VF-Fic: Wondering

Jul 02, 2006 19:35

Title: Wondering (continuation of Touching)
Author: ninnive
Fandom: "Viewfinder"-Series by Yamane Ayano
Characters: Takaba, Sunglasses
Rating: PG
Warnings: Spoilers up to NT7
Summary: A rather domestic scene

Wondering )

thinking, vf, fic

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Comments 22

rusalkaz July 2 2006, 18:47:50 UTC
*is dead* XDDDD "I wouldn't say that into his face." Wahahaha! XDDD *wipes tears*
Loved this chapter! ^____^ Can't wait for more *_*


ninnive July 3 2006, 07:59:20 UTC
*revives with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation ;)*
Thanks! I'm really glad you liked it.


(The comment has been removed)

ninnive July 3 2006, 08:07:25 UTC
Sorry for the long wait! But I've really been stressed these last months and it won't get better for the rest of the summer... *headdesks*


pugsley July 2 2006, 21:10:22 UTC
Wow - I am so happy *squeal*!! Another chapter, I have been waiting patiently. I thank you!! Once again another great one.

Takaba has once again been unable to control his anger and curiosity and look where he is, having dinner and being a couch-potato with Sunglasses. I guess there is worse places to be. (All tied-up in leather with Asami molesting him?)

I wonder what interesting things you have in-store for our wonderful Takaba? I can't wait to find out.


ninnive July 3 2006, 08:13:43 UTC
Well, I can't wait to find out either, because this fic keeps changing in my mind all the time. In the beginning I thought it'd be about 3 or 4 chapters...
Glad you like it! :)


rajendora July 2 2006, 23:22:35 UTC
Bwahahahaaa! Babysitting!

My favorite line: "I don't know what I did to make him hate me… Or maybe he just thinks it's funny to make me suffer like that."

*dies laughing* Sweeet!


ninnive July 3 2006, 08:18:04 UTC
Better laughing than crying ;)

Btw, do you maybe know what Asami's and Takaba's names mean?


rajendora July 3 2006, 14:13:37 UTC
Asami: is another dragon of a sort, Ryuuichi. Asami is something about a forest or wood, which cracked me up because I found out AFTER I made him a forest god.

I'm not sure what Takaba's name means, but you can google for Japanese male names and there is this long chart on one of the sites I can never find easily.


ninnive July 3 2006, 19:38:20 UTC
Thanks! I was wondering what to do with Takaba's tattoo. I can't imagine Asami just letting it be. So I thought maybe he'd change it into something that would stake his claim on Aki. So his name meaning 'dragon' fits very well.


cool! akisowner July 3 2006, 07:33:25 UTC
I've been waiting for a new chapter!I've been reading your story for awhile now! I'm really entertained by it! Sunglasses is cool! Asamis bodyguard's are all around men then ^_^ The last part was really hilarious^_^


ninnive July 3 2006, 08:21:36 UTC
Thanks! And when I think of bodyguards I always associate them with Butler from 'Artemis Fowl' (he's just the epitome of bodyguard-ness, isn't he), so naturally they can cook :)


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