Fandom/Comic Woes

Apr 07, 2010 01:31


I don't know all that's been going on, being MIA for so long, but I've got the gist of it from various forums and LJ posts.

This s8 thing is giving some fans a major case of the blahs, and that sucks.

I just want to say (again) that s8 isn't my canon, nor will it ever be.  The comics are not a representation of our show and its original content by any means.  I don't mean to offend when I say that, but I'm just saying my opinion.  The comics are not going to affect how I feel about this community.

Also, whatever happens in the pages of the many comic issues will never negate what we got to see in the combined twelve glorious seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, and cannot touch the content of that or how it made you feel when you watched it.  Not if you don't let it.  Fandom, born from the show, is responsible for so many great and amazing things, and there is no reason to throw any of that away simply because some "creatives" are deciding to make (seemingly) asshat decisions when it comes to story boarding a comic.  This fandom, in spite of the stupid shipper wars and the disagreements and whatever, is responsible for many great friendships, a few relationships (at least one that I know of), and a bounty of inspiration to the creatives and boundless entertainment for the fans.

Fandom is what we make it; don't let anyone take that away from you just because they let you down post series.  Joss and his team aren't infallible, and they very well may not be doing a bang up job as of late.  But so?  That is not the end or final note of fandom--we get that say.  This fandom belongs to us, and I don't care what anyone who's simply trying to make a buck has to say about it.

...And this post was mostly i nspired by this poster, who was inspired by the show.

In other news: I tweeted Jane.  Espenson.  You know--that writer made of cool--recently.

@ CapricaSeven Jane you are made of win and so is Marsters! How about penning a Spike script and show the world a real vampire? Please?

 @ ms_scarletibis Thanks! Heh - I don't own the character or it would be very tempting!

Yes--I still have hope.   Hope lives, damn it!  

fandom, buffyverse, angelverse, updates, comics

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