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Comments 75

honey_wheeler November 21 2010, 03:38:53 UTC
How beyond silly is it that just reading about the movie in your post has me tearing up again? IT IS SO DUSTY IN HERE, THAT'S WHY MY EYES ARE WATERING ( ... )


oatmeal_cookie November 21 2010, 04:10:48 UTC
YOUR ICON ALDSJFA;LDSKJFAD;LSKJ I feel insane, even the slightest reference to anything DH1-related has me flailing and wishing I could see the movie again right now.

Ron has always been #1 for me - the reason why I haven't really felt this much about any of the previous movies - and it felt so wonderful to finally see him shine. The kids were heartbreaking and just got everything so RIGHT.

I just feel genuinely sad for people who keep themselves from this sort of emotional attachment to fictional people.

WORD. (Also, this reminded me of "You'll never know love or friendship, and I feel sorry for you", and now I wanna cry.)


honey_wheeler November 21 2010, 05:34:08 UTC
I knowww, I feel insane too. It's that on-edge, perpetually-close-to-tears, heart-too-full feeling that HP always gives me. I DON'T CARE IF THAT'S WEIRD OR OVERLY INVESTED, FUCK THE HATERS.

Pardon me, I have to go look at more Ron and Hermione gifs and clutch my cat and sob.


oatmeal_cookie November 21 2010, 05:53:45 UTC

His little faaaaaaaaaaace, ugh, all of his faces. Everything about him. I CAN'T.


msmoocow November 21 2010, 04:07:51 UTC

Yeah, the naked kissing was all kind of awkward. I felt a little violated, and not ~erotically threatened~ as Ron was supposed to be.

COMPLETELY AGREE ABOUT THE DANCE SCENE. Stop getting your panties in a bunch, fandom. Goodness.

PRETTY MUCH THIS ENTIRE MOVIE BELONGS TO RUPERT FUCKING GRINT. I've always thought his acting was by far the best of the trio since movie one (with Dan catching up gradually and Emma...lolemma) but he really brought it. And you're so right about Dan, and EMMA IMPRESSED ME WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO.

Also Neville Longbottom has been my literary husband for some time (oh my god, all the embarrassing HP fic I wrote like four years ago is coming back to haunt me) and I was SO NOT PREPARED FOR THAT GLIMPSE OF BADASSERY. I went to the Mark Reads Hp meetup in SF, and he totes agreed with me. So I feel validated by an expert. HUZZAH.


oatmeal_cookie November 21 2010, 04:19:42 UTC
Yeah, I've always thought that Rupert was the best one in SS, but they gave him basically nothing to work with after that, and DanRad's been the one impressing me with his growth. I have no idea who spiked Steve Kloves's Kool-Aid, but I am forever grateful. RON. <33333

!!!!!!!!!!!! Neville was such an awesome surprise omg, I love him.



msmoocow November 21 2010, 04:26:45 UTC
lol i'm actually working for mark sorta right now SHHH IT IS ON THE DL OKAY. Long story short, tweet and tweet are for his move to the new domains. ANYWAY.


oatmeal_cookie November 21 2010, 04:37:10 UTC
Oooooooh that's so cool! I KNOW YOUR SEKRITS


smores100 November 21 2010, 04:38:05 UTC
I wish I could flail as hard as you, but I've already ranted and bitched about my DH experience (DIAF TRAFFIC AND OBNOXIOUS TEENS :||)...I'm sure I'll enjoy it much more if/when I watch it again. That said, even with all that suckiness going on, I did manage to enjoy the movie, and you've pretty much covered exactly why ( ... )


oatmeal_cookie November 21 2010, 04:54:50 UTC
For years, I have wanted to torch Steve Kloves's office/house/whatever since right around PoA, when it became really, really clear that he saw the trio as Harry/Hermione and wait, I think I forgot someth--oh yeah hey that's Ron over there. :||| It was so amazing to see the Ron that I have always loved finally be on the big screen, to see Rupert kicking ass at portraying him. *draws hearts*

