A bit of nostalgia for Sunday Porn... McShep [NC-17]

May 18, 2014 21:24

Oh for the heyday of Blow-job Friday... when suggestions could be tossed out and hot porn returned in the form of comment fic or art, all was welcomed and appreciated. ;) Like this bit of 'gang writing':

For lack of title: beard!Rodney
Authors: melagan, theeverdream, mezzo_cammin and neevebrody
NC-17, quite!

Link to post and fic thread: beard!Rodney comment porn

Also, link to the Read more... )

nc-17, sga fic, bj friday redux, mcshep

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Comments 4

melagan May 19 2014, 01:33:59 UTC
Blowjob Friday and Sunday Porn, ah yes, I remember it well. (and reread from time to time)


mezzo_cammin May 19 2014, 03:04:56 UTC
Wow. 96 comments. That does make me nostalgic!

We need to do more comment/round robin/porn tag things. Like, a LOT more!



fredbassett May 19 2014, 16:19:19 UTC
Thanks for the links!

And I'm sure you are still fun. *hugs*


wanted_a_pony May 20 2014, 06:25:24 UTC
Mmmm.... I've been (& continue to be, at least for a while) short of time to do Interwebs, but I look forward to following the links ASAP!

I wish you great joy & silliness--after all, what's the point of growing up if you can't act like a kid sometimes?


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