"The Search For Immortality"

Jun 22, 2010 11:06

"The Search For Immortality"
Who: Broken Master & Broken Doctor
When: Sometime after the plan to rule the world!

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bv: person.colin, bv: person.master, bv: person.rose

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notsoperfect10 June 24 2010, 00:48:03 UTC
Being the Doctor, the Doctor didn't actually think of that. He frowned slightly, taking the Master by his free hand as he led him deeper into the tomb, and couldn't shake off the feeling that it was probably a bad idea, really, to test things out on other people. But how else would they work this? "I suppose you're right. We need something we can hurt to see if they heal back up."

The notebook was on a pedestal in the center of the tome and the Doctor touched it lightly before letting go of the Master to hoist it into his arms only to hear the sound of stone sliding on stone.

"Oh, no, no, no, no!" he called out, taking off for the steps again. He had forgotten the second rule of tombs: Boobytraps.


themastereffect June 24 2010, 01:12:11 UTC
The Master smirked, gripping onto the Doctor so he didn't loose him in the dark. "Well yes, I'm always right," he countered with a small amused laugh, he was never wrong. All he had to do now was pick out the right guinea pig to try all of this on. He knew of a few that might be just perfect, most of which shared a yearning to be immortal.

Watching intently as the Doctor snagged the the notebook, he didn't even think of it being trapped till he heard the sound of the stones sliding.

"Go, go, go," the Master yelled as he shot up the steps, eager not to get impaled or shot with something before he'd had a chance to become immortal. Why did neither of them think these things out anymore?


notsoperfect10 June 24 2010, 01:39:29 UTC
They were too late. The stone had moved across the opening again and the stairs...well. The Doctor frowned, using the light of his sonic to scan the ground. The stairs had crumbled. They were at least two stories underground and the way had not been straight but followed a gentle curve down to the base of the tomb.

"Master, did you remember to pack any of your teleportation devices?"

The blond was not wearing his satchel, so the Master could only hope that there was something in his hoodie.


themastereffect June 24 2010, 14:23:00 UTC
The Masters eyes widened and he fumbles around, trying to find something. He hopped he did or they were in a lot of trouble. He moved closer to the sonic as he pulled out various things. Half eaten chocolate bar, some pennies, his modulator... not teleport device.

"Hold this," he demanded, shoving the junk into the Doctors hand as he checked over his trousers, yanking a small device from his pocket and grabbing the Doctors arm. This'll either work or blow them both up.

Closing his eyes, he pressed the middle button. The broken device beep, sparked, set fire a little and started to move both Time Lords from the rather tricky situation. Well at least they weren't dead!


notsoperfect10 June 24 2010, 16:12:03 UTC
Sure that he was missing an eyebrow, the Doctor held onto the Master and the research purloined from the tomb for dear lift. He knees gave way a moment later and he tumbled back, into the grass, and burst out laughing.

Where they were, he had no idea, but once again, they were alive.

"We're the luckiest uses in the history of Masters and Doctors!"


themastereffect June 24 2010, 17:43:58 UTC
As they tumbled back, the broken devise flew from the Masters hand, sputtered pathetically... then blew up. The Master turned his head and stared at the devise in shock before bursting into laugh himself. Well that was lucky, if it had blown up during the jump then they'd of been dead.

"New rule - we always check for traps!"

He grinned, rolling onto his back and catching his breath slowly. That was been so close, they really did need immortality if they continued to get themselves in such a situation.


notsoperfect10 June 24 2010, 19:03:25 UTC
Two hours later, his hair still a bit singed, the Doctor had finally worked out where they were.


That had made him laugh for ten minutes straight. The Master's teleportation device had lived up to the hype and had in fact deposited them exactly where the blond had always said that they'd go. It was actually intellectually pleasing for the Doctor as he and his companion waited on the platform to lie and cheat their way onto the Eurostar in order to return to London.

Neither actually wanted to try another device at the moment.


You remembered! <3 Fraaaaance. themastereffect June 24 2010, 20:32:47 UTC
France. France?

Why had he picked France of all places? Ohhh yes, he thought it'd annoy Saxon to be stuck in France and he'd never actually seen it himself. Now he was regretting his actions. He threw the broken device under the train and help the Doctor lie his way onto their own way of getting him. Still he wasn't speaking to the Doctor since he'd been laughing at him and his device for 10 minutes, despite his protest.

Sitting beside the Doctor, he sighed loudly, finally breaking the silence. "Alright, I'll admit it. It was a stupid device and France is just as stupid!"


Re: You remembered! <3 Fraaaaance. notsoperfect10 June 24 2010, 21:49:00 UTC
"Oh, nooooo!" the Doctor said, drawing out the word as he shook his head. "Your device was brilliantly brilliant! It's the only thing that saved us!"

The train was not at all crowded and the Doctor took the Master's hand, confident that no one would spy them having a little moment of closeness. Just because the Doctor wasn't constantly trying to cling to the Master any more didn't mean that he didn't want to touch him.

taking the time on the train and putting it to good use, the Doctor spread the book out on the small fold down table in front of them.

"Let's see what we've got."


themastereffect June 24 2010, 22:14:57 UTC
"Yes but it sent us to France," the Master pointed out with a small frown before deciding there was no point in lamenting, it had worked and one day he would fix it! If he had the time between rebuilding a teletubby and fixing up a new microwave that can walk around on all fours.

The Master sprawled out on his seat and watched as the Doctor spread the book out, wondering where they were lookng.

He leaned forward and flicked through the pages, trying to find what they needed. "There's a lot of rambling, might take a while to rush our way through all this and get to what we need."


notsoperfect10 June 24 2010, 23:56:29 UTC
"Particularly true if we don't rush," the Doctor retorted cleanly, sitting back to flip the book at his leisure. The notes were neat, explaining misteps and mistakes and that, more than the actual end of it, was exactly what the Doctor had been trying to learn. The Master wanted results at the risk of his own personal safety, but the Doctor could not allow that, incapable of seeing his other half hurt.

He'd never been able to stand that.

The train prattled on and the gruesome stories of life extension gone wrong filled the Doctor with disquiet enough that the next time the Master leaned over to bother him, the Doctor gently kissed him.

"We do need a test subject. I don't care who."


themastereffect June 25 2010, 00:49:39 UTC
Te Master leaned in, smiling slightly as the kiss as he read of the page the Doctor had open, frowning slightly. Well that wasn't good, the horror he was describing of one of the main flaw with immortality, those who get it wrong. Mutation or destruction. Even cruses, like the one Rassilon had faced.

"Hmm we do, don't we?"

The Master frowned, mentally scanning over who he knew that he'd happily experiment on. The Freak? No use, he was already ruined. Buuuut.... his lover wasn't.

"Not Drippy always wanted to be immortal," the Master suggested with a small playful smirk. Since their run in at the London hub, the Master found Not-Drippy not fun. He was happy to see if it killed him, it'd prove amusing.


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