Emma was pretty good in SS, but lol oh gurl, not so much the rest of it. (At least it's been so great to see her grow up so beautifully!) I think all three of them reveled in just being around each other, in letting the trio dynamic come to life for real for the first time. And it felt like they have always known these characters inside out, and now that they're on equal footing when it came to material, every single one of them shone like they never have before ( ... )


smores100 November 21 2010, 06:09:17 UTC
I don't know why Rupert/Ron kept getting shafted in the movies, such a waste! I'm happy he's finally been given the time to shine, and shine he did ( ... )


oatmeal_cookie November 21 2010, 06:26:38 UTC
#KlovesIsADouche #ShameOnYouKloves etc etc etc

There's still time for pre-emptive grief before everything really ends in July, but for these kids - HP is literally all they've ever known - and I feel so sad for them. :(

Um, WTF, what is the point of paying for a ticket to sit in a movie theater just to be assholes? HOW RUDE.


littlepunkryo November 21 2010, 04:47:43 UTC
I am being honest when I say this: it wasn't until I met you guys that I even noticed how short-changed Ron kept getting in the movies. I've always preferred the books over the movies - in my mind, I see Dan as Harry, Rupert as Ron, etc so when I read the books, I picture them, but the movies have always been something I loved slightly less than the books. I never noticed that he was made to come off as downright stupid sometimes and childish and a lot less nuanced ( ... )


oatmeal_cookie November 21 2010, 05:21:05 UTC
I have always been prickly when it comes to H/Hr vs R/Hr - I can't help it, it was ingrained in me when I first found the fandom 10 years ago - but good lord, people can be AWFUL about that stuff. So much smugness and general assholery everywhere, and I don't need more than small glimpses of it on my Tumblr dash to be turned off completely. I feel bad for those people, actually, that they're so focused on their "side" "winning" and they can't see the full gloriousness of the trio right in front of them. They were truly amazing, all three of them, and I'm so glad it finally happened - all of them on equal footing - even if it's 6 movies late. It's always been about the trio for me: their love and loyalty and so much goddamn courage.

Dan's always done a good job of balancing it for me so that he doesn't look like an emo teenager who needs a reality check.

YES OMG YES. I think it's easy to forget how awesome Dan is because he's always there, and he's always been pretty good, but it's so obvious that he loves the character so much, he ( ... )


honey_wheeler November 21 2010, 05:41:15 UTC
I can't imagine anyone being able to use the H/Hr dance as proof of that ship. I mean, it was incredibly affectionate and intimate and lovely but it was also very clearly a gesture of friendship and comfort, and their FACES at the end of it, oh man, how could you see those faces and not see how much the whole thing is really about missing Ron? LOOK AT THOSE FACES.

... )


littlepunkryo November 21 2010, 06:50:31 UTC
Srs business shippers are the Wormtails of this world, basically.


mabe85 November 21 2010, 05:23:42 UTC
"Just keep talking about that ball of light that touched your heart and you'll be all right" LOLOLOLOLOLOL
lol, yes. I love that Harry brought up the cheesiness of it. Because it is way cheesy, lol.

The dance (C/P-ed from my own LJ)
I love it. I don't find anything too shippy about it. It was just an honest moment, where they realized, "Yes, we need this." And they both knew that it was not going to last.
And I love and agree with what stormiesthaze said about choices <333

I've never really been impressed by Emma, but she was so great in this one, too.OMG MTE ( ... )


oatmeal_cookie November 21 2010, 05:49:42 UTC
Ron was so very earnest in his delivery of "the light that touched [his] heart", it made me want to giggle like mad and cry a little too, that he was so remorseful and just wanted everything to be better. The way Harry made fun of him - I wanted to die, it was so perfect.

And oh man, I'm so happy that I associate with people who see the beauty in the non-shippiness of the H/Hr dance. :D It was just a moment in time, and I felt so proud of them for being able to catch it, and heartbroken that it was just that, just a moment. OH, KIDS.

I laughed so hard at the Ministry sequence, but yeah, the emotion in Albert's eyes struck me, too. Oh, Harry.

Yeah, Ron definitely said 3 Horcruxes. :O


missyousofaar November 21 2010, 06:14:59 UTC
HA. I knew that was an error! I'm glad I'm not crazy.


ifeelwicked November 21 2010, 06:25:15 UTC
Rupert's delivery was so "omg monologue ~moment~~ guys" but he's so earnest and lovely and his stupid face is so stupid that he pulls it off.


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