"That's the point, isn't it? That's what you dragged me here for?"

Apr 25, 2011 00:37

Ooh. That's where we're going to go with this episode. It's a tough one all around for everyone involved! It's the start of Noah's surgery and all does not go according to plan. Dun ... dun ... DUN ( Read more... )

chris hughes = oakdale's next top douche, reid is in doctor mode, poor bb luke, entitled moments in history, katie is banana to reid's peanut butter, luke/reid rewatch, the douche remains douchey, comment fic, jealous!reid is hot

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Comments 164

qjilla28 April 25 2011, 11:28:13 UTC
Although I loved every opportunity we got to see Reid on our screens, there were so many things that made Noah's pre-surgery and surgery cringeworthy ( ... )


sleeper6 April 25 2011, 13:34:18 UTC
And then of course, the Noah dream. It convinced me that he was already suffering from some pretty serious brain damage. Cringe.

Okay, that is TOO funny! :D


smoothlikebutta April 25 2011, 15:11:35 UTC
Luckily, Reid survived the surgery without a scratch.

Ha! Yes, that is the important part.


mech_bull April 25 2011, 12:02:05 UTC
After the total overuse of "Doogie" in fic, I actually get annoyed when Reid says it in canon. I feel like that nickname should be banned ( ... )


rhiannonhero April 25 2011, 12:18:51 UTC
And not, say, getting his head shaved.

They don't generally shave heads for most/all brain surgeries anymore. They haven't since the early 2000s. My mother had massive brain surgery for a tumor back in 2001, and they didn't shave her head. They just shaved a line, about a pencil's width, and then moved back the scalp/hair. Now, when my grandmother had brain surgery in 1998, they shaved her head. It was a fast change, and the best neurosurgeons implemented the change more quickly. There are apparently many reasons for it, but one is strong evidence that patients recover better because their self-esteem/psychological condition is not as affected by having a bald head.

So - true facts. Noah probably wouldn't have had his head shaved as only the old skool surgeons do that these days.


mech_bull April 25 2011, 12:41:59 UTC
Interesting to know. I would still have expected them to shave a line though, as you said. I mean, I know it's TV, whatever. It still annoys me.


rhiannonhero April 25 2011, 12:46:09 UTC
Well, they did give him a bandage over his head for a few days. I can also say that when my mother returned from her surgery there was no indication of the line unless she lifted and moved the hair away. Now, her hair was a tiny bit longer than Noah's, but not much. And if he wore a bandage for a few days then it could've grown out.

Sorry. It's just one of my big pet peeves in this fandom (and a few others where there are brain surgeries) that people harp on the shaved head thing when it is actually one of the few things they got right about all of this. (Because it was easiest for them, sure, but whatever.) :P


Part 1 sleeper6 April 25 2011, 12:38:40 UTC
I always defend Luke but I think he's being inconsiderate here of Reid's feelings. The guy just recently kissed him and told him--showed him--how he feels and yet Luke is acting here like none of that happened.

Now, I do know that Luke did say he and Reid "starting something together" would be a "conflict of interest" in the previous episode--does this mean then that Luke doesn't want anything with Reid at this moment and thinks Reid should know that? I'm actually a little confused by that, because in the next episode, he will tell Reid that he "rejected" him, so maybe Luke really doesn't think anything is happening since they (or the damn beeper) stopped anything before it started.

Now, Luke is being a good friend, though, of course because he's there with Noah so Noah won't be alone even though he's been hurt by Noah a lot. But again, that's who Luke is and would we expect anything less?

I do hate how Noah, now that he thinks everything will be back to normal, automatically expects that he and Luke will get back together too--ugh


Re: Part 1 bluemagicrose April 25 2011, 19:26:31 UTC
Now, I do know that Luke did say he and Reid "starting something together" would be a "conflict of interest" in the previous episode--does this mean then that Luke doesn't want anything with Reid at this moment and thinks Reid should know that? I'm actually a little confused by that, because in the next episode, he will tell Reid that he "rejected" him, so maybe Luke really doesn't think anything is happening since they (or the damn beeper) stopped anything before it started.You know what I always chalk that up to? Bad writing. And I know that's the easy excuse, but it is. Didn't ATWT have different writers writing different episodes? Like, one writer writes Tuesday, another Wednesday, another Thursday. And if the writer for Thursday only know the general gist of what happened Tuesday and Wednesday, then some of this stuff goes back and forth. I remember Van answered someone's question on Facebook about the Mona issue (I think it was specifically Reid getting his job back) and he said he thought they had filmed that stuff before he ( ... )


Re: Part 1 sleeper6 April 25 2011, 19:42:03 UTC
You could definitely be right about that. There was a lack of consistency in a lot of LuRe scenes.


Re: Part 1 karinskul April 25 2011, 21:47:01 UTC
I do hate how Noah, now that he thinks everything will be back to normal, automatically expects that he and Luke will get back together too--ugh!

Exactly! I Hate how Noah tighten the grip around Luke's shoulders and say's he's ready to get his life back, like now It's ok for Luke to hang around and everything can just get back to "normal" ...poor Reid! But to Luke's defense; he does look very guilty when Reid enters the room, like he's been caught doing something he souldn't!


Part 2 sleeper6 April 25 2011, 12:42:35 UTC
I love Luke/Katie scenes! It's funny that they didn't really share a lot of screen time until this storyline--no complaints from me. They're so adorable and bubbly together, no matter what they're talking about.

Reid. Oh, Reid. I feel for him, the way he tries to avoid looking at a possible Nuke reunion before his eyes. The guy's got it bad for Luke and is starting to feel the first real feelings of jealousy that will continue throughout the storyline.

But I love of course that Reid is still a doctor first and foremost and would not purposefully harm Noah or not try his best to fix him, no matter what his personal feelings for Luke are/were.


zippy2825 April 25 2011, 13:45:49 UTC
Reid couldn't see to stop the bleeding because Noah's full head of hair kept getting in the way...I still can't believe that surgery scene. If they had been using a laser or some non-invasive technique, I might have understood why he had hair. However, the way they had the scene staged, I have to give the actors so much credit. How could they play it without snickering? Looking back, I wish they either could have done it better or left it out altogether. I'm surprised they didn't use Jack Daniels as the anesthetic. It reminds me of the scene that really didn't happen. It was totally unbelievable.

To the positive points -- I love Katie in this episode. So much blonde and yet so much wisdom when it comes to her friends, Luke and Reid. Reid and scrubs -- not much can beat that combination. Jealous Reid -- yes, I love it when Reid reacts to Luke and Noah even when it's not justified. It shows he cares.


dpracket April 25 2011, 14:02:34 UTC
It's almost as believable as Craig's explosion.


rhiannonhero April 25 2011, 14:21:56 UTC
They actually don't shave heads anymore for brain surgery. Well, not the cutting edge neurosurgeons, at least. They shave something the width of a pencil or less, and then move the scalp and hair back. This is true facts. :D

ETA: And I keep bringing it up all the time because it is like the one thing they actually did right in this entire medical scenario. Because they did such a crap job with all of it!! :D


zippy2825 April 25 2011, 18:30:03 UTC
Wow, thanks for the info. I had no idea. That relieves me of the cringe factor, somewhat at least. Now I can focus totally on how hot Reid is in scrubs! Again, thanks!


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