Fic: Blame it on the Ogden's - Day 10

Oct 13, 2010 15:38

Title: Blame it on the Ogden's
Author: xkeijukainenx
Recipient: All of you lovelies
Pairing: Working towards Remus/Sirius.
Rating: PG-13, for underage indulgence in alcohol.
Word Count: 1,565
Prompt: Day 10
Warnings: James is an arse in this. Dunno why. Loser.
Summary: Drinking games lead to arseholery, a couple confessions, and a return to old habits.
Author's Notes: Didn't turn out as I expected but... whatever. Working the boys closer to where they need to be. :) Could be a standalone, but in line with the rest of my October tales.

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“Alright, here’s a question.” James unscrewed the bottle of Ogden’s Finest that he’d procured earlier that day and topped up all their tumblers. The four of them were sitting in a circle on the floor of their dormitory on a Friday night, playing a very lax version of the game Never Have I Ever. Basically, it entailed the James, Sirius and Remus asking questions to make Peter drink a lot, and having a few sips themselves along the way. And by few, they meant many.

“Carry on then, Prongs,” Sirius quipped, leaning back against side of Remus’ bed. Remus was next to him, admiring the amber colors catching the light in his whiskey.

“If you had a Timeturner, where would you go, and what would you do? Peter?”

Peter, laying against a pile of clothes and other things - no one had touched it in a long time, so no one really knew what was in there, possibly a very homesick Clabbert - considered this question for a few seconds and then shrugged.

“Dunno. Guess I’d use it to ... I dunno, freak someone out by being there twice?”

“BORING,” declared Sirius, and Peter sighed and took a drink.

“Padfoot, how about you?”

“I would be somewhere creating my own alibi whilst wreaking havoc upon the Slytherins, shagging some beautiful bird behind the greenhouses and getting drunk with you lot, all at the same time!”

James sighed. “Predictable. I expected better from you, Black. Drink.”

Sirius rolled his eyes but since he was drinking anyways, continued to do so.

“Alright then, James,” said Remus, clinking the unmeltable ice in his glass at James. “What would you do?”

“I’d go forward in time and ask myself how I got Lily to marry me, then I’d come back and do it sooner than previous me had.”

“I’m fairly sure that’s a paradox, you know, Prongsy. And also, the saddest thing I’ve ever heard. I think you should probably finish the bottle for that,” Sirius said with a disgusted sneer on his face. “Really mate, what’s so good about the bird? I mean, she’s got a fair pair of tits on her, but really, what’s the bother?”

“She’s perfect, Pads.”

“Oh Merlin, Sirius, look what you’ve done, his eyes have gone all glassy. You know not to bring Lily up after his third drink of the night!” Remus groaned and downed the rest of his drink. “Well done, Padfoot, for ruining the rest of the evening.”

“Well! Peter’s passed out already, it was only a matter of time.”

“Surprised he lasted that long, to be honest,” James said, snapping out of his daze. “Now we get to talk about the juicy stuff.”

“No. I refuse to talk about my sexual preferences with a drunken mutt and a dazed deer.”

“I’m a stag,” James whined.

“Yeah, when your antlers come through properly, you might be,” Sirius sneered, nudging his best friend with his foot. “Leave Moony alone, it’s not like he interrogates you about you bizarre obsessions.”

“Actually, I’d like to think mine are much less bizarre and much more rational than James’ are,” Remus interjected.

“That’s probably fair.”

“Whatever, Moony, you like blokes. S’just strange. I don’t give a flying fuck, but s’abit odd, you know?”

Remus glared at James over the top of his glass but said nothing.

“Prongs, mate,” Sirius started, imploringly, but gave up half way through his sentence - James was fairly drunk, and Remus knew as well as he did that he didn’t mean most of what he was saying now.

“So, Remus, what would you do with a Timeturner? Go back and try and get the Prewetts in a threesome?”

“No, wanker.”

“So what then?”

Sirius looked warily between them. Remus wasn’t pissed off, yet, but he was getting there, and James (who he knew for a fact was just being an arsehole for the sake of arseholery rather than because he actually wanted to needle Remus about it in earnest), was eyeing him up trying to figure out how to get him to cross the line from annoyed into pissed off. They usually treated Remus like he would break, and while Sirius knew Remus could give as well as he got, and sometimes better, it was still against their unspoken rules to push him like this.

