Stag & Doe Comment Ficathon

Aug 05, 2011 17:35

For those of you who have stuck with Lily and James until the very end.

Welcome to Stag & Doe

This comment ficathon is dedicated to all things Lily and James. Whether it be drabbles or full length fics, drawbles or art, icons or wallpapers, or fanmixes, your fanworks are welcome here.


Prompts can come in any form--scenarios, images, music, words, etc. The only stipulation is that the prompt must be Lily/James-friendly. What do I mean by that? Well, if you want to create a gen fanwork about Lily and James as opposed to a romance-centric fanwork, please do!

Please post each prompt as a separate comment. Everyone will thank you for it.

You do not have to fulfill a prompt in order to leave one.

Responding to a Prompt

You’re not restricted at all in terms of how you respond to a prompt--word count, medium, canon vs au, pov, etc. There can be multiple fills per prompt. And again, gen-centric Lily and James fanworks are welcome as much as romance-centric ones.

All that is asked of you is that you please put the title and rating in the subject line of your response. Rating is extremely important to remember. Whether you use a header or not is entirely up to you.

Feel free to repost your work whenever.


There is no definitive timeline for this ficathon. It will continue until it runs out of steam.


betta329 wrote Untitled [?]
celestineangel wrote Dignity [G]
con_spire wrote Ad Infinitum [T]
con_spire wrote Jägerbomb [T]
con_spire wrote Seek, And Ye Shall Find [PG-13]
desds wrote Fateful Night [G]
desds wrote A Puff In Need of a Friend Indeed
firstbreaths wrote Lucky We're In Love [PG]
firstbreaths wrote The Night Fell Off Your Mind [PG]
iltash wrote Love Letter [G]
kazzamoonshadow wrote Nothing At All [PG]
liebedance wrote Six Steps Towards Something [PG]
minnabird wrote Bafflement [G]
museme87 wrote Just A Girl [PG-13]
peskywhistpaw wrote A Little Compensation [PG-13]
starry_laa wrote Please Just Take This Cold Cup of Coffee From My Hands[PG]


Just copy and paste the code below to pimp the ficathon!">"/>


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