How beyond silly is it that just reading about the movie in your post has me tearing up again? IT IS SO DUSTY IN HERE, THAT'S WHY MY EYES ARE WATERING.
I, too, loved allthe R/Hr stuff but wish they'd been allowed to be a bit more intense about what they were feeling (Ron's yelling at Malfoy Manor, Hermione running after him and crying when he was gone, etc.). It's funny, I feel like I'm probably coming off as if Ron's my favorite character with my movie reactions; he's not, Hermione is (though he is way up there, right behind Neville along with Luna). I think it's just that, unlike Hermione who's always gotten her due (and frequently more than her due), he's been so fucking shafted by the movies for so long and he was allowed to be just unleashed here and it was such a revelation. This was the first movie pretty much carried by the Trio and I think that's actually its greatest strength. Their dynamic was so perfect and after all these years, the actors really did share the history of friendship with their characters, and AUGH WORD VOMIT I JUST NEED TO GO SEE IT AGAIN AND CRY, OKAY.
Your subject line was the moment I first had to dig out a kleenex. And at theend I turned to onthehillside when the lights came up and wiped my eyes and croaked "Well I don't feel at all emotionally devastated now, do you?" It sounds silly, but I just feel geniunely sad for people who keep themselves from this sort of emotional attachment to fictional people.
YOUR ICON ALDSJFA;LDSKJFAD;LSKJ I feel insane, even the slightest reference to anything DH1-related has me flailing and wishing I could see the movie again right now.
Ron has always been #1 for me - the reason why I haven't really felt this much about any of the previous movies - and it felt so wonderful to finally see him shine. The kids were heartbreaking and just got everything so RIGHT.
I just feel genuinely sad for people who keep themselves from this sort of emotional attachment to fictional people.
WORD. (Also, this reminded me of "You'll never know love or friendship, and I feel sorry for you", and now I wanna cry.)
I knowww, I feel insane too. It's that on-edge, perpetually-close-to-tears, heart-too-full feeling that HP always gives me. I DON'T CARE IF THAT'S WEIRD OR OVERLY INVESTED, FUCK THE HATERS.
Pardon me, I have to go look at more Ron and Hermione gifs and clutch my cat and sob.
YES, LET'S DO. I'm chatting with windandcoffee right now about it all, and how online almost everyone I know gets invested in things like this and it's not weird at all, but in real life, it's like I'm a lonely overly-invested island. Which makes me sad because THIS IS AWESOME, EVERYONE SHOULD FEEL IT. Like, as sad and depleted and manic as it can feel, it's somehow all those things in such a good, fulfilling way.
My investment in these characters, in this story, in this world that I've grown up with - it has never felt wrong or over-the-top, and all of it put together gives me a kind of heartclutchy joy that nothing else ever has. It's so rich, and there's so much to think about, so much to love, SO MANY FEELINGS. I never thought I'd feel this much about it again, but I'm so glad I do.
I, too, loved allthe R/Hr stuff but wish they'd been allowed to be a bit more intense about what they were feeling (Ron's yelling at Malfoy Manor, Hermione running after him and crying when he was gone, etc.). It's funny, I feel like I'm probably coming off as if Ron's my favorite character with my movie reactions; he's not, Hermione is (though he is way up there, right behind Neville along with Luna). I think it's just that, unlike Hermione who's always gotten her due (and frequently more than her due), he's been so fucking shafted by the movies for so long and he was allowed to be just unleashed here and it was such a revelation. This was the first movie pretty much carried by the Trio and I think that's actually its greatest strength. Their dynamic was so perfect and after all these years, the actors really did share the history of friendship with their characters, and AUGH WORD VOMIT I JUST NEED TO GO SEE IT AGAIN AND CRY, OKAY.
Your subject line was the moment I first had to dig out a kleenex. And at theend I turned to onthehillside when the lights came up and wiped my eyes and croaked "Well I don't feel at all emotionally devastated now, do you?" It sounds silly, but I just feel geniunely sad for people who keep themselves from this sort of emotional attachment to fictional people.
Ron has always been #1 for me - the reason why I haven't really felt this much about any of the previous movies - and it felt so wonderful to finally see him shine. The kids were heartbreaking and just got everything so RIGHT.
I just feel genuinely sad for people who keep themselves from this sort of emotional attachment to fictional people.
WORD. (Also, this reminded me of "You'll never know love or friendship, and I feel sorry for you", and now I wanna cry.)
Pardon me, I have to go look at more Ron and Hermione gifs and clutch my cat and sob.
His little faaaaaaaaaaace, ugh, all of his faces. Everything about him. I CAN'T.
(here, have the icon again)
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