Runaway Tales Master List: Radial Unravel

Sep 18, 2012 16:54

Radial: Unravel

Dokkalfa Milos had the rug pulled out from under his feet several times in his life. Even when he thought he’d found somewhere to call home it's never that simple and a routine delivery for his employer/mentor proved to him just how quickly things can fall apart. Now, modified into a living, breathing weapon, he’s got to adapt to yet another change in circumstances and needs to learn to navigate a world where everything he thought was true is a lie and where the words 'I hate you' could mean anything but.

Alex had one of the best educations in the country, a reward for surviving childhood as a government science facility guinea-pig. Turned into an agent trained to monitor people like him, he’s seen off several partners already-most to the Research department. Now, for the first time, his partner has come from there and, to add insult to injury, he’s an elf with a colourful past. Life couldn’t get much worse... until he uses Milos’s past against him for his own benefit and sends their working relationship down a whole new path.

Neither man knows how to get on with others but maybe, in each other, they’ve finally found someone to relate to. And they’re going to need each other, because it’s a difficult world out there and between them they’ve made enough enemies to last a lifetime...

The Academy (Alex)

  1. Allocution / Observation
  2. Gorgonize
  3. En Règle / The Upper Hand
  4. Kibitzer / Annoyance / A Hint
  5. Brabble
  6. Antipathetic / Monitor / For Your Own Good
  7. Intemerate / Shock
  8. Word-Hoard / Confidence / A Promise
  9. Plotz / Fear
  10. Wellaway / Despair
  11. Jackanapes / The First Time
  12. Atavistic
  13. Boustrophedon
  14. Counterfactual
Milos's Teenagerhood

  1. Domination / Camera
  2. Double Take / Admiration
First Arc

  1. Spring Showers / A Dare
  2. Robins / My Mentor / What's The Catch?
  3. Basket / Changing Seasons
  4. Dye / Cross My Heart
  5. Eggs / Trouble Sleeping
  6. Best Dress / A Walk In The Woods / Talking To Myself
  7. Bonnet / Been There, Done That / Wouldn't You Like To Know?
  8. Jellybeans / I Smell A Rat
Present Day Part 1

  1. Pity / Don't You Cry For Me
  2. Say Cheese
  3. Axial / Denial
  4. Bathetic / Exhaustion
  5. Aliquant
  6. Pseudology
  7. I've Got Your Back
  8. Lodestar / A Fresh Start
  9. Cantrip / Remote Control / Guilt
  10. A Secret
  11. Are You Thinking What I'm Thinking? Probably not...
  12. Negotiation
  13. Seatbelt / Euphoria
  14. Ectopic
  15. Hypethral / Around The Campfire
  16. Hesitation / On Edge
  17. Cellphone / Lust
  18. Aspirin / Suspicion
  19. Zipper / A Helping Hand
  20. Urgency / Sneakers
Second Arc

  1. 1. Over The Carnage Rose Prophetic A Voice
  2. 2. The Secret Wound Still Lives Within The Breast
Present Day Part 2

  1. Compotation / Make A Wish / Bar
  2. The Scenic Route / Playfulness
  3. Anguish
  4. Plastic Bag / Brainwashing
  5. Light Bulb / Better Luck Next Time
  6. An Inconvenience / Keeping Warm
  7. Eurythmic / Foolishness
  8. Algid / Building
  9. Hypnopompic
  10. Alley / Distraction
  11. Kitchen
  12. Out Of My Hands / Ticket
  13. Nuque / A Cunning Plan / Amusement
  14. Doubt / Headphones
  15. Disdain / Rehearsal
  16. Affection / Better Off
  17. A Miracle / A Procession
  18. Enthusiasm / Spring Cleaning
  19. One Step Closer / Trash Can
  20. Mistletoe
  21. Cat's-Paw
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