It's a Picspam Friday.....

Nov 06, 2009 11:09

I had originally planned something with sound(s) (outsideth3box, we'll come back to that *winks*) for this week until I got waylaid by yesterday's hewlett_daily screencap, today's too in fact. So we're going with pic prompts and you can write a porny little snippet if you're so inclined... or add to the picspam. I believe the subject matter will be quite obvious, but you ( Read more... )

picspam, bj friday

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melagan November 7 2009, 00:37:09 UTC
He wasn't chasing Rodney. Well, he wasn't what you'd call running down the hall... so, okay, taking a shortcut that Atlantis just happened to show him when he asked nicely didn't mean... well damn.

But Rodney with a beard just did all kinds of quivery things to John's insides and he had to find out what it felt like.


neevebrody November 7 2009, 19:42:12 UTC
The city didn't usually fuck with John this way, and okay, maybe he wasn't paying attention, and yes, now he was running, skidding to a halt in front of Rodney's quarters.

He sweeps a hand over the crystals as he gulps down a deep breath and finds Rodney standing in front of the bathroom mirror, nothing but a towel around his waist and a pair of scissors in his hand.

And jeez, his "stop!" may have been a bit on the melodramatic side, but it does make Rodney drop the scissors...


melagan November 8 2009, 01:37:18 UTC
"John? What's wrong?"

Rodney standing there in a just a towel and wide-eyed puzzlement didn't do a damn thing to slow down the beating of John's heart. If anything it make John more eager to reach out and touch.

"Don't shave the beard off Rodney. I want--," John paused not quite sure how to explain to Rodney exactly what he wanted. The steam from the bathroom was making tiny little curls in Rodney's beard and all John could imagine was how soft it would feel against his skin.

Now he just had to talk Rodney into it.


theeverdream November 8 2009, 11:40:43 UTC
When John opens his mouth, nothing comes out. Nothing coherent, anyway. There are sounds... stammering, stuttering, and Rodney's eyes get wider and he babbles at John for answers.

It isn't that John is uncomfortable with asking. He knows Rodney wouldn't laugh at him for this. Well, he's pretty sure. 'Cause if he did, John would just have to bring up that time in the tent on M1J-528 when Rodney asked him to do that really odd thing with the oddly shaped fruit, and John did it with no laughs (which was difficult) and a lot of love (which wasn't).

No, John knows this is more like plain old-fashioned speechlessness. Being this close to Rodney, smelling the sweat and the breath and not minding at all because Rodney is home... with Rodney how John has never before seen him, and it's just too much to process ( ... )


mezzo_cammin November 8 2009, 21:01:35 UTC
"Oh." Rodney says. And Rodney gets it. John knows this, because Rodney returns John's nuzzle with a scrape of his beard against John's throat, puts his whiskered mouth against John's ear and whispers, "Something you want, John?"

The thing is, John knows that Rodney has already figured out exactly what John wants - Rodney just wants him to fucking say it. When they first got together, John was afraid Rodney might have personal hygiene issues with some of the kinkier things that John liked to do. What he has learned, though, what Rodney has made perfectly clear to him, is that Rodney will do anything, anything, for John. All John has to do is say the words. Turns out, Rodney has his own kinks, and making John tell him exactly what he wants Rodney to do to him? Is one of them ( ... )


pixiequeen10thk November 9 2009, 13:38:49 UTC
"I want you to lick my hole so hard you leave fucking burn marks on my ass that I'll feel for a week. I want you to jerk me off while you're doing that, and then I want to come all over your face. I want you to - I need -"
Holy crap nnggggghhhhhh! Loving this thread of beardy porn and I don't even like facial hair beyond some fairly thick vegas-esque stubble!


neevebrody November 9 2009, 17:20:09 UTC
John groans when Rodney spins him around, arms splayed on the wall in front of him, legs spread as wide as the pants pooled around his ankles will allow. Rodney had done just what he'd asked, sucked him so good, rubbed John's cock over his face, the burn, and just thinking of the scrape against his balls sends another shiver up John's spine ( ... )


melagan November 9 2009, 17:46:01 UTC

*applauds the bunch of you!* Now for some ice. Whew.


mezzo_cammin November 9 2009, 17:56:01 UTC
I swear, it's going to take more than ice to cool us down after that.

Damn. Talk about being thankful for what you've been given!


neevebrody November 10 2009, 01:17:00 UTC
Wheee ICE! *applauds you too*


melagan November 12 2009, 16:39:09 UTC

"Do it, John… come on my face…"

That just..NNNgghhhh


inu_spockya May 7 2014, 07:32:48 UTC
ladies... *koff* allow me to congratulate you on absolutely destroying meh!! hot damn on a popsicle stick, that one's gonna do me for the night, lololol...


melagan May 8 2014, 23:02:53 UTC
Heeee. Oh behalf of all the ladies - we are delighted to please.

I must admit, there are days I miss Blowjob Friday immensely.


neevebrody May 19 2014, 00:41:43 UTC
So glad you enjoyed it! I do miss participating in this type of 'gang writing' - loads of fun!


mezzo_cammin November 9 2009, 17:51:04 UTC
So, I haven't been replying in the thread, because I didn't want to interrupt the flow, only I have to now, because that?That was - I'm surprised I didn't just spontaneously combust while reading that. It was so beyond perfect.

You, ma'am, are the mistress of porn, and I happily genuflect before you.


neevebrody November 10 2009, 01:33:23 UTC
I didn't want to break the flow either but I fear I may have hogged the ending... As I told melagan after your piece, poor John was already half-cocked and it just seemed wrong to make him suffer. *g*

Talk about new kinks... this bearded Rodney is so very nnrrgghhhhh!

...and no genuflecting...all of this came together so nicely!


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