It's a Picspam Friday.....

Nov 06, 2009 11:09

I had originally planned something with sound(s) (outsideth3box, we'll come back to that *winks*) for this week until I got waylaid by yesterday's hewlett_daily screencap, today's too in fact. So we're going with pic prompts and you can write a porny little snippet if you're so inclined... or add to the picspam. I believe the subject matter will be quite obvious, but you know how we are here... no rules, just the love of the boys, so sharpen those imaginations, be inspired and everyone have fun!!

Objets d'guh...

And then there's just...

(Traders caps courtesy of ailurophile6)

My thoughts (beard!Rodney):

Rodney left a week ago on a companion mission with two other science teams - a real sleeper until they'd actually found something interesting, of which, of course, they needed to cart samples back to Atlantis for further analysis - and he drags through the gate dirty, exasperated, half crazed (spending so much up close time with the minions) and… bearded (they were lucky to get baths).

Woolsey and the rest of Rodney's team have come down to welcome him and the others back. And John… John doesn't see the dirty or exasperated… he sees the man who hasn't been in his bed for more than a week and the heavy, reddish-brown scruff covering his face. John's never seen Rodney other than clean-shaven; he wonders idly if beard-burn would be too telling… but then... maybe some place it didn't show. One thing's sure… if he doesn't stop staring - the way the hair frames Rodney's mouth, plumping his lower lip even more - now, things could get pretty embarrassing.

Rodney stops to exchange quick greetings and smirk at Ronon's offer of one of his knives before heading off to the nearest transporter, mumbling about hot showers and sleeping for days. John waits just long enough not to be obviously obvious, then follows… the only thing on his mind - getting to Rodney before Rodney gets to his razor. Well, that and the image of a few errant drops of come caught in the... and the scratch on the tip of his tongue when he...

Your thoughts? Your pics?

picspam, bj friday

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