Remus glared at James some more before he finally answered. “If you really must know, I’d go back and kill Fenrir Greyback before he ever got the chance to bite me.” He stood up, downed his drink, and tossed his tumbler into the pile that Peter was now asleep on. “I’m going to bed.”

Sirius, slightly shellshocked at the force and pure hatred in Remus’ voice, like he’d never heard before from the usually fairly easygoing - if occasionally very snarky - boy, turned to James and threw his ice in his face.

“You plonker, James. What were you doing, goading him like that?”

James shrugged. “Dunno, actually. Probably should go talk to him.”

“Don’t bother,” Sirius spat. “You’re wankered. Go to bed, I’ll talk to him.”

“Pads?” James called before Sirius finished walking to Remus’ silenced curtains.


“It doesn’t weird you out, does it? Moony being... how he is?”

“Why should it?” Sirius asked, earnestly. “When he was just a werewolf you didn’t mind him. How is this any worse?”

James just shrugged. “It’s not, really... just... at least he’s only a werewolf once a month. This is always.”

“Yeah, Prongs, and you’re always his friend. So grow up and grow a pair. And stop needling him. I thought you didn’t care.”

“I don’t, not really.”

“Well then start acting like it. Go to sleep, James.”

James nodded and climbed into bed as Sirius pushed back Remus’ curtains. “Moony?”

“Just piss off, will you?”

“Nah.” Sirius climbed into bed and lay down with his head next to Remus’ on the pillow. “Merlin, haven’t done this since third year, when you were having those awful dreams, remember?”

Remus, laying with his face hidden in his pillow, just shrugged.

“Still get those,” Sirius asked, propping his head up with one arm.

“Sometimes,” Remus said into his pillow.

“You never said. I would’ve come, you know.”

“Too old to need someone to sleep with me, aren’t I?” Remus turned over onto his side, looking Sirius in the face.

“Nah,” Sirius assured him, giving him a friendly shove. “I’d always come, you know that.”

“Yeah, well.”

“James doesn’t mean it, you know,” Sirius said quietly, moving his head to catch Remus' eyes. There was a few minutes of silence in which Remus rearranged himself onto his stomach and sighed.

“I know. I don’t really care if he does, you know, I know he’ll get over it.”

“He doesn’t want you to be angry with him.”

“I’m not. It’s just... it's been a bad day. Nevermind, Pads.”

“Want me to go dog and you can cuddle Padfoot?”

“No, it’s okay.”

“Want to talk about the other thing?”

“What, the one where when I was five I was bitten by a werewolf who had a bone to pick with my Da’ and would now have no problems killing him at all? Not particularly.”

“Figured. Thought I’d ask, anyways.”

“It’s alright, Padfoot, honestly, I’m fine.”

“Hmm.” Sirius tone made it clear that he didn’t believe his friend, but Remus wasn’t particularly inclined to care.

“Go on, then. Scram, back to your own bed, let me sleep.”

But his shooing hand met only with a big lump of fur, and soon his ear was being slobbered on by a lolling dog tongue.

“Ugh, Pads. Fine. Stay. But don’t you dare slobber on me.”

The dog whimpered and licked him a big stripe up the cheek, before curling up next to him. Remus was secretly glad for the company. Padfoot was asleep within moments and his snuffling reminded Remus of a time when they were still just boys, too young to be on their own but too old to admit it. Sirius used to snuffle in a remarkably similar way in his sleep after a bad dream about his mother; after he’d waken up shouting and Remus had had to climb into his bed and whisper to him until he could fall asleep. Similarly, when Remus woke up moaning with cold sweats, having dreamed about a particularly painful transformation, or the wolf looming over him, teeth bared, he often found Sirius already there - his ability to sense when it would be a hard night for Remus always had been unparalleled.

Remus let himself curl around the big black dog, who was much more affectionate than Sirius ever let himself be, and sighed contentedly. He thought back to James’ question and sighed to himself. “If I ever got my hands on a Timeturner, Pads,” he whispered, combing his hands through the silky hair behind Padfoot’s ears, “I’d jump forward twenty, thirty years and tell you, finally, that you are my sun.”

A paw twitched and Remus froze, terrified, but realized soon that Padfoot was just dreaming of chasing rabbits. Ridiculous, because he knew it was Sirius, in the end, but it took a lot of remembering. Remus pressed a kiss to the shaggy fur and settled down to sleep. “Daft pup.”

c: james potter, c: sirius black, c: peter pettigrew, c: remus lupin, p: remus/sirius

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