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writingpathways April 24 2010, 20:47:21 UTC
First off, I agree Renfro sent in Alec because of Ben -- it makes sense. Zach not thinking he is Ben/or realizing(as in saying out loud) he's a clone, I could handwave that to have to do with the amnesia he had -- and the way Manticore triggered him to remember was focused solely on Max, his feelings for Max and therefore inherent jealously of Eyes Only/Logan.

Alec probably because of Ben probably did spend more than his fair share in psy-ops, plus Rachel. It's always possible that his mission with Biggs wasn't solo (I don't remember what is said about that) so that that mission was pre-Berrisfor.

Back to Alec and Psy-ops, he has Max et al to thank for the first time, Ben to thank for the second, himself to thank for the third. Though when he says he was in there due to Ben, did he mean when Max killed him or when Manticore found out what Ben was doing? It's never been very clear to me. I'd go with when they found out. We know Mia was in Manticore, so just how much trauma was she in charge of making him forget? It's an interesting thought.

I doubt any of this helped. DA was never that great with their continuity, also they were all so young -- and now and again I amuse myself thinking of Max out there now surviving on her own in 2010.... in an AU world where there wasn't a pulse.

Can't wait to see what kind of fic all this wondering is about.


yourlivewire April 24 2010, 21:38:44 UTC
comment-jacking here but you make a good point - manticore was obviously on to what ben was doing long before max caught up with him. it's possible that it was around the same time that the berrisford mission went down and they tested him for that as well as trying to correct what had gone wrong during that mission.


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