DPP: Creativity Week Day 1 - The Play's The Thing

Oct 17, 2011 12:04

It seems to be my week to drive the crazy DPP bus again, and I've decided to make this "Creativity Week". So bring your creativity and shake the weekday blues away. I've got three writing days planned, and two image days so I'm hoping that there will be something that everyone feels they can participate in. If nothing else, then please show your love for the things that are (hopefully!) being created.

Today, The Play's The Thing1. I want you to write me fics that are structured as a screenplay (click on the link if you're not sure what I mean). For this you can do as much or as little as you want to do - just dialogue, or dialogue and directions.

As well as responding to prompts, I'd like you to leave some. In the prompts I'd like you to include characters, a situation and the location. Handy copy paste guide for you below.


And an example:
Characters: Lee, Kara, Zak
Situation: Pyramid Game
Location: A Park

* Your fic has to be in a playscript form
* Your fic has to include pilots, or people talking about pilots
* Leave warnings if it's R or NC-17 rated, or includes difficult themes
* It can be as long or short as you'd like. One tiny scene to a full blown epic :) All are welcome
* Have fun!

1Acknowledgements to Will Shakespeare

Kara tries out her lines on Lee

fic prompts, fic, dpp, writing challenge, pic, daily pilots post

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