Never fucking mind about that, then.

Jul 13, 2012 13:19

Hey! It's been a while since I got really pissed off, hasn't it? I should probably do some of that soon, shouldn't I? How about now? Is now good for you ( Read more... )

health, rage, rants

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cissa July 17 2012, 21:05:21 UTC
No, it shouldn't be that hard.

You do know that most of the money supposedly going to poor people in various areas actually goes to the middle-class gatekeepers, whose job it is to deny help to those that need it? yeah, great priorities.

The system makes it hard because 1. that's what they're being paid for; and 2. that discourages enough people that they save money they should by rights be spending. It's like hazing.

And in my experience, they really don't care about the legalities. NOTHING was actually done for K within the legal requirements for response. SSDI kept asking for OUR income, when it is legally irrelevant to her case (and we only knew this because one of her group homes had a SSDI lawyer come in and give a talk and tips to all us desperate parents! SSDI itself tried to make it seem like a requirement, 100% illegally).

It SHOULD be straightforward. It's not- and I blame the Reagan/Bush years and attitudes for at least some of that- poor= unworthy, that kind of thing (what Romney is running on now, in fact). It stinks.

I'm wishing you the best. I know that when one is at the end of one's rope, that's the LAST time people should be requiring the jumping through hoops... and yet, that's when they seem to enjoy doing so.


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