Title: Beginning (continuation of Ending) Author: ninnive Fandom: "Viewfinder"-Series by Yamane Ayano Pairing: Asami x Takaba Rating: pretty much G Warnings: spoilers up to NT7 Summary: last chapter...
Title: Ending (continuation of Moving) Author: ninnive Fandom: "Viewfinder"-Series by Yamane Ayano Characters/Pairing: Asami x Takaba Rating: R Warnings: spoilers up to NT7 Summary: All things have to end. But not here.
Title: Moving (continuation of Having (to ask)) Author: ninnive Fandom: "Viewfinder"-Series by Yamane Ayano Pairing: Asami x Takaba Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Spoilers up to NT7 Summary: Takaba doesn't really ask for it, but gets it anyway
Title: Having (to ask) (continuation of Wondering) Author: ninnive Fandom: "Viewfinder"-Series by Yamane Ayano Characters: Takaba, Asami, Sunglasses Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Spoilers up to NT7 Summary: Asami comes back
Title: Wondering (continuation of Touching) Author: ninnive Fandom: "Viewfinder"-Series by Yamane Ayano Characters: Takaba, Sunglasses Rating: PG Warnings: Spoilers up to NT7 Summary: A rather domestic scene
Title: Touching (continuation of Making (a fool of oneself)) Author: ninnive Fandom: "Viewfinder"-Series by Yamane Ayano Characters: Takaba, Asami Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Spoilers up to NT7 Summary: What will Asami do with Takaba?
Title: Making (a fool of oneself) (continuation of Fighting) Author: ninnive Fandom: "Viewfinder"-Series by Yamane Ayano Characters: Takaba Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Spoilers up to NT7 Summary: Takaba should think things through. But he doesn't.
Title: Fighting (continuation of Suppressing) Author: ninnive Fandom: "Viewfinder"-Series by Yamane Ayano Characters: Takaba Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Spoilers up to NT7 Summary: A fight and a verbal sparring
Title: Suppressing (continuation of Talking) Author: ninnive Fandom: "Viewfinder"-Series by Yamane Ayano Characters: Takaba Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Spoilers up to NT7 Summary: Takaba doesn't think about Asami. He doesn't!