Fudge Ripple #26; Malt; Pocky

Dec 06, 2012 23:34

Author: Regret
Rating: PG
Story: Radial: Unravel
Challenge: Fudge Ripple #26 - Anguish
Extras: Pocky; Malt - Day 6 of the Advent Calendar
Word Count: 100
Summary: Alex and Milos protect a girl with a valuable ability.
Notes: I saw the picture and suddenly thought of this song and this was the result, although I'm not actually sure where it came from...

It was difficult to non-lethally injure people when every slash could sever arteries. He managed it somehow. Alex had no such qualms: only professional standards kept him in check.

Now the sobbing girl was surrounded by groaning, bloodied bodies.

He put an awkward arm around her; she cringed away even though his fingers were fingers once again and her cries intensified through her hands covering her face.

Alex stepped forward and crouched before her, pulling her hands away, palms up. Where her tears had dried, diamonds clung to her skin.

“You’re safe now,” Milos whispered, and hoped he wasn’t lying.

[author] regret, [extra] malt, [extra] pocky, [challenge] fudge ripple

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