Alanis Morissette opens up about breastfeeding, being an empath, unschooling her children

Apr 08, 2020 09:45

"I love moms so much. If I talk about it too much I'll start crying. I just think moms are so selfless day in and day out -- women are just killing it all the time”

Read the rest of the conversation with @goodhealth 👩💞👶
- Alanis Morissette (@Alanis) April 7, 2020
Alanis Morissette and rapper Mario " ( Read more... )

magazine covers and articles, music / musician, alanis morissette, interview

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bet_on_me April 9 2020, 01:40:30 UTC
TBH I'm homeschooling my 5 year old right now due to schools being shut down, and just in the past few weeks he's more or less taken the lead in his learning. He asks to do his "lessons" and it usually turns into him asking to read certain books on topics that he's interested in, then painting or drawing a picture about it, or we sit on the floor and play Go Fish or just count beads on his abacus. He knows how to count to 100 now because we practice counting to 30 when we make popcorn and he picks up on patterns lol. Last week he read his first full sentence to me. This evening we spent a lot of time researching what farm animals eat. I honestly feel like he's learning more at home without a lesson plan than he did in school.

I feel like "unschooling" is just a catchy label that people place on homeschooling without a curriculum. I will admit if he was in say grade 4 or 5 we'd probably need something more structured at least for math but so much of kindergarten and younger grades is just counting, basic arithmetic, basic geometry and patterns.


georgeslymaniv April 14 2020, 13:09:22 UTC
My kids are teenagers and I cannot homeschool them at all. Husband and I are both STEM people and our kids are in stuff like European History, French, orchestra. My daughter is struggling the most in lack of direction and structure. My son is okay at self guided study but there's no substitute for in person practice with a teacher in some subjects, especially learning instruments.


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