DPP: Creativity Week Day 4 - Propaganda

Oct 20, 2011 13:23

Remember, all posts are open all week. Please stop by if your muse strikes you - it's never too late!

Previously on DPP:
Monday: Dialogue - The play's the thing. Prompts are open, but no takers
Tuesday: Icons - There are some gorgeous pilots icons there for us all to share in, so please leave some love for the creators, and possibly make some of your own
Wednesday: Inner thoughts - What were they thinking?. Still some prompts open. Feel free to leave more prompts - or fill some. kdbleu has written a gorgeous ficlet here about Kara after EoJ/Rapture. Please stop by and leave her some love.

Today, it's another image challenge: we're doing Propaganda posters for the fleet. I freely admit to taking inspiration from this one from QMX Online's fabulous Battlestar Galactica Propaganda Posters.

Caps are available here:
Frak That

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A couple I made to inspire you :) The second one was inspired by
this icon
by medelia_fi (huge thanks to sci_fi_shipper for helping me track down the icon in question).

pics, dpp, pic, daily pilots post

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