Fandom/Comic Woes

Apr 07, 2010 01:31


I don't know all that's been going on, being MIA for so long, but I've got the gist of it from various forums and LJ posts.

This s8 thing is giving some fans a major case of the blahs, and that sucks.

I just want to say (again) that s8 isn't my canon, nor will it ever be.  The comics are not a representation of our show and its original content ( Read more... )

fandom, buffyverse, angelverse, updates, comics

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Comments 12

ubi4soft April 7 2010, 07:14:56 UTC
Well starting with #34, Buffy/Angel is the one true love visually f&^*ing in the comics, Buffy never opened up to Riley, used Spike just for sex, also used her sister slayer Satsu just for sex, never-ever had any romantic feelings for Xander, and Angel loves Buffy more than Connor, not to mention Cordy, Darla, Nina, etc.

In short Bangels wins, everybody else is ...

Thanks for the lovely Jane communication.

And for that Spike quote.


ms_scarletibis April 9 2010, 03:26:59 UTC
Angel loves Buffy more than Connor, not to mention Cordy, Darla, Nina, etc

Maybe Nina, but the rest? Not so much.

To me, it's not even a Bangel v. Spuffy thing--it's pretty much sanity v. insanity at this point for me. Maybe there will be some amazing, fabulous pay off at the end of this, but I know I won't spend my money to see it.

Folling LJ friends' reports is totally free ;)


jacobs_muse April 7 2010, 07:48:06 UTC
Yeah, I've tried to encourage fans to remember it's crack!fic and only considered canon if we want to. The shows were canon. Anything else is just supplemental.


ms_scarletibis April 9 2010, 03:30:21 UTC
Word. Hardcore.


unbridled_b April 7 2010, 13:14:08 UTC
Bangel shipping makes baby Jesus cry. Joss should be ashamed of himself.


ms_scarletibis April 9 2010, 03:31:26 UTC

Eh, you know he's not. He's probably gloating somehwere.

<--likes the icon.


dee81 April 7 2010, 17:31:25 UTC
Since Joss has Season 8 as official canon, I'm taking his word for it and I will believe it's canon as well. The thing is, I just don't care. I'm sure Season 8 is fun on paper, but too much was going on all over the place for me to really get hooked.

I did buy the comics in the beginning,and I actually bought them in book form recently because I am curious to read what's going on.

Also, this whole Angel thing...isn't it conflicting with Angel: After the Fall? I started reading those too, and I thought they were pretty well done. But now I'm all confused.

And regarding Buffy with Angel...I don't know enough about Twilight to pass judgement...but if people ship them, that's 100 percent cool. Just don't bash me for loving Spike and Buffy more. :)


ms_scarletibis April 9 2010, 03:45:38 UTC
The thing is, I just don't care.

I'd say that more or less puts us on the same side then ;)

And yes, it conflicts with A: AtF, but it seems to be a ton of "nobody cares" in the creative department for the s8 comics.

And for me, it isn't a Bangel/Twilighty thing vs. Spuffy--it's more of an issue with the storytelling itself.


beloved_77 April 8 2010, 02:35:05 UTC
Since Joss has Season 8 as official canon, I'm taking his word for it and I will believe it's canon as well. The thing is, I just don't care.

A whole lot of "Word." Joss created the concept of BtVS, so he can do with it what he will. But that doesn't mean I have to like it. :-P


ms_scarletibis April 9 2010, 03:56:07 UTC
Or acknowledge it.

<--is with CM on this one :P


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