From doredy: the word bonobo, which led me to go find their Wiki page, through which I learned that bonobos rock, both due to having a language that we don't fully understand and their interesting sexual habits.
I have determined that Alan Moore is one of those British Gentlemen with an accent that makes me think of the ones who plays the drunk father in every British Musical Comedy (TM). Yay for BBC, without which I wouldn't learn these things. (Incidentally, their show Chain Reaction from BBC is terribly wonderful; they start out with mid-range celebrity
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On his blog over the weekend, Neil Gaiman made a reference to assuming he'd invented "sarcasm marks" that he could use in a setence. It's such a wonderful idea, I'm amazed mrstickman had never thought of it before. I think I will start using ^ for the purpose, because I don't use ^ for any other purpose at all, really
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- Nifty bumper sticker: I play hookie for nookie - Finally got around to watching Boondock Saints. Interesting. I think I liked it, despite missing bits due to party going on in background
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For everyone who likes Crossfire, Jon Stewart, politics, and so on, I strongly suggest you hit up Wonkette! She currently has up a list of sites hosting Stewart's "interview" on Crossfire, and it really is an odd sort of treat to watch.
I must say, looking at everybody's so far, this image meme thing really does rock... It's not out-loud-gruffaw-fun for me, but it's definitely cheer-my-entire-day fun.
While rummaging through OKCupid today, I came across a profile with the name "kumquatgoddess" from Fayetteville, NC. This immediately got me to wondering what we'd have if we merged kumquatakat and vtbiochemgoddes. It's a rather odd mental image, I think.