DPP: Creativity Week Day 5 - What's in the box?

Oct 21, 2011 13:05

Remember, all posts are open all week. Please stop by if your muse strikes you - it's never too late!

Previously on DPP:
Monday: Dialogue - The play's the thing. Prompts are open, but no takers
Tuesday: Icons - There are some gorgeous pilots icons there for us all to share in, so please leave some love for the creators, and possibly make some of your own
Wednesday: Inner thoughts - What were they thinking?. Still some prompts open. Feel free to leave more prompts - or fill some. kdbleu has written a gorgeous ficlet here about Kara after EoJ/Rapture. Please stop by and leave her some love.
Thursday: Propaganda posters. There are some really brilliant ones, so please stop by and share in them. They're virtually guaranteed to make you smile :)

Today is the final writing challenge of the week. What's in the box?. This idea I've stolen from kag523, who used it in her recent fic Libertas. The comments section of this post is your box - please leave items in it (one item per comment), then write drabble length fics - one item per drabble - based on, and including them.

The only real rules are that the drabbles must include the item, and must include at least one pilot :)

Web based word counter.

Presumably before this episode, someone placed a hose pipe in the BSG writers' box.

fic, dpp, writing challenge, pic, daily pilots post

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