Wallpaper: Dean - Fake smile

Jan 27, 2012 22:57

I can't forget Dean's fake smile. It still upsets me, scares me, hurts me. This advice came from strangers (Eliot Ness and Frank Deveraux) who couldn't even begin to know the pain and tragedy of Dean's life. It still feels so wrong. So I probably needed to process it by making just another wallpaper ( Read more... )

dean, fanart, supernatural, wallpaper

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ash48 January 28 2012, 15:59:55 UTC
/o\ I want to get into a discussion about this because I have thinky thoughts but I suspect we have differing opinions on the issue.

So... skip this if that's problematic. (I always discuss with an open mind and with no malice whatsoever *g*).

For me, I love that they have mostlyhinted at the deep seated problems that Dean has rather then dwell them. If Dean were to lose himself to grief and become a self pitying, drunken, non functioning character then I think we'd (I'd) struggle to have a character we sympathize with. Instead we have a character who is finding a way to carry on despite everything he's been through. It makes me admire him even more. I get that the character's who gave him that advice haven't been through what he has but he has to carry on, so to make it work for himself (by plastering on a smile) is one of the bravest things I think Dean has done.

(Can you tell I loved the fake smile? /o\)

And same with Sam. (and if I wanted to rant I'd say Sam is totally neglected in the coping drama here because he hasn't really been considered in the loss of Bobby or even Castiel - on top of that living with Lucifer in his head with a soul that's been in heal for 120 years).. but I won't because they are dealing with Sam the same way has they are dealing with Dean. Finding a way for them to cope.

I have to say I'm not sure what Dean would look like 'breaking down." I have really thought about that. Would he snap? Lose his mind and lash out (like he did in S2?)? or maybe drink himself into a stupor? I'm not sure if he might just shut down completely (which we've seen many hints of in S7) or.. I don't know. He'd have to "crack" somehow but I'm just not sure what that would be for Dean. We've seen him crack a few times (after John died, when Sam died, in Yellow Fever)...so I think they'd want to do something different this time.

I am really curious about this. For me I can see him drinking himself into oblivion, to the point that he is non functioning... but if that happens he'll have to come out of it some how.

Argh! Sorry... I ranted. I think because I really love where Dean is at the moment. I love Dean strong and coping. A simpering Dean makes me want to slap him around the head. (even though he has a damn good reason to be a simpering wreck! Sam too!) Oh Boys!! Oh Show... how dare you make me feel so much.

Ummm... we can agree to disagree maybe? :)

And yes... Australia (has far as I know) haven't signed the ACTA so hopefully internet content won't be censored here.

I'm not sure about other shows, but I think we are close behind the US. Though the next season of Sherlock has aired here yet.

Again sorry for the rant. I'm sure you didn't want that. /o\


no_ones_sleep January 28 2012, 17:00:41 UTC
I love to discuss the show and life in general- and if we disagree, I can learn from a different point of view which is always interesting (and sometimes painful, but even then mostly worthwhile). I know you respect my opinion, so please feel free to say yours- you are invited to do so any time! Though I thank you for being so careful while approaching this topic. But you can just rant away. I`ll join you. ♥

When I read what you wrote I felt like Dean IS right now how you described he would be like if he broke down (is that sentence even English?!). There have been two scenes in the last two episodes when Dean was just staring at what was happening before his eyes- unable to move, paralyzed, and Sam was the one to step into action. One time when the kid stabbed that woman and Sam killed the second one, and the other time while Chronos got stabbed by Sam. Dean wasn't functioning anymore, he was watching, his reflexes as a hunter switched off. And his expression was so stunned! And I thought that maybe that is a sign of his inner demise and also of his alcohol abuse. - Just like you I don't want Dean to run around as a sobbing mess (that's my part after all). What I wish for is just one moment of truth- and the problem is that would have to be with Sam, and like you pointed out, Dean knows damn well that Sam has Hell on his mind. So he can't have that.

HA!!! And here I found my explanation as to why the writers denied Dean this moment- Sam is wonderful, he is so unbelievingly strong and indeed my hero. But also his state is so fragile that Dean doesn't dare to poke at it. Just one day after the other, and therefore the smile is fitting in way... Thank you, Ash. This is what I meant- discussions are great. XD

Still I want Dean to find some sort of peace, time to catch his breath and actually deal with what happened. But so does Sam, and I don't think his coping mechanism will work much longer. (When Dean disappeared with Chronos in the alley, I thought that Sam must have had a hard time figuring out if this was real or not... but probably his hallucinations are limited to apparitions of Lucifer?!)

I love that you thought about what Dean's breaking would be like! I agree on the drinking. And though I can't stand drunk people around me in real life, I have such a soft spot for Dean's drinking... is that co-dependence?! - And yes, what I wish for and what I imagine as the turning point is like the car scene when Dean told Sam about hell. (Because I still am so very upset about the way Jensen cried. It was cruel to watch and so well done!) And after the sea of tears, he can stand up and face the world again. Too easy? But then Dean has always hated to have to keep secrets from Sammy, and being able to tell the truth might really have healing powers for him...

And I swear I am no gloomy person. I enjoy life. Well, mostly. *gg* I'm just an emotion junkie, and that's why SPN got me in the first place.

My hubby (!!!) just found out how I can use HULU. So... I might be able to watch after all!! Oh the joy... :-)


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