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Comments 6

trinity_clare April 24 2010, 19:51:15 UTC
*chinhands and hearteyes* I really have nothing to say except please, please write the fic, but you wouldn't be making the post if you didn't want to write the fic in the first place, so.

As far as timelines go, I doubt that he was in Psy-Ops very long after Pollo Loco. By then he was familiar with how Psy-Ops works and he'd be able to play their game and perfect his smart-aleck persona. It was more like a checkup than a total rehaul anyway.

I'm totally gonna cop to the fact that I love the idea that it's Alec's proximity that makes the runes appear --This! Improbable fanon for the win!


writingpathways April 24 2010, 20:47:21 UTC
First off, I agree Renfro sent in Alec because of Ben -- it makes sense. Zach not thinking he is Ben/or realizing(as in saying out loud) he's a clone, I could handwave that to have to do with the amnesia he had -- and the way Manticore triggered him to remember was focused solely on Max, his feelings for Max and therefore inherent jealously of Eyes Only/Logan ( ... )


yourlivewire April 24 2010, 21:38:44 UTC
comment-jacking here but you make a good point - manticore was obviously on to what ben was doing long before max caught up with him. it's possible that it was around the same time that the berrisford mission went down and they tested him for that as well as trying to correct what had gone wrong during that mission.


yourlivewire April 24 2010, 21:22:16 UTC
regarding alec being chosen as max's breeding partner, i absolutely think that he was chosen as her partner because of his resemblance to ben - there had to have been all kinds of evidence connecting max to his death (her fingerprints would be on his neck, for starters, and the broken leg would be evidence that he'd been in a fight), and i think it was part of renfro's attempts to break max's spirits and have her become a true blue soldier, but it's obvious that he doesn't know that that was part of why he was chosen (if i'm correct and that it was). i don't think that renfro had much of an input on the situation aside from that until he reported to her that max was trying to escape. there's also the possibility that renfro chose to put them together because they were the "rebels" - max with her determination to be free again, alec with what had happened with the berrisford mission and the deals he had running with the guards. him lying to cover for her could have been a way of sticking it to renfro - i doubt he was a big fan of hers ( ... )


alethialia April 24 2010, 22:45:52 UTC
Oooh, timelines! I did this exact exercise, like, four years ago, including dates and all. Lemme see if I can find that.

Yeah, it's here. Helpful people also linked me to this complete timeline.

I think Renfro partly chose Alec as a test, as well. Sure, the other reasons, but she was both testing that he'd do exactly what she said (I'm convinced they had surveillance) and also making a point. Because everyone must've known about Alec's stints in psy ops being reindoctrinated. If anyone ever mentioned it, it'd be a nice little dig at Max - 'we can turn even the biggest screw-up into a true blue soldier.' After the reveal that Alec was playing her the whole time, of course.

But this is all conjecture, founded on the idea that Renfro was twelve steps ahead of everyone. Which I think she was.

ETA: it's his life pre-naming that I'm interested in atm.I've always been interested in this, as well. He had to have a name. But I've never seen compelling takes on just what that name was. So I am...intrigued ( ... )


hummingwolf April 24 2010, 23:40:04 UTC
Not having a clue what you're actually talking about, I now have SPN (one of your universes with Girl!Sam), Bones, Buffy, Roswell, and Babylon 5 all trying to combine in my brain. It's not working too well overall, but eventually Roswell's Max does kill Buffy's Ben (while Max is shirtless, I'm sure), so that's good.


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