"The Search For Immortality"

Jun 22, 2010 11:06

"The Search For Immortality"
Who: Broken Master & Broken Doctor
When: Sometime after the plan to rule the world!

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bv: person.colin, bv: person.master, bv: person.rose

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Comments 49

themastereffect June 22 2010, 15:20:35 UTC
The Master turned his head as the Doctor cried out. Again. At this rate, he'd were going to end up dead before they could even do anything, which wasn't a good plan of action at all. The Master crossed his legs and pulled out his modulator, setting Colin to the side before giving the console a finale check over. He had auto pilot working, he could control it to pilot anywhere he wish and even got the lighting he'd installed to turn on at his whim... he still hadn't worked out how to fix that small issue of it exploding.

"Just be careful and try not to burn yourself this time, last time it set us back an hour," Course the Master could talk, the sheer amount of burns, cuts and almost lost limbs this week was staggering, especially in his case. Sometimes all this was far too dangerous. Pulling himself up and towards one of the panels, the Master sighed. Another leak he'd have to patch up, he really hoped this was water leaking through and not some sort of engine coolant that would burn him. AgainHe put the modulator in his mouth and ( ... )


notsoperfect10 June 22 2010, 15:32:55 UTC
Theta had become a taboo topic and though the Red TARDIS sat silently in Central Park, it was still on everyone's mind. When the Doctor followed the blond to the end of the service vent and peeked his head in, he knew he probably ought to not bring this up...but he was starting to think that they had no choice. The life he'd given the Master could wear out at any time. They could kill themselves with a faulty wire. Something had to be done.

"Theta wasn't wrong," he said, starting off small. "He found a way to return to life after he died. And if he can do it, a metacrisis, only half of me, imagine what we can do, Master."

This could wait. They had time on their size...literally.


themastereffect June 22 2010, 16:00:18 UTC
As he worked out the leak, the Master used his one had to balance, his foot sticking out to brace him on the wall as he half hung out of the vent. When the Doctor mentioned, the Masters head shot up... which probably wasn't he best move when he was in such a small space. He dropped his modulator and gripped his head. Now that had hurt.

He hadn't expected the Doctor to ever speak of Theta again, especially after he'd abandoned them. Still the Doctor had a point, of sorts. "Theta never told us how he did it, did he?"

Reaching for his modulator, he turned his head behind him and gave the Doctor a small look. He didn't trust immortality, as appealing as it was. Either was always either a curse or made you wrong. "He wasn't wrong but do you really want to risk making yourself wrong? If we were to... well immortalised ourselves then we'd have to find the right method or plan."


notsoperfect10 June 22 2010, 16:24:10 UTC
"How is that a set back when we have the most brilliant minds?" The Doctor pulled the Master out of the vent and checked his head for any potential injuries. At least it was just a bump this time and there was no blood. Throwing himself into a flight seat -- which Colin had luckily just vacated -- the Doctor frowned and put on his very best thinking face.

Every culture, every planet, had it's own mythologies about ways to keep young, ways to return from the dead. There was truth in some of those methods, but never anything solid. And some of the side effects were less than brilliant, really.

It's going to take work in research and in finding counter remedies in the right ways, he thought at the Master after revealing his plan. Charms, incantations, biological alteration... And it will be dangerous. But less dangrous than working on this piece of junk.


notsoperfect10 June 24 2010, 00:48:03 UTC
Being the Doctor, the Doctor didn't actually think of that. He frowned slightly, taking the Master by his free hand as he led him deeper into the tomb, and couldn't shake off the feeling that it was probably a bad idea, really, to test things out on other people. But how else would they work this? "I suppose you're right. We need something we can hurt to see if they heal back up."

The notebook was on a pedestal in the center of the tome and the Doctor touched it lightly before letting go of the Master to hoist it into his arms only to hear the sound of stone sliding on stone.

