It's a Picspam Friday.....

Nov 06, 2009 11:09

I had originally planned something with sound(s) (outsideth3box, we'll come back to that *winks*) for this week until I got waylaid by yesterday's hewlett_daily screencap, today's too in fact. So we're going with pic prompts and you can write a porny little snippet if you're so inclined... or add to the picspam. I believe the subject matter will be quite obvious, but you ( Read more... )

picspam, bj friday

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neevebrody November 9 2009, 17:20:09 UTC
John groans when Rodney spins him around, arms splayed on the wall in front of him, legs spread as wide as the pants pooled around his ankles will allow. Rodney had done just what he'd asked, sucked him so good, rubbed John's cock over his face, the burn, and just thinking of the scrape against his balls sends another shiver up John's spine.

He pushes back into Rodney. Desperate? Hell yeah, he's desperate. His lips and face sting from Rodney's kisses, his nipples still tingle and his dick's so sensitive, just one touch might make him go.

John never doubted Rodney would do it… just, Jesus, he'd had no idea Rodney would enjoy it so much. Teasing John, then giving it to him the way he'd asked. And John's not sure, but he thinks there might have been a little begging.

Rodney's moving his lips over John's bare ass now, leaving a kiss here and there then burrowing in, rubbing his face back and forth, bearing down so John feels the sting, all while teasing John open with his thumbs. Wet and slick, one circles his hole. "Jesus, Rodney…"

He works the other one around, pulling John, opening him so he can feel more than Rodney's tongue… and then it's right there... John grits his teeth at the coarse hair against the sensitive skin… back and forth… up and down… and, Christ almighty, nothing… nothing ever…

"Fuck," he gasps while he still has breath. Rodney still hasn't touched his dick, and somehow John knows if Rodney keeps this up… he won't have to.

He blows hot air onto his own skin. Even his arms feel like they're on fire. He 's suddenly aware of his thighs straining to open wider and every nerve ending in his body feels lit like a sensor array.

After one more slow circle, Rodney plunges his tongue inside, grinding his face between John's cheeks, throwing electric sparks over every inch of him… and that's when Rodney reaches between John's legs and curls his hand around John's cock - the heat and the touch sends him into another tailspin. He knows if he doesn't speak up now, he's going to lose it.

"Rodney…" His voice isn't all there, but Rodney's already a step ahead. One more wet flick and Rodney's spinning him again. And, Christ… Rodney… on his knees, eyes dark, pupils blown with lust, face flushed, jacking John's hard cock in the direction of his parted lips…

The sound of John's pulse crashes in his ears as Rodney slows a bit. Rodney raises both eyebrows and, holy fuck! John takes his dick from Rodney, hardly disturbing the rhythym. Rodney's eyes are on him and John just prays he can keep his own open. So, so close now… so…

"Do it, John… come on my face…"

…his balls tighten and he feels the tingle everywhere. So… fucking…

"I'm ready… c'mon, John… give it to me…"

…there, there, there! John's thighs tremble as his shoulders curl off the wall. The first few spurts glance off Rodney cheek - the spasms make his aim for shit - but then Rodney moves closer and, fuck, that's so hot… come on Rodney's lips, caught in the mass of hair on his chin. God. And just when John thinks it's over - blinking around the silver sparkly things that threaten to turn everything dark - Rodney's hand circles John's cock, smears it carefully over his mouth and cheeks, and that wrenches John's hips forward with the last drops.

Thank god the wall's there. It's the only thing keeping him upright. His chest still heaving, he reaches out to stroke Rodney's jaw, watches Rodney lick him clean. "Fuck…" That's all he can manage, and even that feels and sounds like grating metal, but he's pretty sure Rodney understands.

When Rodney gets up - both of them smile at the telltale pop and creak - he leans into John, smoothing a hand over his chest. John feels his heart beat against the warmth as he welcomes Rodney's kiss, running his tongue one last time over the prickly outline of those swollen lips, thankful… so thankful for what he's been given.


"Why, Doctor McKay…" Mr. Woolsey looks up from his PDA as he escorts the others into the conference room for the de-brief. "I thought that beard would be the first to go."

Rodney scrubs his hand over his freshly washed chin and hurriedly finds his place. "Yes, well." He tries to keep from looking in John's direction. "Some of us are just full of surprises, aren't we?"


melagan November 9 2009, 17:46:01 UTC

*applauds the bunch of you!* Now for some ice. Whew.


mezzo_cammin November 9 2009, 17:56:01 UTC
I swear, it's going to take more than ice to cool us down after that.

Damn. Talk about being thankful for what you've been given!


neevebrody November 10 2009, 01:17:00 UTC
Wheee ICE! *applauds you too*


melagan November 12 2009, 16:39:09 UTC

"Do it, John… come on my face…"

That just..NNNgghhhh


inu_spockya May 7 2014, 07:32:48 UTC
ladies... *koff* allow me to congratulate you on absolutely destroying meh!! hot damn on a popsicle stick, that one's gonna do me for the night, lololol...


melagan May 8 2014, 23:02:53 UTC
Heeee. Oh behalf of all the ladies - we are delighted to please.

I must admit, there are days I miss Blowjob Friday immensely.


neevebrody May 19 2014, 00:41:43 UTC
So glad you enjoyed it! I do miss participating in this type of 'gang writing' - loads of fun!


mezzo_cammin November 9 2009, 17:51:04 UTC
So, I haven't been replying in the thread, because I didn't want to interrupt the flow, only I have to now, because that?That was - I'm surprised I didn't just spontaneously combust while reading that. It was so beyond perfect.

You, ma'am, are the mistress of porn, and I happily genuflect before you.


neevebrody November 10 2009, 01:33:23 UTC
I didn't want to break the flow either but I fear I may have hogged the ending... As I told melagan after your piece, poor John was already half-cocked and it just seemed wrong to make him suffer. *g*

Talk about new kinks... this bearded Rodney is so very nnrrgghhhhh!

...and no genuflecting...all of this came together so nicely!


mezzo_cammin November 10 2009, 01:57:31 UTC
Now that my brain is back online, I just wanted to add that this paragraph - He blows hot air onto his own skin. Even his arms feel like they're on fire. He 's suddenly aware of his thighs straining to open wider and every nerve ending in his body feels lit like a sensor array. was just so perfect. I loved it. Well, I loved *all* of it, and especially that Rodney kept the beard!

Picspam porn is so much fun!


pixiequeen10thk November 9 2009, 17:57:40 UTC
Fuck yes!


neevebrody November 10 2009, 01:33:56 UTC


fanarts_series November 9 2009, 18:16:00 UTC
Oh my, ladies you're killing me with too much pleasure, it's amazing, again, you aren't tired by the compliments i hope ?


neevebrody November 10 2009, 01:37:28 UTC
So glad you're enjoying it... everyone's contribution was so hot and it all came together so nicely.

We never tire of lets us all know we're doing something right. ;)


outsideth3box November 17 2009, 19:33:25 UTC
There are few things more hot to me than John being absolutely crazy-hot for Rodney. I love seeing him driven outside his own walls by it.

Also, Rodney demanding that John *say the words* is absolutely a new kink and I warn you I may steal, err, borrow the idea. I'll give it back. :D

This is gorgeous.


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