VF-Fic: Wondering

Jul 02, 2006 19:35

Title: Wondering (continuation of Touching)
Author: ninnive
Fandom: "Viewfinder"-Series by Yamane Ayano
Characters: Takaba, Sunglasses
Rating: PG
Warnings: Spoilers up to NT7
Summary: A rather domestic scene

Disclaimer: They all belong to Yamane-sensei and I promise to give them back.


After Asami had left the flat Takaba just stood there in the bedroom door, shaking violently. He could still feel the places where the other man had touched him, forming a tingling pattern on his face. After several minutes the rising queasiness in his stomach finally managed to break him out of his stupor and he hurried into the bathroom, splashing some cold water over his face and neck. It helped against the urge to puke his guts out and cleared his head a bit.

Drawing deep breaths Takaba looked up into the mirror above the sink and stared at his reflection, disbelief and distress plainly visible in his eyes. This had definitely not been what he'd expected. He'd tried to steel himself for a furious Asami and had anticipated a bout of angry sex or maybe physical violence, but he wasn't ready to be caged-in. Not again. Why had the Yakuza situated him in his own flat and then attempted to ignore him? And when Takaba had caught his attention, the other had acted downright gentle, trying to calm the young man down. Where had his anger about Takaba's 'betrayal' gone? And what would he do with him now?

Takaba's head buzzed with unspoken questions and fears. Dammit, he was too tired to think properly! Not that the thinking you've done while wide awake has been very useful mocked his inner voice, sounding disturbingly like Asami's bespectacled bodyguard. Takaba snorted. "The guy isn't even here and bothering me nonetheless…" Shrugging he went to find the guest bedroom Asami had mentioned earlier. There he undressed, leaving his clothes in a messy heap on the ground, and fell into sleep instantly after he'd crawled under the covers of the bed.


Some hours later the sounds of a clapping door had Takaba abruptly awake. Asami was back! In a hurry he got out of the bed and stormed into the living room, not bothering to put on any clothes. Which he regretted as soon as he saw the man who'd entered the flat and was about to unpack a bag of groceries. That definitely was not Asami…

"Uhm… I'm… I'm going to get dressed…" Takaba mumbled, blushing, and fled back into the bedroom; and for once 'Sunglasses' didn't have a sarcastic remark. It seemed that the young photographer had finally found a way to shock the stoic bodyguard into silence.


When Takaba re-emerged from the bedroom, still beet-red, the other man had busied himself in the kitchen, slicing meat and vegetables.

"What are you doing here?" Takaba blurted out.


"I can see that! …and that wasn't what I meant. And why are you cooking? You don't particularly strike me as the housewife-type!"

"Well, you don't seem like an exhibitionist either, so I guess we're even."

"What?! I'm not an ex…"

"Anyway," the bodyguard interrupted before Takaba could go into full rant-mode, "Asami sent me to make sure you don’t do anything stupid. Again. I don't know what I did to make him hate me… Or maybe he just thinks it's funny to make me suffer like that. Either way, you're stuck with me at the moment. Deal with it."

"I guess I'll survive," Takaba declared, sighing theatrically. "Need any help with this?"

Obviously surprised, 'Sunglasses' turned around at that. "You could prepare the rice if you like. I guess you can't bollocks that up too badly…"


After cooking and eating in relative peace (and Takaba had managed the rice just fine, thank you very much) the two men settled in front of the TV, zapping lazily through the programs. But when it became clear that the bodyguard didn’t intend to start any kind of conversation, Takaba finally disrupted the almost comfortable silence: "Do you know when Asami will be back?"

"No. But I guess it won't be anytime soon; otherwise there would be no need for me to play babysitter, wouldn't it."

"Great. And in the meantime we're playing couch-potatoes."

"Believe me, it isn't my idea of a good time either. But I really don’t see how it'd be better if the Boss was here. I mean, there's only so much sex you can have."

Takaba blushed at that, but retorted anyway: "Yeah, I guess even Asami's stamina have their limits…"

"I wouldn't say that into his face."

"I didn’t plan to."

next chapter: Having (to ask)

thinking, vf, fic

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