Jan 28, 2005 09:54
I have determined that Alan Moore is one of those British Gentlemen with an accent that makes me think of the ones who plays the drunk father in every British Musical Comedy (TM). Yay for BBC, without which I wouldn't learn these things. (Incidentally, their show Chain Reaction from BBC is terribly wonderful; they start out with mid-range celebrity #1 interviewing mid-range celebrity #2; next week, mid-range celebrity #2 interviews mid-range celebrity #3, and so on.)
Yesterday counts as the absolutely earliest I have ever filed my taxes. For Virpack people: according to Michael, there are no 1099 forms for the stock this year so, as far as can tell, no, it doesn't *actually* count as income in any way I saw offhand.
Work is still wonderfully busy. I'm still hoping we have our corporate meeting soon, since that seems the best time to try and convince my CEO that, no, really, hiring another tester as we try to throw lots of code out the door by the end of March would be a wonderful idea to implement sooner, rather than later.
Despite last night's wallyball, I'm overall *not* sore, which surprises me. I might even be able to rock climb Sunday.