Title: Lies part 3 Pairings: Yewook and Kyuwook (relatively equal amounts) rating: NC-17 genre: AU high school disclaimer: i own nothing and no one. summary: read and find out lol.
Title: Lies part 2 Pairings: Yewook and Kyuwook (relatively equal amounts) rating: NC-17 genre: AU high school disclaimer: i own nothing and no one. summary: read and find out lol.
Title: Lies part 1 Pairings: Yewook and Kyuwook (relatively equal amounts) rating: NC-17 genre: AU high school disclaimer: i own nothing and no one. summary: read and find out lol.
Title: Another High School Fic Part 1 Pairings:Jaejoong centric and Yoosu (relatively equal) Rating:R Warnings:language disclaimer: i own nothing and no one
Title: What's In A Name? Part 3 Pairings: Eunhae Sihan rating: R disclaimer: I own nothing and no one Summary: Hyukjae infiltrates Hankyung's gang after messing up a previous mission from Siwon.
title: Affair part 1 pairings: Eunteuk, kangteuk, mentioned eunhae rating: NC-17 disclaimer: i own no one and nothing. warnings: poorly written smut *fails* ( Read more )
Title: Deal part 1? pairings: kyuwook yewook rating: R disclaimer: i own nothing and no one. A/N: This fic might not flow very well together, its just something i'm writing on the side so i'll most likely just post it here..no one will probably stop by my journal to see this but oh well lol.