A bit of nostalgia for Sunday Porn... McShep [NC-17]

May 18, 2014 21:24

Oh for the heyday of Blow-job Friday... when suggestions could be tossed out and hot porn returned in the form of comment fic or art, all was welcomed and appreciated. ;) Like this bit of 'gang writing':

For lack of title: beard!Rodney
Authors: melagan, theeverdream, mezzo_cammin and neevebrody
NC-17, quite!

Link to post and fic thread: beard!Rodney comment porn

Also, link to the entire post full of goodies

You can always check out the bj friday tags here and at melagan's journal here when you're hankering for a stroll down memory lane...

One thing I've found is that I've begun to take things way too seriously, or in the words of a true Monty Python fan, "I'm no fun anymore!" Definitely need to work on that.

nc-17, sga fic, bj friday redux, mcshep

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