
Jun 20, 2012 08:14

We had some wonderful creations from yesterday's post. Thank you!

Fic: Regret [PG-13] by howlinchickhowl
Graphic: Redemption by kl_shipper1
Fic: What Happens At Dionysus, Stays At Dionysus [PG-13] by word_vomity
Fic: Blessed [PG] by deborah_judge
Fic: The Dance [PG] by kl_shipper1
Graphic: Belief by rirenec

Today's Topic: Bookends, or Firsts and Lasts

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Begin Again; an AU ending kdbleu June 20 2012, 20:41:22 UTC
Kara goes out by herself to watch as the Galactica and Sam fly into the Earth’s sun. She squints into the brightness, like she’s never felt light on her face, until she can blame the tears in her eyes on the overwhelming glare ( ... )


Re: Begin Again; an AU ending scifishipper June 20 2012, 23:29:59 UTC
Awwww, Kate. It's so sweet and tender and I love Kara's unexpected resolve to show Lee how she feels and to try to begin again. It's just lovely. *happy sigh*


Re: Begin Again; an AU ending kdbleu June 21 2012, 01:20:38 UTC
Thank you, bb. I really needed some happy today. :)


Re: Begin Again; an AU ending bluuefiire June 21 2012, 00:48:34 UTC
It’s far from the first time they’ve hugged, but it’s the first time here, under these stars.

sigh...i really loved that line.


Re: Begin Again; an AU ending kdbleu June 21 2012, 01:21:51 UTC
Oh, thank you. I really like that line too. ;)


Re: Begin Again; an AU ending callmeonetrack June 21 2012, 11:38:08 UTC
Aww, sweet and gentle. <3


Re: Begin Again; an AU ending kdbleu June 21 2012, 15:42:24 UTC
Thank you! Sometimes that's just what you need. :)


Re: Begin Again; an AU ending damao2010 June 21 2012, 12:24:03 UTC
I love that she realizes he is hurt and goes to him. That he tries to resist, but can't really say no to her and they walk home together. So sweet and tender. :)


Re: Begin Again; an AU ending kdbleu June 21 2012, 15:40:41 UTC
Thank you. It might always be easy but they could be happy. :)


Re: Begin Again; an AU ending rdave1 June 22 2012, 13:06:16 UTC
Awwww, beautiful. I love that Kara recognizes she has hurt and does something to fix it. Plus I love that she is going to walk him home.:)


Re: Begin Again; an AU ending kdbleu June 22 2012, 20:51:13 UTC
Thank you. Kara can make it right. She knows. And sometimes all you need is a long, slow walk home. :)


Re: Begin Again; an AU ending winegums June 23 2012, 01:56:09 UTC
Pilothugs are always special, and I love that you wrote them another one )which they totally should have had, even if she was going to poof - I get why Lee pulled back from touching her, but at the same time I really, REALLY wish they'd hugged) :(


Re: Begin Again; an AU ending kdbleu June 23 2012, 02:00:34 UTC
Thank you.

Pilot hugs are the best, poof or no poof. Although here there's no poofing. ;)


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