"I love moms so much. If I talk about it too much I'll start crying. I just think moms are so selfless day in and day out -- women are just killing it all the time”
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pic.twitter.com/4moAZluyLI- Alanis Morissette (@Alanis)
April 7, 2020Alanis Morissette and rapper Mario "
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Comments 128
I do know parents who are really successful at following their kids' natural curiosity and making it actually educational. the kids are more engaged and excited about learning and get to know the world through experience, ending up with way more practical life skills and ability to solve problems than kids who do memorization for tests in a class of >30.
the problem is how few homeschooling parents actually understand how to do that and/or how many teach dumb religious shit instead.
People should keep in mind that the traditional route isn't the best for everyone - frankly, having tried every form of schooling over my life (private, public, home, unschooling), I think they all have their unique drawbacks and benefits. I kinda suck at math but other than that (and I tested positive for dyscalculia so I can't really blame unschooling LOL), I was always an above average student. Like you said, it's really up to the parents to do their job - my mom is very academic so that is probably part of why my experience was so positive.
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