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alethialia April 24 2010, 22:45:52 UTC
Oooh, timelines! I did this exact exercise, like, four years ago, including dates and all. Lemme see if I can find that.

Yeah, it's here. Helpful people also linked me to this complete timeline.

I think Renfro partly chose Alec as a test, as well. Sure, the other reasons, but she was both testing that he'd do exactly what she said (I'm convinced they had surveillance) and also making a point. Because everyone must've known about Alec's stints in psy ops being reindoctrinated. If anyone ever mentioned it, it'd be a nice little dig at Max - 'we can turn even the biggest screw-up into a true blue soldier.' After the reveal that Alec was playing her the whole time, of course.

But this is all conjecture, founded on the idea that Renfro was twelve steps ahead of everyone. Which I think she was.

ETA: it's his life pre-naming that I'm interested in atm.

I've always been interested in this, as well. He had to have a name. But I've never seen compelling takes on just what that name was. So I am...intrigued.

Ahh, and now I see you're talking about his whole life, not his name. Reading comprehension fail there, srsly. Sorry for the multiple edits here. But 494's Manticore exploits also offer a seriously fun (and angsty) playground. And how.


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