"Oh, no, no, no, no!" he called out, taking off for the steps again. He had forgotten the second rule of tombs: Boobytraps.


themastereffect June 24 2010, 01:12:11 UTC
The Master smirked, gripping onto the Doctor so he didn't loose him in the dark. "Well yes, I'm always right," he countered with a small amused laugh, he was never wrong. All he had to do now was pick out the right guinea pig to try all of this on. He knew of a few that might be just perfect, most of which shared a yearning to be immortal.

Watching intently as the Doctor snagged the the notebook, he didn't even think of it being trapped till he heard the sound of the stones sliding.

"Go, go, go," the Master yelled as he shot up the steps, eager not to get impaled or shot with something before he'd had a chance to become immortal. Why did neither of them think these things out anymore?


notsoperfect10 June 24 2010, 01:39:29 UTC
They were too late. The stone had moved across the opening again and the stairs...well. The Doctor frowned, using the light of his sonic to scan the ground. The stairs had crumbled. They were at least two stories underground and the way had not been straight but followed a gentle curve down to the base of the tomb.

"Master, did you remember to pack any of your teleportation devices?"

The blond was not wearing his satchel, so the Master could only hope that there was something in his hoodie.


themastereffect June 24 2010, 14:23:00 UTC
The Masters eyes widened and he fumbles around, trying to find something. He hopped he did or they were in a lot of trouble. He moved closer to the sonic as he pulled out various things. Half eaten chocolate bar, some pennies, his modulator... not teleport device.

"Hold this," he demanded, shoving the junk into the Doctors hand as he checked over his trousers, yanking a small device from his pocket and grabbing the Doctors arm. This'll either work or blow them both up.

Closing his eyes, he pressed the middle button. The broken device beep, sparked, set fire a little and started to move both Time Lords from the rather tricky situation. Well at least they weren't dead!


notsoperfect10 June 25 2010, 00:59:38 UTC
"Then we'll be doing him a favor!" the Doctor said, happy once again. "If things get too wrong, I have some nano-genes left and they will help to rewrite him back to psuedo normal!" Oh, the Doctor was absolutely thrilled.

"Before we steal him again, we should finish collecting everything. I don't want to have to go back our for groceries in the middle of making a cake!"

The Doctor flipped another page, his stomach actually growling before he pouted.

"I miss his pancakes. We need to be certain before we test on him. There's only one Not-Drippy."


themastereffect June 25 2010, 02:20:42 UTC
The Master frowned, his eyes fixated on the book as he tried to block out all the praise to Not-Drippy, he did like him very much but he didn't want to be fond of monkeys any more. It made him weak and pathetic, and besides that Ianto was too attached to the freak to be any fun any more.

"I can live without them. Pancakes are pancakes. Even I can make them."

Well he could but he often set fire to the kitchen, blew something up or ate all the pancakes as he made them, leaving none for the Doctor.

"Where to next?"


notsoperfect10 June 25 2010, 12:20:53 UTC
"Artaris," the Doctor said, frowning lightly. "I know...there's an object called the Relic. I remember it vaguely," he murmured. There was something about the use of it that he couldn't remember though--

"Oh! But you can't sleep. That's a bit annoying if I recall." Time Lords slept for an hour a night, at most, though the Doctor had taken to really enjoying the dreamworld with his Master.

Still, there was something nagging at him. Something important. Why couldn't he remember?


themastereffect June 25 2010, 16:11:38 UTC
"I rather like sleep, lets try to keep it that way," the Master pointed out, being awake every hour might get a bit dull, if he ever got bored then he'd curl up under the table or his desk and secretly take a nap.

The Master smirked suddenly and leaned forward, it was obvious from the look on his face that he had a plan. It was the same look he got when he'd made the singularity bomb. "If we can't work this out properly, I have a plan B you might like."

Plan B's were never good but it was worth an ask. "Remembering the immortality gate? I'm just saying... I know where we can find one, how to work one and how to get it to immortalise us. The only side effect will be the Master Race and who didn't love them!"


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