Wallpaper: Dean - Fake smile

Jan 27, 2012 22:57

I can't forget Dean's fake smile. It still upsets me, scares me, hurts me. This advice came from strangers (Eliot Ness and Frank Deveraux) who couldn't even begin to know the pain and tragedy of Dean's life. It still feels so wrong. So I probably needed to process it by making just another wallpaper ( Read more... )

dean, fanart, supernatural, wallpaper

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Comments 9

ash48 January 27 2012, 23:27:51 UTC
Yeah... Dean's fake smile is interesting indeed. I wonder if this is the mark of a true hero, someone who can carry on despite how awful life is.

I suspect we will see the toll it takes on Dean at some point, but in the mean time I'm glad they've found a way for him to carry on. A depressing, angst ridden Dean would be hard to watch for every ep (IMHO).

The SOPA/ACTA is very scary. And worrying.



no_ones_sleep January 28 2012, 10:15:42 UTC
I know the writers needed some means to keep Dean going, but at this point it feels out of character to me. Dean is showing superhuman strength with the way he is coping. They have made him suffer, made him an alcoholic, made him lose everything and almost everyone... I could have accepted this smile-approach easier if there had already been a breakdown before. I feel that Dean needs to fall apart before he can stand up again, but this isn't granted to him. (And of course I want him to end up at my doorstep so that I can take care of him and keep him warm in this cold. (We got the first snowfall of the year yesterday.)) I hope we will be able to see where his journey leads him.

At least you wouldn't have to wait that long for the new episode to watch if ACTA comes through- can I end up at YOUR treshold then?! *gg* Is that common that you have the shows on TV shortly after the US airs them? Germany is currently airing the 5th season of SPN. In the middle of the night. We are... just a little behind, you might say.


ash48 January 28 2012, 15:59:55 UTC
/o\ I want to get into a discussion about this because I have thinky thoughts but I suspect we have differing opinions on the issue.

So... skip this if that's problematic. (I always discuss with an open mind and with no malice whatsoever *g*).

For me, I love that they have mostlyhinted at the deep seated problems that Dean has rather then dwell them. If Dean were to lose himself to grief and become a self pitying, drunken, non functioning character then I think we'd (I'd) struggle to have a character we sympathize with. Instead we have a character who is finding a way to carry on despite everything he's been through. It makes me admire him even more. I get that the character's who gave him that advice haven't been through what he has but he has to carry on, so to make it work for himself (by plastering on a smile) is one of the bravest things I think Dean has done ( ... )


no_ones_sleep January 28 2012, 17:00:41 UTC
I love to discuss the show and life in general- and if we disagree, I can learn from a different point of view which is always interesting (and sometimes painful, but even then mostly worthwhile). I know you respect my opinion, so please feel free to say yours- you are invited to do so any time! Though I thank you for being so careful while approaching this topic. But you can just rant away. I`ll join you. ♥

When I read what you wrote I felt like Dean IS right now how you described he would be like if he broke down (is that sentence even English?!). There have been two scenes in the last two episodes when Dean was just staring at what was happening before his eyes- unable to move, paralyzed, and Sam was the one to step into action. One time when the kid stabbed that woman and Sam killed the second one, and the other time while Chronos got stabbed by Sam. Dean wasn't functioning anymore, he was watching, his reflexes as a hunter switched off. And his expression was so stunned! And I thought that maybe that is a sign of his inner ( ... )


dustofempires January 28 2012, 12:04:57 UTC
I thought that scene sucked balls. It was so misplaced. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Awkwaaaaard. Fuck you, writers.


no_ones_sleep January 28 2012, 12:16:06 UTC
It felt out of character to me. Dean is in no place to smile, I believe, fake or no. But that scene had me tearing up nontheless- to imagine this man behind the wheel, steering his car when he actually has nowhere to turn to and no control over his life- just over this piece of metal...

Have a wonderful, lazy day! ♥


abeautifullie3 February 5 2012, 23:45:47 UTC
That scene ripped me up. For Dean, for Jensen, for myself. So much emotional trauma wrapped up in it, blurring the lines of fiction and reality. My breath still stutters looking at your lovely WP, and recalling the moment. *heavy sigh*

I suppose the US is still better than many places, but yeah...our "Land of the Free" proclamation is fast becoming a line of BS. It's scary.


no_ones_sleep February 7 2012, 14:43:41 UTC
Thank you for your compliment! This scene is as awful as it is awesome. I still cannot look at that scene in the episode, and I was avoiding to look at the screen when they showed a flashback in 7x13. It hurts. You found the perfect words for this scene- and I think that it's exactly that what makes us connect with the boys. There is something of ourselves in them, in their deepest despair, in the moments when they don't see a light- and yet they somehow continue, and we cling to them in hope we will also find our way along with them. And that is why I fear Dean's death so much. It would mean he can be defeated, that there is a "too much". And that just mustn't be. Never ( ... )


abeautifullie3 February 7 2012, 16:31:47 UTC
You pretty much nailed it as well, the fact that they keep pushing through the despair and overwhelming odds. I see so much of myself in both brothers that it's scary and painful. I mean, the header on my journal, "I live this life because I have to." isn't just a statement for Dean. It's personal ( ... )


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