Never fucking mind about that, then.

Jul 13, 2012 13:19

Hey! It's been a while since I got really pissed off, hasn't it? I should probably do some of that soon, shouldn't I? How about now? Is now good for you ( Read more... )

health, rage, rants

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Comments 24

apocalypticbob July 13 2012, 21:00:14 UTC
As someone who lived in Oklahoma for too long, let me also tell you that having had kids doesn't get you Medicare, either. It gets your KIDS healthcare, and you get care while pregnant and for a brief time after birth, and then you are back to having no health care. Devon was on Soonercare, and I did qualify for SoonerPlan, which is strictly for birth control, but beyond that, I was entirely self pay or do without.


elialshadowpine July 13 2012, 21:09:31 UTC
When I was 19 and really sick and unable to work, I had lots of people tell me to go look up state agencies because they would certainly help me. Um, yeah. I was living in Texas at the time; sorry, no, they don't give a shit if you are not pregnant, have children, an elder, or officially disabled. Here in WA? Yeah, I know people who have their diagnoses and are in the process of applying for disability because of what the state has done (mind, it's not perfect... but it's certainly a shitload better than many many other states).

It might be worth calling the state agency and asking if there is something you qualify for, because state websites are often confusing. (I think they do that on purpose.) It is not totally well laid-out on my state's website that you can get medical aid. What I had drake do was go into the DSHS office in person (which I know would be difficult for you but is probably the most effective route), tell them his situation, and ask what he could get help with. They put him on food stamps and made an appt to see if ( ... )


atalantapendrag July 13 2012, 21:33:07 UTC
Calling 211 can be helpful too, sometimes.


amandajayne98 July 13 2012, 21:44:52 UTC
Agree with the 211 option. I don't know if it'll help at all, but they are supposed to have access to more resources.


poptartodoom July 13 2012, 22:28:50 UTC
Damn, I don't know anything about Oklahoma's Medicaid rules, but I can do some research, see if I can find you some loopholes to exploit. A lot of clients run into that here, too, where "until you're officially disabled, we're gonna just say you're right as rain so kindly go fuck yourself- or preferably someone else and get preggers" is the answer you get. It's asinine. Can your agency hook you up with central pharmacy or patient assistance for medications? It won't help with other doctor things, but it can at least cut one cost. There should be indigent funds at your local hospital, too, and some clinics use a sliding scale based on poorness. (I'm sorry, I can't remember if I've said this before or you already know it, I just like to regurgitate information that might be helpful on command.) Your case manager should know some resources to get you low-cost healthcare, if not free.


naamah_darling July 13 2012, 23:10:48 UTC
I'm already on the poor-person scale for Planned Parenthood, and pay nothing for the basics (yesterday = free), but they told me flat-out that the program doesn't pay for certain things, unfortunately, and while I can still get them discounted, there's a minimum charge. The pharmacy at my therapist's office gets me stuff at minimum cost and has a person whose job it is to apply you for PAPs thru the drug-makers' programs, so I'm doing the best I can possibly do on that as well ( ... )


poptartodoom July 14 2012, 10:58:53 UTC
It shouldn't. It really shouldn't. I find myself saying that about once or twice a day, sometimes, when I'm trying to pull things out of my ass for clients but can't quite manage it. I usually eventually find SOMETHING but it's often sub-par but the best I can do. If your case manager is any good, she will hopefully be as good at pulling miracles out of her ass as I am (or better, in which case I wish her godspeed ( ... )


cissa July 17 2012, 21:05:21 UTC
No, it shouldn't be that hard ( ... )


louisadkins July 13 2012, 22:31:20 UTC
We got help from a advocate from the facility that we get our mental health care from - she was able to guide us through the beginning steps of everything. Without her help, we would have been overwhelmed from before step one. As it is, I still don't understand everything I have applied for, as much as I just understand that I need the help and that I qualify to apply. *hugs offered* Red-tape-land sucks.


naamah_darling July 13 2012, 23:11:16 UTC
That's exactly what I'm doing. I'll call my case manager on Monday and set up an appointment and see what she can do.



louisadkins July 13 2012, 23:13:27 UTC
Yeah, Just remember, the computer loooooooves you!


ravenskye8 July 13 2012, 22:32:47 UTC
reminding me that I'm not important because I am not reproducing, and that "families" means "babies."

Ugh... I had a different set of situations this week, but with a similar theme... Thanks for the reminder that as a female in her thirties, my only value in this world is as a mother...

Makes me feel like crying and hitting things... crying because I would like to actually have children, but am having fertility issues, and hitting things, because, if I were to choose not to have children, why should that be a bad thing? Argh!


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