Never fucking mind about that, then.

Jul 13, 2012 13:19

Hey! It's been a while since I got really pissed off, hasn't it? I should probably do some of that soon, shouldn't I? How about now? Is now good for you?

I thought that since we are dirt-scraping poor and totally, totally unemployed, we'd be eligible for Medicaid under our state's much-vaunted "Soonercare" program. Nope. Why? Because I'm not fucking pregnant or trying to get pregnant, I don't have fucking kids, I'm not under 19 or over 65, and I have not been certified as fucking disabled yet.

Fuck everything. Just fucking fuck it.

Fucking fuck.

I've had, like, three people (professionals) ask me why I'm not on Medicaid lately when they knew I didn't fucking have kids. Fuck them for fucking asking. Fuck them, fuck them, fuck them. They deal with poor people every cocksucking day, they should fucking know. Fuck them.

I've spent my life very fucking carefully not having children I can't afford and which would only cost the state money. My reward for this? A fuck you very much and a boot on the ass on the way out. There's my thanks for being smart and careful. Thanks, Oklahoma, for reminding me that I'm not important because I am not reproducing, and that "families" means "babies."

I can get fucking nothing until I am certified as disabled or until I whelp.

I need medical care. Like, right now I kind of urgently need testing to make sure I don't have something bad. I doubt I'm in any trouble here, I do, but I would really like to be sure instead of letting something potentially nasty just slide. I deserve to be safe, to feel safe, and to have basic medical care. And I can't fucking get it.

Fucking lovely.

I am not fucking kidding when I say my pets get shit-tons better health care than I do.

Best line from The Ghost and the Darkness:

"Welcome to Tsavo. My advice to you is don't get sick."

Yeah. Welcome to fucking Oklahoma.

Golly, I think I've ranted this rant before. Six years, and nothing has changed.

If I can get the wherewithal to do it, I'm going to call around and see if the website is maybe wrong, I'm going to make someone say it to me personally, but I really don't think I'm going to get anywhere with that.

I think they'd probably love to be able to help me but can't because rich fucking assholes can't part with a tiny fraction of their millions in order to help out people who are fucking sick. Fucking parasites. Worthless dogfucking shitbags. I hope they choke to death on a camel semen and pig vomit ice dildo in a room wallpapered with child porn, while sodomizing the corpse of a first-degree relative who died of ebola and was then stuffed full of aspic and cheap heroin, and then I hope feral cats eat their faces off and piss all over everything they have ever owned or loved, and crows peck out their eyes, and rats gnaw them hollow starting with their testicles. Televised. Live. To America. Why? Because horse semen is too goddamn good for these walking shit containers.

(Also, if you're inclined to turn the comments into an argument about the recent USA health care act stuff, pro or con, just don't.)

(And if you're offended by my strong language, suck troll shit off Satan's cock in hell, you worthless fuck.)

(Aside from that, I am feeling loads better today.)

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health, rage, rants

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