"That's the point, isn't it? That's what you dragged me here for?"

Apr 25, 2011 00:37

Ooh. That's where we're going to go with this episode. It's a tough one all around for everyone involved! It's the start of Noah's surgery and all does not go according to plan. Dun ... dun ... DUN ( Read more... )

chris hughes = oakdale's next top douche, reid is in doctor mode, poor bb luke, entitled moments in history, katie is banana to reid's peanut butter, luke/reid rewatch, the douche remains douchey, comment fic, jealous!reid is hot

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mech_bull April 25 2011, 12:02:05 UTC
After the total overuse of "Doogie" in fic, I actually get annoyed when Reid says it in canon. I feel like that nickname should be banned ( ... )


rhiannonhero April 25 2011, 12:18:51 UTC
And not, say, getting his head shaved.

They don't generally shave heads for most/all brain surgeries anymore. They haven't since the early 2000s. My mother had massive brain surgery for a tumor back in 2001, and they didn't shave her head. They just shaved a line, about a pencil's width, and then moved back the scalp/hair. Now, when my grandmother had brain surgery in 1998, they shaved her head. It was a fast change, and the best neurosurgeons implemented the change more quickly. There are apparently many reasons for it, but one is strong evidence that patients recover better because their self-esteem/psychological condition is not as affected by having a bald head.

So - true facts. Noah probably wouldn't have had his head shaved as only the old skool surgeons do that these days.


mech_bull April 25 2011, 12:41:59 UTC
Interesting to know. I would still have expected them to shave a line though, as you said. I mean, I know it's TV, whatever. It still annoys me.


rhiannonhero April 25 2011, 12:46:09 UTC
Well, they did give him a bandage over his head for a few days. I can also say that when my mother returned from her surgery there was no indication of the line unless she lifted and moved the hair away. Now, her hair was a tiny bit longer than Noah's, but not much. And if he wore a bandage for a few days then it could've grown out.

Sorry. It's just one of my big pet peeves in this fandom (and a few others where there are brain surgeries) that people harp on the shaved head thing when it is actually one of the few things they got right about all of this. (Because it was easiest for them, sure, but whatever.) :P


mech_bull April 25 2011, 12:54:46 UTC
Fair enough.

But the point remains from my earlier post that they would not have been taking care of paperwork or allergy/anesthesia concerns at that point in the game.


spiceinator April 25 2011, 17:55:12 UTC
Keep in mind this is the same show where Liberty supposedly lost all of her hair due to chemo, yet mysteriously kept her eyebrows. Dusty also had brain surgery and came out doing round-house kicks in almost no time. I'd love to got to Memorial next major ailment I have. Everyone comes out looking just FABULOUS!


laurondo April 25 2011, 17:55:15 UTC
I had to have my shunt replaced back in 1999/2000. I cried about them shaving my head but it turns out that they didn't have to, so all went well. True story.


rhiannonhero April 25 2011, 12:29:04 UTC
Their equipment from, like, the 80s for Noah's experimental brain surgery cracks me up.

Seriously, hahaha! This is true. Also, the whole thing with him being there conscious and all prepped is funny to me, because all the surgeries I've had (except for one emergency situation), and the surgeries people I know have had, at least in recent years, they usually give you a shot on the way to the OR that basically knocks you out, and there's no memory of being in the OR. I suppose they could have given him that twilight medicine and he could still be talking, but, I doubt it.


mech_bull April 25 2011, 12:44:25 UTC
I remember vividly having a conversation with the nurses in the OR AND recovery room during the two surgeries I've had in my life. Both were several years ago, though. But that part didn't bother me as much of some of the rest of the ridiculous medicine stuff. (Wait until we get to the magical eyedrops!)


rhiannonhero April 25 2011, 12:48:02 UTC
The emergency surgery I had I remember both the OR and the recovery room vividly. Maybe the adrenaline was a factor. I dunno.


mech_bull April 25 2011, 12:56:36 UTC
Well, they did say that Noah's BP was spiking, didn't they?


dalia_chan April 25 2011, 20:47:28 UTC
also i don't think you dream, right? when i had my surgery, yeah they knocked me in on the way to the OR. next thing i knew i was awake and didn't remember falling asleep or anything. the doctor was talking to me, and i clearly remember a kitten meowing. WhyTF was their a kitten in my operating room? >_>


bigboobedcanuck April 25 2011, 14:29:02 UTC
For my orthoscopic knee surgery -- not quite on par with brain surgery! -- I didn't get knocked out until I was on the operating table, which I remember was narrow and hard. The nurse strapped me on and I said, "I don't like this!" and she replied, "You'd be weird if you did!" Hee. Then the anesthesiologist couldn't find a vein and had to put it in my hand and I was like, OMG knock me out already!

But again, not the same as brain surgery. And I didn't have to sign release forms on the table, LOL.


rhiannonhero April 25 2011, 15:22:41 UTC
Hee! Well, the emergency surgery in 2003, I did have to sign release forms on the table! It was all very, very, very rushed. I was in the OR and the anesthesiologist was asking me my weight and allergy stuff as they were prepping, and there were those huge lights, and I had to sign forms, and I remember them putting the mask thing over my face and I counted backwards from 10, like on the movies, and got to 7. :P

The other two surgical events, though, in 2008 and 2010, they gave me a shot as they were wheeling me from the prep room, and before I even got to the double doors, boom, I was out.


laurondo April 25 2011, 17:58:00 UTC
Last surgery I had, I remember being awake in the OR and talking to the nurse and then I think I even spoke to the doctor that was going to be operating once he stepped in shortly after they gave me the meds to be knocked out. So, I think every situation is different.


peggin April 25 2011, 12:33:41 UTC
Luke - You so crazy! It's not like he makes me tingly in my special parts. Besides: Noah.

I interpret Luke's part of the conversation differently. IMO it wasn't so much about him denying how Reid makes his special parts tingly and something more along the lines of:

"You're crazy! I belong with Noah -- a loser like me could never expect to get anyone better than Noah. Besides, even if he does frequently treat me like crap and push me away, he always comes back to me eventually. But a guy as awesome as Reid? He would never want someone like me for more than just a roll in the hay!


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