit jacket and a plain blue dress shirt, he entered the party. Then, his senses were immediately assaulted with blasts of pink and sparkles.

This was a bad idea.


FASHION POLICE STRIKES!!!! favolosity October 13 2008, 04:00:51 UTC
Sharpay was standing at the top of the stairs, looking every bit the princess that she was. Her hands were poised on her hips and she peered dramatically down her nose, surveying her masterpiece. It was just so beautiful! Everything was pink and wonderful and perfect just for her. It was like everything was finally how it was supposed to be!

Except for one thing.

She stalked down the stairs, waving over an attendant on her way. She had work to do.

"GRASSHEAD!" she squealed over the music. "That's ugly!" She pointed at his suit. Mostly, she had developed a fascination with his hair and he was just the perfect candidate for a makeover. That, and getting her way always made her happy.


resolute_edge October 13 2008, 04:12:19 UTC
Zoro couldn't help but stare, slack jawed, as Sharpay stomped her way down the stairs. Pink. And ruffly. It was like a nightmare. That atrocity was bearable, however, compared to what resounded in his ears next.

Grasshead. Grasshead. "My name," Zoro said, fighting to stay calm, "is Zoro. Not grasshead." Then, he looked down.

"And what's wrong with my suit?" He demanded. It was a good suit. Okay, his only suit. But it was pretty expensive, and he had to wear it for more formal meetings, and it had served him well. It was plain, and didn't have a helluva lot of fancy shit he had to figure out. A jacket. Pants. It was all good.


chasing_fury October 13 2008, 04:55:55 UTC
Lulu slipped in quietly after the party was well under way. She almost hadn't gone at all after what happened on the way there, but she didn't care to go home to an empty house with the sounds of the crash still ringing in her memory, so here she was.

Of course she'd had to go back and pick up a new outfit after the ordeal, but with such little time, she simply put on the first decent thing she found and sent her rather unlucky kitty-cat ensemble to the cleaners in hopes that it could be rescued.

Hopefully, regardless of fashion and with everything else that went on in the city, her arrival would not turn out to be the family scandal of the evening--but she kept her fingers crossed just in case.


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